I don't suppose there's a decent library of D3 Audio Taunts floating about. I know Palzon had a huge collection back in the day. What I'd be most interested in is if anyone still has a near 15-year old directory of taunts they haven't cleaned out. I'd like to see if any of my old ones (starting with ...
Previous chapters: Chapters 1-7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Editor's note: Well, this is it. The grand finale! Written in one day but conceived of over a decade prior, this is the final installment of the story. Hope you enjoy it. Bryan and Natalie had not spoken to each other in ...
Previous chapters: Chapters 1-7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Editor's note: Well, we ended chapter 9 with some nudity, let's start chapter 11 off with some as well! :lol: The question on everyone's mind... who won the duel? Well, we get the answer to that, and more. Also, we learn the fate of the ...
TextWrangler is a good free text editor for Mac OS X. WinDirStat is a visual drive space analyzer for Windows. Disk Inventory X is based off WinDirStat, but is for Mac OS X. 3D Traceroute is my favorite traceroute utility for Windows. Open Broadcaster Software is a free utility to record and stream ...
If it helps to facilitate more gameplay, I will throw my hat in for all 3, although I kinda suck at 1 and 2 and don't remember any of the maps except Minerva. >_<
It's not all that bad. At work, our python guy uses oauth2.py from https://code.google.com/p/google-mail-o ... k%2Fpython. Wish I knew more about py to get you started, though. Fortunately, it's one of those things that's easy once you've done it once.
I used to be the guy that teased people for fail grammar. Then, somewhere along the line, my typing got bad. Not terrible mind you, but just enough where I'm often making mistakes. Not just typos, mild dyslexia, too... where I mean to use a word here and use something else. Now I get more mad at ...
Previous chapters: Chapters 1-7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Editor's note: So the last chapter was kind of difficult to follow up on. This is where I got stuck on writing the story for, literally, years. I had ideas on where to take the story, but could never get there. It took me a long time to finally ...
New computer's in, and decided to test Xfire with Descent 3. It seemed to do alright. There are some bugs with the website, though, where the audio doesn't always play, especially if you try to seek ahead of where it's preloaded.
I'm not suggesting it's a "win" button, but I am suggesting that pilots that use chording have a leg up on those who do not with all other things considered equal. RV does have two hitscan type weapons. There's the inject, which is essentially a mass driver without knockback, and one of the upgrades ...
Single player is very comparable to the way Descent's single player played. I loved the campaign, even if it dragged on at times. The last level was totally awesome to play through. :) I don't know if they're doing it anymore, but PM Rex to see if you can get your license converted to a Steam ...
Next multiplayer bash is scheduled for Saturday at noon PST. Last one was last night at 8 PM PST. Had about 15 people across two servers, went for about 1 1/2 hours.
Chording is hardly a cancer. It's a game mechanic. It's also one that Retrovirus doesn't have, and, at least to me, is one of the things that makes the game feel slow. That is only my opinion, but I am still okay with the game not having it. One of the mechanics that RV has that Descent does not ...
Chording gives the game an extra dimension. It's not just about going 1.7x your forward speed, it's about those extra movements you can make. Roll 45 degrees and use two strafe controls to dodge something laterally faster than you could normally, circle around an opponent faster to get a better ...
I cannot for the life of me find this via Google. How do I create hoard goals in D3Edit? There's goals available for teams, but not for hoard. I know when you're done you gotta add GOALSx to the appropriate spot, but creating the goals is not immediately obvious to me.
Previous chapters: Chapters 1 - 7 Chapter 8 Editor's note: This is by far my favorite chapter. It accomplishes two things. One, it introduces Admiral Thompson. Although he plays a somewhat minor role here, I feel he should have been in this thing from the start. I really like his character, and in ...
An alternate method would be to install windows XP inside a virtualbox virtual machine, turn on 3D acceleration support and run D3 inside it. D3 will still think it is running full screen, but that only applies for the guest OS inside the virtual machine, at the host OS level you can run the ...
It's funny this got necro'd, I was looking at this very thread about a week ago, because I want to run some D1, D2, and D3 (and Retrovirus, and WoW, and whatever else I play) over Twitch.tv with my new computer. The problem was I had no way to broadcast D3 because all the recording tools I had ...
Interesting, hadn't thought of doing that. The first seven chapters aren't in a format I can do that easily with, so I'll have to see about getting that together when I have time, hopefully later this week.
Editor's note: Descent: Aries Wing (mind the crappy web design) is a story I began on these very forums some years ago. Since then, from time to time, I've picked up where I left off with the story, but never published anything. Now, I have completed the story, and given I'm kind of getting back ...
Interesting. I'm going to need to find my 50 and try it out in Win 8. I have no idea what happened to it, though. Solitha tried to use it to play D3, what, 11 or 12 years ago. We have collected so much junk around here that it's probably buried somewhere. :lol: [edit]Took me like 5 seconds to find ...
Not my moment, but Sandmann was at a Houston LAN, playing someone 1v1 in Indika to 15 in the tournament. I don't remember if it was Nirvana or some ROX guy or who it was. They were high caliber though. It was close, each had somewhere around 11 or 12 points. Sandmann had just gotten a kill with a ...
Was running D1 recently. Level 11, I'm down by the lava, see a room with a driller & a red hulk. I fire a missile, almost point blank, thinking it was a smart. Apparently I picked up a mega that I hadn't used yet. Boy was I mad.
...I didnt see a demo on steam yet....is one coming? There will be no demo. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Right now, the multiplayer community simply doesn't exist. I've played all of 3 different for longer than 1 match, and most of the time I'm playing bots on Mobi's server. Could a demo ...
I'm gonna be a little late to this party. my good ol N50's hat switch is on it's last legs. That and there are no drivers for it anymore. So i'll jump in as soon as I get a new keypad. Ferno, I have an old N50 Speedpad which has had maybe 4 hours total use. It's just gathering dust. Do you want it ...