Don't have much time for Descent related things any more. Part of this is being 58 years old... I need to focus on other things like my grown up daughter (age 21), etc. This is a great community of people from all walks of life and all sorts of ways of thinking about things. Gaming is still ...
Was great knowing you all. I wish you all well. Not likely for me to be back to Descent... So it is time to wish you all well in life. We all have opinions and we must let each other have the right to agree or disagree. I choose to disagree without being disagreeable. My wish is that you all have a ...
Upgraded to Windows 10 on my Laptop and Desktop PCs. For the most part it seems to work well EXCEPT my Windows Desktop PC that had Windows 8.1 used to connect to my Lumia Cell Phone via USB... Now with Windows 10 with NO major changes, Windows 10 on the SAME PC no longer sees my Lumia Cell Phone ...
... alive and kicking. Been busy with real life lately. Was unemployed for 80 to 90 days which put me behind on all my bills. Currently working at WalMart of all places while looking for a new job writing computer software. 8 months as of today at WalMart working as a Photo Lab Associate. Just moved ...
Must be nice to have extra money to donate to such a worthy cause. A lot behind after being unemployed for about 3 months. (Working at WalMart since October 2014 to the present time.) My current apartment complex isn't working with me... So I have a new place lined up which will be about 5/9's of ...
Just went through a 10 month Leadership Class at my home (Christian) Church here in Oklahoma City. Had a lot of homework through the class... Graduated as the Valedictorian out of 17 in the class... Set the bar high for me so that even if I didn't achieve it that I would learn a whole lot more than ...
Tried EVE but was disappointed that you are not able to fly in the space battles like you can in Freespace 1 and Freespace 2. EVE was OFFLINE in less than 1 hour after being installed on my PC never to be played again. Star Trek Online is much better in the long run for me. Thanks for the thought ...
Created an account. Now it wants me to pay some OUTLANDISH prices for things. I would LIKE to freaking PLAY TEST it before buying it. Sadly everything is way too high cost wise for me. Looks like this is a game that has NO freaking chance of getting played on my Computers! Sad too... looked like ... Nice Portable Document Format (PDF)... Don't quite follow everything but it is easy to read and one can tell that Max (Maximilian Schulz) spent a lot of time experimenting with the values to tweak them to what works best for ...
* Rant Start * Logged into Steam today and was astounded at the $89.99 price tag for a game that is not even ready for PRE-Alpha. In the good old days, less than 20 years ago, we were able to PLAY TEST demos of games to see if they were quality games or not. Now-a-days the new (and extremely bad ...
Wheeeeeee! Lots of fun in this thread for sure. One KALI member that I am aware of talks for hours on end with nobody chatting... Seems that he enjoys watching his own comments then rebutting his own comments with new ones. I miss good old Capture the Flag and the occasional Entropy Games in Descent ...
That's a cool thing. --- Tried PlanetSide 2 (PS2)... absolutely hated it... you get dropped into the battle without a chance to learn the weapons first... then what looks like kills miss your target by a long shot due to extremely laggy conditions... you think you are in a SAFE zone only to get ...
Grendel, I saw you in the Retrovirus Multiplayer games last Thursday. Sadly I was very disoriented in the map and just couldn't get my bearings. Think it would be good to look at all the maps that we were in for familiarity next time ahead of time. Perhaps we could do Cooperative Mode next time for ...
Thank you for the Descent Music Links. I have always enjoyed the "Descent" mood music for each level from Descent 1 demo through Descent 3. I'll download these fine music files soon. --- Just picked up a New HP PC for Home (Windows 8 64-bit) and having to migrate everything important from my other ...
Thank you Cadenza Interactive for hosting multiple Multiplayer Games tonight in Retrovirus. Like I posted on the Steam in the Retrovirus Forum. I couldn't seem to hit a bb with a Mack Truck tonight... Was fun anyway. Look forward to perhaps playing Cooperative Mode Next Week! Thanks again! SirWinner ...