Nat Routing quandry

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DBB DemiGod
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Nat Routing quandry

Post by Capm »

I just picked up a Linksys Wireless-G Router with built-in switch. I've got it hooked into the cable modem, and my PC's are wired through Cat5 (I intend to use the wireless for a laptop later)

As soon as I switched from my Waverider/Switch setup to the CM/Router setup, Office Outlook was no longer able to connect to my pop3 server. It is set up to check 3 email address at once and send them all to appropriate folders. I finally got it to check one of them, the other two failed, after fiddling with the port forwarding and triggering settings, but again now, I can't get it to work.

I've set a static IP in my main machine here, and the other machine is currently on the routers DHCP for the time being. (they're all in the 192.168.1.x range) Otherwise, I seem to be getting out to the internet fine, I haven't found anything else broken yet.

Anyone know what I've got set wrong?
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

You shouldn't have to forward any ports for checking email. I've got the Linksys Wireless G with Speedboost and dont' have any problems. Maybe you should reset the router and have it get the info from your ISP. Then put your PC's on DHCP again.
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DBB DemiGod
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Post by Capm »

Figured it out, sortuf... Seems that my cable modem was causing the problem, This time, instead of plugging my PC back into the switch to the wireless link, I hooked the router into the wireless link. Release/renew and whala. Everything seems to be working.
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