Diedel wrote:Here's another one: Speed!
You are violating the implied understanding of "Old Skool" - this is seriously heady stuff for us ol' D1/D2 geezers - more eyecandy than is legal, what with all the D3 textures, colorized transparent walls, camera views - my pacemaker needs a new battery!
No LAN buddies to whoop on at the moment, but even a solo tour of all the teleport stations, uni-directional speed tunnels, and energy/repair bi-directional speed tunnels, was surprisingly disorienting.
Nice balance of weapons for the level size, with emphasis on precision (gauss, mercury) and surprise (flash), rather than spray (no megas or homers).
A big cavern (connected via teleport, or energy/repair tunnels) would be great for pyro's like me = happiest when moving in all 6-axis! As it is, corkscrewing 'round the outside of the energy/repair tunnels is the only place for skilled use of banking/sliding - and they're on the short side for much of that ... just a personal preference from this cave bat ...
A very good looking level, with the full range of technology - far beyond what would be expected of the legacy D2 engine - well done!
As a side note, since it isn't clear to me if it is level specific, level editor / transparent wall "feature", or d2x engine glitch, but I was able to snuggle up against the transparent walls with quad lasers firing, and at some specific angles, able to get a single canon firing _through_ the wall! _That_ would certainly surprise those on the other side!