MP4 Options

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DBB Habitual Type Killer
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MP4 Options

Post by Iceman »

Looking into MP4 options to replace the MP3 format I currently use in my database.

The documentation for Nero6 on their website says it has an MP4 encoder. Does this mean I can rip CD tracks to MP4? Does it mean I can burn MP4 files to CD? Both directions?

I suppose I will still need a file converter to take the MP4 files and put them into MP3 format for my Rio.

Anyone use the latest version of DMC Audio Input?


Icey out ...
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DBB DemiGod
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Post by fliptw »

if you want to dump MP3, your portable options are a bit restricted.

As far as I've seen, the only formats out there that are implemented in portable players are wav, wmv, mp3, ogg and aac.

Which is kinda of around about way of saying if you want to use MP4, your stuck with Ipods, as MP4 is an implementation of AAC.

My advice: stick with MP3. If you are using Foobar2000, its has a component that would automate the transcoding(conversion), but if you want to rip your cds in a better format for on-the-fly convertion, use FLAC.
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