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by Motorman!
Sun Nov 27, 2005 9:28 am
Forum: Descent Old Skool
Topic: D2 Revival
Replies: 12
Views: 2555

I guess I'm the only idiot who thinks " death" is funny. :lol:

Also, I'm down for a D2 revival, although the next couple of weekends might be bad for me. Anybody else willing to play D2x via tracker?
by Motorman!
Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:02 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 990298

Sure...we can all toy with what we please... :)
by Motorman!
Fri Jul 01, 2005 12:47 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 990298

I also get a mysterious CTD with version 1.4.38. However, unlike spud, it occurs whenever I enter a mine, just after the message "Prepare to begin descent..." appears - whether I'm running full screen, windowed, or in any myriad of resolutions. In the meantime, I have reverted to 1.4.35, which works ...
by Motorman!
Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:45 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 990298

Haha, I take it you put a texture with transparency on a cube side that wasn't a wall joined to an adjacent one? At least it doesn't give you that psychedelic texture repeating effect from the old versions... Unless you like that sorta thing, of course. PS: You got me pretty close to drooling with ...
by Motorman!
Thu Jun 30, 2005 1:22 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 990298

I agree that the client-visibility issue is probably isolated to our case, alone. EDIT: Whoops, the headlight issue exists also in D2X 2.5/2.6. I have yet to try it out in original D2 I just experimented in another level. The problem only exhibits itself when casting the headlight in rooms of ...
by Motorman!
Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:45 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 990298

I took some demos in the level Sirius is talking about to demonstrate the headlight issue, and rendered them to XviD *.avi files, using Hypercam. I had to do most of them low-res to get non-dizzyingly low framerates: clip2.avi (3.15MB) - This clip in a long hallway shows what the problem seems to be ...
by Motorman!
Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:42 am
Forum: Tech Forum
Topic: M$ Sidewinder 3D Pro on USB
Replies: 389
Views: 249748

Ditto above, cept I won mine off eBay about a week ago. Count me in at $30!
by Motorman!
Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:14 pm
Forum: Descent Old Skool
Topic: D2 Revival
Replies: 64
Views: 10426

I'll definitely play d2x w/tracker. Since switching to the new Kali tracker, Kali has been bugging me about NAT issues again, so I'd rather just avoid that whole headache and use diedel's excellent UDP gaming goodness.
by Motorman!
Fri Jun 03, 2005 6:39 am
Forum: Descent Old Skool
Topic: How old is everyone and how long have you played Descent
Replies: 213
Views: 71456

23 now, and I started with D1 Demo when I was 14. Feels like yesterday...
by Motorman!
Thu Jun 02, 2005 6:38 pm
Forum: Descent Old Skool
Topic: Which video card to you use?
Replies: 40
Views: 6879

Another vote for Geforce...6600 GT here.
by Motorman!
Mon May 30, 2005 9:16 am
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 990298

Diedel, glad I could somehow be of some kind of help! 1.4.12 seems to work brilliantly... I just finished playing some coop with Outrider and zapp via UDP tracker. Gotta get used to F8 stopping my Pyro in its tracks, though! However, zapp and Outrider report issues with inverted controls when ...
by Motorman!
Sun May 29, 2005 10:16 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 990298

Since upgrading to 1.4.9, I'm experiencing the same issue as Grendel, jehu, and Nosferatu... single taps of movement keys causes a drift in that direction, until I tap in the opposite direction. Pausing the game also seems to stop the drift.

by Motorman!
Sun May 29, 2005 2:47 am
Forum: Descent Old Skool
Topic: D2 Revival
Replies: 64
Views: 10426

What happened to either of the first two Saturdays (4th and 11th)? I guess they're no good for you, Sirius? Although it's damn near impossible for me to predict my schedule weeks (much less months) in advance, I'll go ahead and say that any Saturday is fine with me. Whatever happens, I'll make sure ...
by Motorman!
Tue May 24, 2005 6:37 am
Forum: Descent Old Skool
Topic: D2 Revival
Replies: 64
Views: 10426

Jesus Freak wrote:D2 revival on the 28th of May, eh? Sounds interesting. I'd like to play some D2 CTF :twisted:
I guess so, though there hasn't been much in the way of confirmation of that date in here.
by Motorman!
Wed May 18, 2005 11:36 am
Forum: Descent Old Skool
Topic: D2 Revival
Replies: 64
Views: 10426

So is it the 28th? Any weekend but this one would be good for me - and I'd really love to be there. :)
by Motorman!
Tue May 17, 2005 9:55 pm
Forum: Descent Multiplayer
Topic: Descent into Doom 3 mod: Starting up
Replies: 100
Views: 30212

I think we're making progress here. People, when I say "tri-chording will be toggleable", I mean, "you can always move in all three directions at once, but with the default setting doing so doesn't give you a speed boost" Yes, I think that was generally how people understood it here... It certainly ...
by Motorman!
Tue May 17, 2005 9:38 pm
Forum: Descent Multiplayer
Topic: Descent into Doom 3 mod: Starting up
Replies: 100
Views: 30212

*edit* OMG!!! It's MotorMan! DUDE! Where you been hiding! Er, been busy... But there's been a lot of reminiscing amongst old friends of late, so I decided to poke my head back in and see wut the dilly is. And lo, I discovered this promising mod. HeXetic: You reiterate the probable, but not outright ...
by Motorman!
Tue May 17, 2005 8:09 pm
Forum: Descent Multiplayer
Topic: Descent into Doom 3 mod: Starting up
Replies: 100
Views: 30212

To start, HeXetic, I want to thank you for your and your teammates' efforts in marrying my beloved game with bleeding edge technology. Doom 3 does seem a natural fit to fuel Descent gameplay. Now to the issue at hand... I do not quite feel the urgency that most do with regards to "correcting" what ...
by Motorman!
Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:47 am
Forum: Descent Old Skool
Topic: D1 Revival
Replies: 38
Views: 8793

Drak, it's been a while. I hope to see you there!
by Motorman!
Mon Oct 25, 2004 9:34 pm
Forum: Descent Old Skool
Topic: D1 Revival
Replies: 38
Views: 8793

Well, you can always stop by a D2 revival, and I'd be more than willing to make time for D1.
by Motorman!
Sat Oct 23, 2004 10:20 pm
Forum: Descent Old Skool
Topic: Old Skool Descent Site Archive
Replies: 49
Views: 172253

I ran into Motoman the other day in a HALO game of all places. He was writing a descent novel years ago. As much as I enjoy an occasional game of Halo, I haven't played the game online, ever. But I can't blame a guy for wanting to use my name. ;) Mighty amount of nostalgia going on in this thread ...