Guess they dont open doors cause most of the mp-levels dont have a valid net with bnodes and path for the bots.
At least the stock d3-bots need that to know where they can go. A door is like a solid wall for them without bnodes and path.
if your joystick has a throttle, put that one in center position (50%) and then try to assign the z-axis.
if that throttle is on 100% or 0% while assigning an axis to a movement d3 will assume you triggered that throttle-axis and will assign it to the function you wanted the z-axis for.
if i recall right that error allways came up when a crashed main.exe still was running in the background while vortex tried to start a new d3-session trying to join a multiplayer game. check the taskmanager if that happens again.
sorry, was in napoli for a few days, rig down. that was a M35 Zantor, great car :) i didnt realize how much power it had until i did a kickdown on a ramp up to an interstate, that thing is definately a luxury beast. sliik, i think i got a hotel in bridge city, isnt that pretty close to beamount? but ...
Hi Guys, Was just in TX for a Job, unfortunately found no Descenters around that Area. Just a quick Hello from me :) was sleeping well: got myself a nice car: made new friends: got a lot of work to do: ...
some strange thing that was called \"universum multispiel 2006\", i think from the year 1977. it had pong and a few other games and was connected to the black&white tv of my parents. after that i went over to a atari 2600, then commodore 64, then a ...
just bought the orange box about 2 weeks ago and finished the final level of portal today. i tell you what, the cake is real , just not in the form i expected...
dunno, this list of games says nothing to me. except probably civilization and simcity, wich both was unique and started new genres of games. i miss some games that really invented something new and had a lot of followers, like: -castle wolfenstein : 3d-shooters (way before doom) -dune 2 : invented ...
very nice, i allways liked the a10. awesome and innovative airplane design. in the 90th i watched them doing targetruns in a nearby trainingyard here in northwest germany, the onboard cannon they have is a monster!
you have to see hydrogen fuel cells like a battery, they are not producing energy from nothing. you still have to \"charge\" them. (loading with hydrogen). and you still need a lot of energy to produce this hydrogen to charge the fuelcells. so, burning oil or gas or cole to produce hydrogen to run ...
are you sure about critical temperatures for this microchips? usually silicon based uC´s max operation temperature is around 85°c and thats already critical. really. i would be already concerned if that thing is in the 75+, thats like running a family car with 7000 rpm :) just for the record, the c ...
there are two ways of configuring wlan functions in windows, wireless zero config is a standard ui build into windows, or the software provided with the wlan chipset. often if you install the software wireless zero config in windows is disabled and the custom config software hovering in the tray ...
awesome, i remember trying the \"green hell\" in grand prix legends, someone made it as a addon-track for gpl. man i was happy as santa claus if i made only one lap without crash
i think, dreams are something like defrag the data on a harddisk, the brain trying to sort and categorize stored information while we are asleep. actually, our body, muscels organs etc. dont need real restphases, only our brain needs this hourlong sleep-periods. if we dont get them we get confused ...
i doubt it that we will ever see a good new descent 4. money rules the world, and if a professional gamestudio ever decides to make a new descent, it will be made to please the massmarket for maximum profit. that means fantastic grafics and sound, extreme stupid gameplay with the complexity of ...
i doubt that a 55km/h crosswind can throw a 60 tons plane 30 meters to the left, that landing attemp doesnt look like a rookie-pilot had made a mistake. for me that looks like they got in serious trouble by major crosswinds and an ace-pilot got the plane out of the mess. however, i would also like ...
i once did that by just changing the version number with a hexeditor in the d3l-files. the levels could be loaded into d3edit then. if i recall right there was only a few bytes difference in the d3l-file-headers. look for the first 255 bytes and check for different bytes in the original d3l-files ...
why is it that allways when i look at google maps in satellite mode it reminds me about simcity and i expect my mousecursor to turn into a bulldozer-icon
i have configured my opera browser that way that i have radio buttons in the toolbar already. these radiobuttons are \"disable flash and other plugins\", disable \"java script (most annoying)\" , \"disable send referer\" and \"disable sun java applets\" per default all 4 options are set off, i ...
How ★■◆● Happens In the Beginning was The Plan And then came the Assumptions And the Assumptions were without form And the Plan was completely without substance And the darkness was upon the face of the Workers And the Workers spoke amongst themselves, saying \"It is a crock of ★■◆●, and it stinketh. ...
i liked elite 1, 2 and 3. in e2 and e3 you could even try to land on planets with somewhat real physics heh. nothing better then hammer your ship into the athmosphere of an gas-giant with like 100000 mp/h and see \"game over\" hehe. but that was old ms-dos games and i am not sure if they had ...
hey robert, you have a twin in germany? this is a picture from Bluemoon, our entertainment specialist on every Do_lan. brings allways a beamer and a terrabyte-fileserver hehe.