I've been looking around at OC options on motherboards, and found two that have windows based Over clocking, as opposed to Bios based OC'ing.
Like the ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe mb, which has an 'automatic OC option' of up to 10%, or the ASUS AI booster which has a graphic interface for OC'ing.
http://www.cdrinfo.com/Sections/Reviews ... leId=12466
There's also the OCGuru for ABit's boards....basically the same thing as the AI booster.
Here's the link for Abit's Fata1ty AN8 mb
http://techreport.com/reviews/2005q1/ab ... dex.x?pg=1
the review mentions that the interface is comfortable for less experienced users.
anyone have any input on graphical interfaces for OC'ing? (it appears that you can adjust the cpu multiplier with these programs, but there's more involved than that right? memory speeds and voltages...?)
another option I hadnt considered is a cheaper MB and a faster CPU (and forget about OC'ing)
(a 3800+ newcastle AMD retail is $385)
http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDe ... 465&depa=1