One ring to bind them all

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One ring to bind them all

Post by woodchip »

Reading the following statement crystalizes the problem with muslum fundamentalism. Not only do some in the Islamic faith want their religion to be the one and only religion, they also want their religion to be the worlds government:

"Cleric: 'I would like to see the Islamic flag fly, not only over number 10 Downing Street, but over the whole world'..."

What the extremist just don't understand is that by making such statements and exploding bombs with the intent to just kill innocent bystanders, that they are in fact turning their religion into a pariah religion.
Instead of being terrorised, people get mad and what the islamarefools don't yet seem to understand is the backlash effect this will have. Just as the horrors of hitler turned the most of the world against Germany, gradually people will start thinking killing, deportation and internment camps may be the only way to handle muslims. Britain has already demonstrated a willingness to shoot on sight and have even deported a hate filled cleric. We here in america have sentanced to life in prison a rhetoric spewing cleric. Gradually the muslim community is going to find their rights and freedoms eroded away if the bomb butchers keep hacking away at their fellow humans way of life.
Flabby Chick
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Post by Flabby Chick »

From what i've heard in the UK, most of the information the police is recieving comes directly from the muslim community. They don't want these arseholes running around with explosives destroying the decades of hard work that's gone into integrating them into British society.

The "one ring to rule them all" theory is terrible, and talk of internmant camps is plain scary. I'm sure when you say "all" you mean convicted under the law terrorists and inciters, rather than Mr Patel who runs the corner shop.

Muslims, Jews, christians and hare krishnas form a multicultural society in the UK; whilst not perfect, it works pretty well. It also pisses off the extremists; therefore better integration, community ties and co-existance is a wonderful weapon against them. Mass deportations would be far more damaging i feel.

Correct me if i misunderstood your post. ;)
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Post by Krom »

Yes yes we know, eventually the path that Islam extremists take leads to their own destruction, but it won't happen in our lifetimes.
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Post by woodchip »

FC, the "One Ring" I titled this post with refers to the extremist cleric who would bind us all to Islam, both religiously and governmentally.
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Post by Zuruck »

Woodchip, doesn't everygroup think that way? Not just the Muslims, most religions at one point feel their way is the one true way. It's the same reason that i have to slam the door in the face of the people that come here early on a Saturday morning to tell me about Jesus. It's all the same BS from whatever group is spouting it. i don't understand it, keep your religion to yourself and leave me alone, and in turn, ill leave you alone to worship whatever you like.
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