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Someone needs to take out the trash.

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Post by Gooberman »

too much so.

They were both driving semi's through his argument. It seemed alot more like a case of "look ma, i'm on TV".
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Post by Krom »

Brainless Idiot.
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Post by Vindicator »

Damn, pwned on national tv.

Heh, he put his website up for sale on eBay. Someone bought it but refused to pay for it and left nasty feedback instead. :D

ebay link
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

I bet it sounded a lot better when he was saying it to his idiot friends. ;)
eBay Auction Description wrote:The domains and are available for immediate transfer upon reciept of funds. Paypal accepted. At its peak, got 270,000 hits per day. Both domains are current in registration until 2006. Both domain names have at one point or another been mentioned on several national media outlets, and are mentioned on numerous blogs and message boards, creating a wonderful opportunity for link farms and other sales opportunities.
No loss with these domain names, but I hate link farms as a matter of principle. Domains should either be used for a real purpose, or thrown back, in my opinion.
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Post by Lothar »

Yeah... this made its rounds a few weeks ago... great stuff. I love the way he keeps trying to dodge the questions (especially things like "you wouldn't have the freedom to say stupid stuff"... "the pay structure!")
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

The freedom of speech is not a "gift", though, it is one of our many rights that they (we?) fight to protect (hopefully that's the aim of combat).
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Post by Ferno »

wow.. the whole video sounds like a page from here.
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Post by TheCope »

He should cut his hair off, get a tan, and bleach his eyebrows. I don't condone violence but that guy is in danger.
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Post by Krom »

Ferno wrote:wow.. the whole video sounds like a page from here.
Nah not really, nobody here is dumb enough to post an argument which is that pathetically weak.
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Post by 1ACE1 »

That guy must be a bit touched in the head. Thats such a asenine arguement.
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Post by Vander »

That's some hard hitting journalismising.
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Post by TigerRaptor »

Funny he can shoot his mouth off behind a computer. But he couldnâ??t back him self up when confronted on TV. Stupid low life Hippy.
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Post by TheCope »

They didn't let him speak which was foolish. Not unlike neo-nazi's, it's better to let them have their minutes so they can display how ★■◆●ing irrational they are, silence is golden.

He is still a clown (in danger). It is illogical to attack the people that make it possible for you to ★■◆● and not be arrested for it.

He was not a 'hippie' he was some form of goth dude that had a metamorphosis into a cabaret clown and vander made me spit up my beer laughing.
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Post by TigerRaptor »

TheCope wrote:They didn't let him speak which was foolish.
People all ready know what this guy looks like. It might be a good thing he wasn't fully given that chance. His all ready pissed off enough people as it is. Best not add more fuel to the fire.
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Post by Ferno »

Biggest disappointment, aside from the guy who had a weak argument, was the one host who was unprofessional and use gradeschool tactics.
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Post by Lothar »

Wow... they're really onto something... what an amazing, original thought they had! Thanks for putting me on to this, it's awesome!
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Post by roid »


what you guys call news boggles me.
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Post by DCrazy »

Well, I'm sure you realized that this is not a clip from a news program, it's a clip from an opinionated talk show called Hannity and Colmes. Or are you allowed to have opinions where you're from?
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Post by Lothar »

Roid, search this page for the word N E W S. It appears only in your post (and in mine, but I've intentionally munged it.) There's a reason for that.
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Post by Gooberman »

...and DCrazy's....but....ya...
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Post by CUDA »



I think they should make a stamp so when you run across someone thats STUPID you can stamp their forehead as a warning to the next person that has to deal with them that this person is an Idiot. it would save alot of ppl alot of greef
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Post by Tricord »

You know what? As much as that geek is a moron, you Americans would still have the same personal freedom without war and with half the current military budget. Lets face it, the US is just putting all the eggs in the same basket. The sheer magnitude of the military almost makes a parody of itself. Look at your nuclear arsenal. It only takes one bomb to ★■◆● up half the planet in a giant conflict. Then why did the US government build so many?
Lothar, FYI, I am perfectly aware that this is just one biased, non-representative example among so many others. Don't go Googling for stuff on this one.

My country does not have soldiers out there to "protect my freedom", yet I enjoy as much of it as you guys do (if not more, see patriot act topic).
To anywhom it may concern, allow me to take out some empty arguments right away: don't say it's because US soldiers are protecting my freedom 'cause that's a load of bull. And WWII was a long time ago, the world has changed a lot since then.

But the anchor guy was right. It's not the soldiers out there who are to blame (they probably volunteered for the army because they were stupid or otherwise deprived of opportunities in some way or another), it's the government who sets policy and controls the military that is to blame. I wholeheartedly agree with that. It's the top of the pyramid that's to blame.
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Post by Couver_ »

Tricord wrote:But the anchor guy was right. It's not the soldiers out there who are to blame (they probably volunteered for the army because they were stupid or otherwise deprived of opportunities in some way or another), it's the government who sets policy and controls the military that is to blame. I wholeheartedly agree with that. It's the top of the pyramid that's to blame.

Stupid or otherwise depraved?? Are you kidding? I bet Mr Stingray would have something to say about that.

I guess I am stupid too because I have not only joined once but have re-upped a few times too.15 years in the military as an avionics tech,working on jets that cost 35-40 million a copy and I just now find out I am stupid. Yes and WWII was a long time ago. Long enough I still get to see my grandfather suffering from some of the wounds he got during it.
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Post by Dedman »

There is no question the guy was a bit bounced. However, the TV dude's argument that because the soldiers are the one's protecting his right to say stupid stuff, he shouldn't say stupid stuff about the soldier's was total BS. A right you can't use is not a right.

Chaulk one up for idiotic TV journalism.
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Post by Gooberman »

Well thats a fine thanks for all the free freedom we give you Tricord.
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Post by Ferno »

a bit bounced Dedman? heh the one host took a giant crap on the guest's head.

Free freedom Goob?
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Post by Lothar »

Tricord wrote:...Lothar.... Don't go Googling for stuff on this one.

Seriously, man, WTF?

What is your problem with me, exactly? And why do you feel the need to make it public instead of dealing with whatever it is in private?
don't say it's because US soldiers are protecting my freedom 'cause that's a load of bull. And WWII was a long time ago...
Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it's wrong. You enjoy those freedoms because *somebody* protects them, and you enjoyed them through the early part of your life specifically because the US protected them (or do you not remember that big soviet thing to your east?)

Could they be protected by fewer soldiers? Probably. Probably half as many soldiers, or a tenth as many soldiers, could protect those freedoms at least somewhat. The freedoms would remain protected even if there was less combat, fewer wars, etc...

I'm not sure where the line is, though. What's the absolute minimum that could be done and still keep those freedoms? I don't know -- but I don't see any reason to be looking for that line. If you're going to do a job, do it well -- and that includes the job of protecting freedoms.
they probably volunteered for the army because they were stupid or otherwise deprived of opportunities in some way or another
How many US soldiers do you personally know?

If you don't personally know them, how can you possibly say ANYTHING about their intelligence or opportunities?
Dedman wrote:the TV dude's argument that because the soldiers are the one's protecting his right to say stupid stuff, he shouldn't say stupid stuff about the soldier's was total BS. A right you can't use is not a right.
I'm pretty sure he wasn't saying "you don't really have this right"... he was saying "you're a total idiot if you choose to exercize this right in this way."
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Post by roid »

Lothar wrote:Roid, search this page for the word N E W S. It appears only in your post (and in mine, but I've intentionally munged it.) There's a reason for that.
this video is a segment from the Fox News channel. i see the little insignia in the bottom left, it spins slowly, the whole time. It says Fox News.

i suppose it could be argued that the insignia should be changed to something else to alert (hehe) people when they do these sorts of Comedy Central crossover shows. But when you're dealing with Murdock, i'm not sure i'd catagorise much of what him or his cronys says as "News". It's all his personal politics and power games. He is a media tycoon with a power adgenda. He owns most of the major newspapers around here (Brisbane), we are all quite familure with him.
He plays his cards well. Him and america were MADE for eachother. you can have him eh.

oh and he eats babies and kicks puppys.
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Post by Lothar »

roid wrote:
Lothar wrote:Roid, search this page for the word N E W S...
this video is a segment from the Fox News channel. i see the little insignia in the bottom left, it spins slowly, the whole time. It says Fox News.
Kinda like the NEWSpaper?
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Post by Duper »

ok.. a little late on this one.

Fig Buckin DEAL!
It's about time that someone on the "other side" slanted the news. I mean come on. Does anyone really think that CBS, CNN, ABC, or NBC doesn't do this? They tried to Crusify Bush. And most of you bought it.

The NewYork Times and the Washington Post are Experts at this kind of slander.

It's ALL about propaganda and which you choose to swollow. On Both sides. .. all in the name of free speech.

Tricord. Leave Lothar alone. use the PM if you have a problem. You're sounding like a broke record.
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Post by Lothar »

roid: my point is, nobody complains that there's an "opinion" section to the newspaper (or a comics section, or whatever) -- they carry some news, and some other stuff, and nobody cares or says they shouldn't be called "news"papers. Not everything in a newspaper has to be news. (We do, of course, complain when the newspaper or news show doesn't deliniate between NEWS and COMMENTARY, or when the news is downright false.)

So why complain that Fox News has the name "news"? They carry some news, and they also have opinion (as is being discussed in this thread -- I don't even watch Fox News, but I know enough to know that was an opinion show.) There's no need to be like "oh noes, it's on a news channel but it's not news! BLASPHEMISM!"
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Post by Ferno »

Just so you know Tricord, Canadians helped protect the freedom you enjoy.
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Post by Gooberman »

Tricord is so lucky to have us all.
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Post by Couver_ »

Its sad that politics have got ahead of the troops in that idiots mind. Looks like someone who found their 15 minutes of fame to me.

I Love this quote from Father Stanley I think it is....

It is the soldier, not the reporter who has given us the freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who gives us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.
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Post by DCrazy »

Maybe the guy isn't as stupid as we all think. The first thing I thought of when I saw the "domain for sale" sign was that it was all a big ruse for generating massive interest in a domain name that could be easily sold to spammers/malware authors for a hefty sum.

If he honestly thinks the way that we all believe, then I feel sorry for him. If we've all been duped, then I feel sorry for us.
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Post by Vindicator »

Problem is, everyone who has bid on his site has refused to pay and left negative feedback... check the link now, he's up to -3 on his feedback and counting. Maybe there is such a thing as bad publicity.
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Post by Tricord »

I'm not picking on Lothar, I just skip a couple of posts knowing what would come. Saves us all some time (mostly Lothar though). The reason is that in this thread, he is the only person 1) I'm sure will reply and 2) already know what he will say.

I applaud however, the fact that he acknowledges that maybe the US could get the job done with less resources, less conflict and less money. Every bit of common sense in me pushes me toward careful weighting of actions, budgetting and policy. I am convinced that "overkill just to be sure" is not a good way to run a military power such as the US army.

I never denied that an army has uses, in fact even my country still has a small army. However, I'm sure my country's army's purpose is not to protect my freedom to say and do what I like. The police and justice system already do this for me; and so should they in the United States (if they don't, then that's the problem). I am convinced that waging war somewhere far away from the homeland does NOT affect the global freedom experienced by americans. And even less the freedom experienced by foreigners such as myself.

The problem is that the military (and those controlling the military) are so disconnected from the real world. The average Joe in the street goes to school, has rights through the law and constition, has protection (hopefully) from the police corps, can get health care from government hospitals, etc. etc. In my opinion, those things determine your freedoms, your opportunities and the general functioning of socity. Not some misguided show of power in some far away country using some budget that wasn't there in the first place.

And the US is not alone on the world, the main channel of communication with the rest of the world shouldn't be the military and/or CNN (as it is now). The US goverment should shift half the military budget towards the diplomatic corps and see what that gives. What, it's too big a risk to take? It may be with the current administration, diplomacy hasn't been its strong point so far.
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