D2X-W32 >> -pps switch???

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DBB Cadet
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D2X-W32 >> -pps switch???

Post by vaio »

Can someone tell me what the -pps switch is used for? ...it';s not posted on the site. thanks in advance!
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Post by Jeff250 »

Packets per second-- the frequency of updates that peers send each other in network games. I remember five being the Internet standard many years ago for D2, but most people generally have better connections nowadays, so 7-8 would probably be fine, unless you have some 28k'rs in the mix. Descent2 supports anywhere from 2 to 20 packets per second, and 20 would be just fine for a LAN.

Traditionally, the person who created the game decided on the packets per second for everyone. I believe that that is still true, but I could be wrong. If the PPS parameter does change the default PPS setting when creating a game (which can be specified when creating a game anyways), it doesn't seem to work. :o
DBB Cadet
DBB Cadet
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Post by vaio »

Thanks Jeff! :D It also appears that Diedel has updated the switch page.
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