As part of the FS2 SCP, I managed to get a release of the PXO game and stats trackers. I need someone who feels good about MFC, the guy I had working on it had issues come up and can't work on it anymore. Can you read and write MFC code? Have you always wanted to convert something from MFC to a nice ...
Wow, my account still works! I just read the one that we linked to in PD's news. All in all, pretty decent piece, still some negativity, but largely a cool historical review and alot of good stuff. I liked it. I might drop the "Tribes" entry as an overlooked game, it wasn't all that overlooked ;) I ...
Active development is like that. We just nailed the memory leak that was causing crashes, might want to poke back over there and have a look see ;) we've had the source for about 2 years. It's fun to work on it and add new stuff. 3.6 was a largish release of alot of new things, and invariably ...
We're trying to clean that up a bit. Biggest problem, if it's a problem, is that Gamespy sites are really the first stop lots of new players make when they get a game. Self fullfilling prophecy, we get alot of "n00bs" because Gamespy comes up on Google when someone finds the game for 10 bucks in a ...
Very lazy. Fighting the man, at least when the "man" is Gamespy, is a little like tilting at windmills. Not worth the frustration. I just gave up a pint a month to be able to "afford" it. It's not like they are charging 30 or 50 a month. It's 5 bucks a month. To ease frustration. My time is easily ...
It's cheaper to have Fileplanet do it, hosting your own ★■◆● gets expensive. They do it for free in exchange for exclusive coverage for some period of time, and the number of passive, non pissed off subscribers out numbers the people who hate it because it's cool to "fight the power" ;) I like Filepl ...
If you go multiple PS2's, get some of the following: Midnight Club II and/or Need for Speed Underground SOCOM I or II SSX3 Timesplitters 2 Rainbow Six 3 (I am pretty sure this has network coop and dm play) If you can find a copy of Twisted Metal Black- Network version, that totally rocks. Tribes is ...
I posted a reply on the PD version of this thread. Xbox or PS2. And Xbox has FAR more than just Halo, FYI. I think the Xbox has stronger network titles, frequently with the ability to have multiple persons on each console. Like I said on PD, it might come down to going to EB and looking at the ...
Anyway, I don't want this to devolve into something less than constructive. We already rescued it from the abyss and turned it into something useful, I like it when posts go that way.
If you find the time, pop over, if nothing else than to suggest new things.
Heh, I don't take much of anything personally ;) I have been doing this community thing too long ;) I have been around the Descent community for a long time, just not as often vocal (check my profile for my DBB join date). I actually helped a TINY bit when Tricord had PD, and some when FM had it ...
Tbird and I are doing the "admining" and mostly Tbird. Cleaning up the site, updating forum components, making sure links work. Various other staff responsilities have been shifted, including the Soupe
I live in Boston, and commute in the hell that is the Big Dig. Traffic is never pleasant, and Boston drivers are not known for their everflowing kindness and patience on the road. Anyway, this poor woman was stuck in a merge lane unable to get to the cash toll booth. I hate it when that happens to ...
Well, Tbird has been trying to fix things up, and I am just trying to stay outta his way. On the other hand, we have been cracking down on the stupid people, which I think is a huge turn off on those forums. Rotten here has had several different logins and has managed to get himself banned. So I ...