Best operating system for folding?

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DBB Cadet
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Best operating system for folding?

Post by )))MuSiC((( »

This might sound a little silly...

My question is, Is there any operating systems that help the folding proccess?

And please don't answer with a this is better than that kind of response based on personal preference.

I mean has anyone actually done research and found answers? i took a quick look on the forums @ FAH, i didnt see anything but there is so much posts to go through. Does anyone have any proof? or perhaps they ran identical hardware with different operating systems... and found a better enviorment?

just curious because most of my machines folding are dedicated, so if its not a teeth pulling process i would consider setting them up more efficiently.

Thanx harv.
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Post by Iceman »

I have done some off the cuff testing of number crunching applications where I benchmarked lean versions on Linux against lean versions on Win32. It has been some time since I did this but IIRC Linux won out by a small margin of like 5% to 10%.

What its going to boil down to is what processes/services you decide to run on each OS.
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Post by )))MuSiC((( »

Thanks Iceman,

i have another small question that kinda hit me.

there is a save checkpoint interval setting, not exactly what the program called it but, its some kinda checkpoint setting for save points?... what i am wondering is i set it on my machines to 3min, is this killing performace because it makes saves every 3 min? should i boost it up to 15 or 30 min?

any info would be much apprieciated :)
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Post by fliptw »

I wouldn't mess with it.
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Post by KompresZor »

If I understand it correctly, youâ??re right, the checkpoint is a save point. When you start F@H it goes to the last checkpoint to start folding so the longer time between checkpoints, the more work youâ??ll have to redo when you restart. If your machines are always on and stable then I would set the checkpoint to the longest interval possible, I think itâ??s 30 minutes, as I would think that anything the program has to do other then fold would affect the performance.

Another thing, if I remember right this has no affect on Tinkers, I think they will only save at 1% intervals.