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Post by 1398342003 »

I know that, but I don't plan on liking it.

It kinda makes me want to make an authentic looking site that claims that evolutionary therories and other "science based" religions were founded by opium users and such, then say, "Please don't take offence, we did research and this is how it happened."

^That is designed to be humor, of a sort.

Anyways, reply to this if you like, but it makes me angry the way they treat other religions, and I won't talk about it anymore. (Cause I'll be mean and unpleasnt)
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Post by woodchip »

A history channel proggy said many of the wonderous things that happened in the bible were really space aliens trying to improve our lot.
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Post by Shoku »

Well, here's my take on things.

To understand salvation we need to step back from our own perspectives and look at things through God's eyes.

Question: Why is salvation necessary?
Answer: Because Adam listened to Satan's lies and willingly rejected God's authority. By accepting the lies heeped upon God by Satan, Adam fell from perfection - he was rejected by God and came under the rule of Satan.

Note: Satan is referred to as the "God of this world" and "the ruler of the world." This is how he was able to offer Jesus "all the Kingdoms of the world" for one act of worship. -Matthew 4:8-11

Question: What was Adam's punishment?
Answer: God had told Adam he would die, (he could have lived forever) . Before Adam was formed from the dust of the ground he did not exist. His punhishment was to return to this state - non-existence. God told him "for dust you are and to dust you will return." -Genesis 3:19

Question: What about Adam's offspring?
Answer: Before Adam died he had children (our ancestors). All these offspring were born into imperfection (which is the meaning of "sin") . We are all born to die, but because we did not willfully chose to be born into this condition (as Adam willfully chose to disobey God) there is hope for a return to perfection. God could have cleared the Earth of all disobedient humans and started over. He chose instead to demostrate his undeserved kindness (mercy) to Adam's offspring by creating a way to negate inherited imperfection. The solution was Jesus.
Jesus willfully ransomed his perfect life (and the potential within him while on Earth to father a race of perfect humans) for Adam's imperfect children. He is even called the "last Adam."
-1 Corinthians 15:45

Question: Is salvation for everyone?
Answer: Jesus told his followers to deliver the "good news" to all the nations. And he said the good news would be preached in ALL nations before the end would come. So everyione living at that time will have had an opportunity to learn about God.

Question: But what about people who lived in the past and never knew about God?
Answer: All humans die. God says "For he who has died has been acquitted from sin" -Romans 6:7 In other words, death is the penalty for inherited imperfection. Once that penalty has been paid the punishnment is over. This makes possible the resurrection of everyone who has ever lived. -John 5:25-29
All those who never knew God will be given an opportunity to know him after their resurrection. This is an amazing manifestation of God's power and love.

It should be noted, however, that Jesus ransom does not cover willful sin. "For if we practice sin willfully after having recieved the knowledge of the truth, there is no sacrifice for sins left." -Hebrews 10:26

Question: So who will be saved?
Answer: "For God said to Moses: 'I will have mercy upon whomever I do have mercy, and I will show compassion to whomever I do show compassion.' So then, it depends, not upon the one wishing, nor upon the one running, but upon God, who has mercy." =Romans 9:15,16
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Post by Darkside Heartless »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by Shoku:
<b> Question: Is salvation for everyone?
Answer: Jesus told his followers to deliver the "good news" to all the nations. And he said the good news would be preached in ALL nations before the end would come. So everyione living at that time will have had an opportunity to learn about God.

We are VERY close to that point. The Bible has been traslated into more languages that any other book on earth, there aren't that many left.
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Post by Jeff250 »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by woodchip:
A history channel proggy said many of the wonderous things that happened in the bible were really space aliens trying to improve our lot.</font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's funny-- so did Rican. Image
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Post by Darkside Heartless »

Aliens? Next someone will say we came through a giant ring and Ra lived here. Image
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