A few words on D2X-XL and music

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A few words on D2X-XL and music

Post by Diedel »

Today I looked into the D2 music stuff a little, particularly the midi code, trying to make it portable by using SDL_mixer.

Whatever format the D2 makers chose for their music, it isn't standard midi, at least if looking at what SDL_mixer expects in a MIDI file.

If there is someone around who has more insight in this subject, please enlighten me.

Darn the guys who implemented the D2 music.

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Post by fliptw »

there is(were) utilities for converting d1/2 music to midi. I think it was a format propretiry to interplay.

it might be saner to point people here and use that instead.
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Post by Diedel »


problem is that D2X midi is not available on Linux and OS X right now, and the only way for me to make it work is the SDL_mixer lib. It requires real midi though. Is there source code available for a hmp -> midi conversion? That would do already. If I could use SDL_mixer, I could also add mp3, wav and ogg vorbis playback and play lists.


I've found some source code for hmp -> midi conversion.
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