WarAdvocat wrote:There's a couple problems with friendly fire:
Generally there's some idiot who has no clue and keeps shooting teammates. He's not a real threat but his team wounding sucks.
Then there's people with attitudes. MISTAKES happen, and it is real easy to moth friendly trifusion... People get mad and start Tking.
These are both "people problems" and not really mod problems... But something needs to be done to discourage TK's (kick+5 min ban for too many too soon?)
(Sorry, I hope this make sence... if not I'll try and explain better.)
We are working on that... We are testing a 'punishment' system for players that TK too many times. We haven't really looked at kicking people out though because we don't know how people would feel about that.
Here is how it works...
TkPunishment = <num> The server op sets the number of TKs for punishment
TKGrace = <num> Number of seconds of good behavior required to reduce one TK from your TKCounter (accidents happen you know)
TKCounter = Number of times you have made a TK
TKTime = Last time you made a TK (used to figure when to subtract a TK)
When you TK you get one TK added to your TKCounter. If that counter is equal to the TKPunishment value you are punished and your TKCoutner reset to zero. If you manage to not TK anyone for a perior longer than the TKGrace timer you will have a TK removed from your TKCounter. The TKGrace timer works so that if your good long enough you can get your TKCounter back to zero if you manage to not TK anyone. Lets say you have 2 TKs and the grace timer was set to 2 minutes. If you donâ??t TK anyone for about 4 minutes your counter would get back to 1 TK after the first 2 minutes and 0 after the 2nd 2 minutes (4 minutes total). Your TKCounter can never be less than 0
The only way to punish a player is to force them to suicide or kick them out of the game. Kicking them seems a little harsh so we suicide them but kicking them could be possible. All of these settings are set by the server operator.