New system woes...

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El Ka Bong
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New system woes...

Post by El Ka Bong »

Hi y'all !

I thought I'd add another thread to the Multiplayer forum, instead of the tech forum...

Why do I get a "Fatal Error" when trying to run D3 ver. 1.4 on another new pc I have..? Right after the setup screen is "ok'd" to start D3, I get the blue screen of death...

It'a Win 98 system, on an athalon 1.4, 256 MB RAM, but I'm stuck with using the MB's on board video controller that supports D3D and Open GL... Maybe it's just that; the on board video chip sucks ..?
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Post by Xamindar »

try updating your video card drivers and alternate between opengl and directx to see if it makes a difference.
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El Ka Bong
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Post by El Ka Bong »

D3d or Open GL both crash the system... so I do have a hunch a real video card will fix things...

I was just wondering about who else had tried running D3 on a MB's on board video chip; do these drive D3 properly ..? For an on-board video chip, I was surprised to see Open GL offered as well.

My lazy fix is to buy a new Vid card, updating video drivers then. But i guess I should also find new drivers for the MB and it's on-board sytems.
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El Ka Bong
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Post by El Ka Bong »

..hrmm.. it's always a challenge to get D3 to run on a new scavenged PC... if any of you have more advice or recent experience with something like this, please do tell me what fixed it...

Now my 'new' ATI Raedon 9250 (PCI 128MB) gives me the Black Screen of Death... I get the VGA drivers to run the new card, after removing the old on-board video adapter, and I can see the system in VGA. But after installing the ATI drivers I get a black screen lock-up as it's about to display my desktop...

I have no AGP slots on this old motherboard I've scrounged up, so the ATI card was a cheap PCI upgrade. However 'cheap' it was ($99) I've paid for it already in time. Any quick-fix ideas ..?
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Post by Krom »

Is the monitor turning off or going into power save mode? If so then it's probably just the video driver setting the refresh or resolution too high for the monitor. Make sure you use the latest ATI drivers for the card. Actually it would be wise to ditch Windows 98 completely and upgrade to at least Windows 2000.
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