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Post by *JBOMB* »

If you guys could pick which of these two statements would better divide a community which would it be:
\"hey guys we created another D3 board and all are welcome to join.\"
have fun in your \"uncensored\" forum. and dont let the door hit you on the a$$ on the way out YOU WILL NOT BE MISSED
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Post by Vindicator »

I signed up over there and plan to be semi-active, but I dont intend to leave here either. Its just nice to have a more adult-themed version of this site when the current leadership wont allow it.

(plus i paid for the damn thing, might as well stick around and get my moneys worth :P)
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Post by Capm »

It would be one thing if it were a *new* descent board, but its not, its a rip-off, and that makes it lame.

You people are so full of yourselfs. I've been in the Descent community since the beginning. And I can't think of once that I've been censored for anything other than being off-topic (and that was just a few days ago) - Did I whine about it and threaten to start my own DBB? Hell no!

Its called courtesy, and class, and responisbility. Some of you don't care if you read cuss words or yack about sex. Just because you've grown up into fowl-mouthed sex-crazed drug addicts (I may be exaggerating a little, but for dramatization!) doesn't mean everyone else wants to read about that filth.

As I've said before, Descent was always billed as a CLEAN GAME - No blood, no GORE - hell there was a heated debate over the audio taunts and in-game ship logos in D3 because of their possible abuse (which is why you can turn them off). Just because the Staff wants the DBB to keep a clean face doesn't mean their trying to \"Impose their Morality\" on you -
You've known the rules for a long time, but you've forgotten over time because the administration (whom were mistakes to be put in power in the first place, IMHO) has been lax in enforcing them citing \"oh everyone here has grown up, blah blah blah\" Well, not everyone has grown up and we do have newer members who are younger - and if you dont' like the rules that have been in place for years, then goto your copy-cat rip-off unoriginal as hell porn-filled foul-mouthed full of crap (I again, may be exaggerating for effect..) fake dbb.

You may say I'm conservative, or that I'm being \"father-knows-best\" well, think what you want. I feel strongly about this. There is a place for the racier side of the community - its called the NHB, please, keep the racy comments confined to it, and keep the public areas clean. Thats all I'm saying. Thats it. There is nothing more to it than a little bit of Community Pride because we used to be able to say, \"We're better than them Quakers because they're all lame and foul-mouthed and mean spawn-killing asshats and 360 degrees is superior, we have more skill etc etc\" Well, congratulations, you've all brought the Descent community down the Quake's level.

Spawn killing? Hey thats okay! Type-Killing? Whats that, I changed it to a bullseye image! Sportsmanship and fair-fight? What are those?! The kind of crap that goes on in the mines these days would have gotten you crucified in Descent 1 or 2. This is the cancer of our community. When everyone stopped playing by the rules and turned into JERKS.

And thats my $0.02
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Post by MD-2389 »


This is so pathetic. Did KB hold a gun to my head forcing me to fork out a twenty dollar check to help fund this site? No. Like Sheep said, KB was VERY reluctant to accept ANY money just because of a past incident as well as other obvious liability reasons. From our past discussions via Teamspeak, he literally tried every method he could to avoid the donation method. He paid for the previous server for a year just so we could have a place to post. Yes, the server sucked ass, but thats beside the point. He has bent over backwards to ensure this board has a future. You people begged him to come back, and this is the treatment you give him? Oh no, he edited one damn post. Big frelling deal! Yes it was against established policy. What you forgot to mention there Bill is that KB apologized REPEATEDLY. He even gave Adam his home phone number so they could talk it over. Adam wouldn't hear of it, and posted that childish attention whore \"I didn't get my way so I'm leaving in a huff!\" thread. If thats his perogative, then more power to him. Furthermore, I never saw you try to resolve anything Bill. The only thing you did was try to be a prick by trying to start the fight all over again.

On the topic of censorship....I'm sorry, but where? Other than the \"intense sex\" post (which KB has already apologized for both publicly and privately), I don't see one instance of posts being \"censored\". Maybe you mean the swear filter? FFS people, you claim to be adults yet you're acting like the opposite. But hey, if you want to run away like children instead of stepping up to the plate and actually trying to resolve the problem, then more power to ya.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Once again, all I can is WOW. I've never seen a sorry bunch of morons all in one place.

edit: forget it. not worth posting
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Post by fliptw »

Nice idea; quit half-assing it and pick an original name.
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Post by Grendel »

Trying hard to stay neutral here. Every side has good points but some seem to be too boneheaded to work out solutions mano-o-mano. Creating a parallel board is an interesting approch, but doesn't do a lot in terms of knitting the community together..

Capm wrote:As I've said before, Descent was always billed as a CLEAN GAME - No blood, no GORE - ..
Technically that's not true. I was showing someone D3 w/ the pointer that it's blood/gore free -- until we watched the intro movie. I felt quite embarrased.
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Post by Capm »

Oh, the d3 intro - the LAST GAME, one half-second blip - compared to other games where blood splatters everywhere every time you shoot something, guts and entrails and gangstas slappin ho's (yes that was a shamless slap at GTA).... And then at the end of the game where Dravis is nailed to the wall by the guide bot - really, thats not gory its more cartoonish the way it was done... Its not even part of the gameplay!

Give me a break.
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Post by whuppinboy »

my penii is bigger than yours ;)

oh! new gremlins! :shock: :x :roll: :o

i don't see where any harm is being done, so a new board got started, people can join if they want or not. how it splits the community is up to the people that post at the new board and not here and vice versa.
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Post by *JBOMB* »

You guys keep talking about the money and the adam situations when thats not what this is about..stress only mentioned that the adam thing was the \"latest\" thing...

It also amazes me how mean you guys can be considering how long you have known eachother..and how small this group is...You act like another BB to talk on his a personal attack on you as individuals...i dont get it...Some of the people you like to play d3 with just want a place to chat without being told HOW to chat..Try not being so mean to them...Its not like they are going away...
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Post by Palzon »

i'm a little confused here.

So i would ask something of each side in this debate. By side, I do not mean everyone who takes a side should chime in for their side. Clearly KB runs the and Stresstest runs the

So unlike other topics, I think their words matter most here. Shouldn't we be hearing from them?

First of all, to Stresstest, I think a lot of us who are not DBB \"insiders\" are missing a piece of the puzzle as far why a schism in the board is necessary.

Let me elaborate on this a little bit...

This board has always been a conservative haven. fine. I routinely find myself the minority opinion. But that doesn't bother me. I can live with neo-cons, fundamentalists, and blockheads. What bothers me more is that some of my minority brethren are too lazy or insecure to stand up to it. I find myself the lone voice in the wilderness because people here are too cowed to call BS on the powers that be.

That said, I have no desire to be part of a discussion group that is divided such that there is no opposing view left to debate. If there is to be meaningful and spirited debate, i think there needs to be diverse representation.

about one year ago, i made a post basically saying that everyone sucked. the conservatives here suck because they are so dogmatic and closed-minded. the \"liberals\" here suck because they are spineless and put up with bullying that should not be tolerated.

If .Net is denuded of its last reminaing \"liberal\" posters, then .Net becomes worthless. E&C becomes even more of a circle-jerk than it already is. E&C might as well be closed and the Cafe made the only forum. But I think the same would be true of .Com as well. If the boards are made even less diverse then they both suffer.

My whole problem with this community for the last 3 years has not been over-modding of threads or mods editing posts. My problem is that the lack of diversity makes it boring and predictable. My initial reaction is that a schism would double the bordom and predictability.

The question I'm asking myself is not, \"which BB should I prefer?\" The question I'm asking myself is, \"Why should I be part of the descent community at all?\"

As far as Kool Bear. I disagreed with what happened with Cops, but it wasn't an earth-shattering event. I am not privy to behind-the-scenes manoeuvres to make speech more free on the boards, nor am I aware of any incidents other than the one with Cops.

So from Stresstest I'd like to know why this schism is necessary? For those of us not privy to the \"power struggle\" for the board that went on behind the scenes, what are we supposed to do for a good argument once the board is split?


To Koolbear,

The first thing I would point out is that in the recent age poll, ONLY 1 PERSON was shown to be under sixteen. 83% of the board that responded is 21 and up! Modding the board as if it is for little kiddies is short-sighted and I can understand why some people took that as an insult. Considering the term \"intense sex\" would fly in a PG-13 movie, it would tend to show that in that case too much control was exerted.

I, for one, do not see KB exerting any unusual aspect of control here. When Xciter took over from Sickone he appeared to me much more controlling than KB has been. The point is, nothing has really changed here.

However, there seem to be a lot of people who think the board needs to be taken in a different direction, not kept business as usual. if that's the case, then I do not think KB should have a dismissive, \"there's the door\" attitude.

It is an absolute absurdity to force most posters into NHB. If anything, make a kiddie forum where the kiddies can go and make the rest of the board off-limits to the kiddie!

I do believe things should be more relaxed around here. But I was not sitting around hoping for a BB alternative. Yet posts in this thread like those of Capm, Cuda, and Nosferatu are obnoxious and make me more inclined to want one.

I guess my question to KB would be - would you really rather see the board divided than compromise? Would you sacrifice the diversity of the board out of pride? If so, you might as well give up the DBB name and change this place to the TACRB - The Tight A$$ Christian Republican Board, cuz that is all that will be left.
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Post by Tricord »

This is not pathetic. I wholeheartedly agree with the people complaining about KB. He came in, reposessed the DBB, and used his origin of founder to cut right through five years of DBB history, which he wasn't even part of.

This board has been run with a \"live and let live\" policy. Furthermore, this board had everything it needed to have. Now we have a ★■◆●ing teamspeak server, new smilies that are uglier than a hairy butt, a donation system that unrightfully mark some people as \"inner circle\" -- sorry, I mean \"benefactor\". We have new forums for games we don't care about, not to mention my cookie settings got borked after many years of duty because KB probably hosed some module in phpBB.

We didn't need any of those things. We didn't need KB to do all this. If he had time to get back to the community, why couldn't he just sit back and enjoy the board like every other damn member?? He can't just bust in here, do lots of unuseful things and expect us to revere him in awe as we did back when he erected this place? I just don't understand the objective motivation behind anything he's been doing.

Now, this being said, I don't see the need to start another forum and try to split the community. I won't visit the other forum. I'd rather have KB tone down his \"charitable efforts\" around this place.

I've offered to host the DBB free of charge and without extra rights or privileges in exchange. I have no problem doing this with the hosting company I run and own. It's not difficult to get hosting, so there shouldn't be any money to be paid by the members, even on voluntary basis. That's just crazy.

Bottom line: KB is not familiar with democracy, now it's blown up in his face.
That was my two cents.
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Post by Kilarin »

I realize I'm derailing the topic somewhat, but... hmmm... Nope, not feeling guilty. :)
Palzon wrote:This board has always been a conservative haven.
Are you really certain about that? It seems to me that in the ID discussions, and the Bible In A Nutshell topic, we've seen a good balance of differing opinions. In the "Bible in a Nutshell" topic my quick and not necessarily very accurate count came up with 6 positives and 14 negatives. In the political forums the conservatives are certainly vocal, but I've felt that those of us who are less than enthusiastic about Bush certainly got our say.

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Post by Lothar »

Tricord wrote:I just don't understand the objective motivation behind anything he's been doing.
KoolBear loves the DBB. Or, he loves what the DBB once was. Whoever held the reins two months ago decided to put it back in his hands, and now he wants to rebuild the thing he loved. I totally respect that.

But, a bunch of the rest of us love the DBB for what it is, or perhaps what it could be with some small changes. And therein lies the problem... we love it for what it is, he loves it for what it was, and we can't have both in the same place.

So, how do we solve this problem? Some people have decided that maybe we can have both, and have set out to build a new one. I don't agree with that effort, but I respect them for it. I prefer to convince KB that the DBB that was will never come back, and that the DBB we have now is our home and it doesn't need to be changed in the ways he wants to change it.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Once again politics and religion have caused headaches. We should ban these from our lives now. :twisted:
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Post by Bet51987 »

Well, I went over to Stresstests new site for a look and in the PTMC KompresZor already used a choice word. I would bet that it will be a free for all soon. Stresstest wanted an adult site...he got it.

This is really sad... :cry:

P.S. If this board goes away....I will too. I'm not going to the other dbb.

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Post by JMEaT »

This choosing sides crap is retarded. I'll continue to post where the majority does. I could care less who runs the show.
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Post by Palzon »

Kilarin wrote:
Palzon wrote:This board has always been a conservative haven.

Are you really certain about that?

yep, I'm certain. not that others can't state their opinions or have a meaningful conversation. I'm just saying the BB is a majority of conservative, republican, christians.

edit: the point of my post was that diversity is good.
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Post by Capm »

Anyone remember when, in the VIP room I said:
A month from now, nobody is going to remember or care what the hell this arguement was about, and posts will continue on as normal. If you just drop it, it will go away. I garantee.
And, shortly thereafter, the thread was locked, and it seemed like that was going to work. But now suddenly, Stress is picking a fight, the thread is back open and we have this crapball of a thread.

This is Stress's fault. Everything would have been fine right now if he'd just shut up. :x

I think Palzon's got a pretty balanced view of the situation. There's enough blame to go around for everyone. But the fact of the matter is, KB was right to pull the content from that thread. The manner in which he did it was wrong. He has apologized. That should be the end of it. But no. Stress and his dbb wannabes' had to keep stirring crap up over nothing. Thats whats got me ticked off.

My view of the DBB is, this is a forum for a community surrounding a game. There are members young and old. And, I can be as sailor-mouthed as the next person, but in open forum, here, I do try to keep the content clean. Racier stuff was meant to be put in the NHB, thats WHY it was MADE. I don't care what anyone posts in the NHB. But when I visit this forum, and when other people visit this forum, I don't think they come here for the drunken-sailor language environment. If that were the case, this forum would be called the PTMC Saloon, not CAFE, which implies a more refined clientele.

I don't want to read a bunch of trash all over the forums. And, if thats the case, I'd just assume not come here anymore. I've got plenty of reading material on the MS forums. I come here because its the Descent Community hub, its the people that are here, the memories that are here, the history - but I don't come here to read about how someone got hot sex for christmas. If I wanted to read about hot sex, I'd goto literotica. This is not the place for it.

Its like a town, okay? And we all have a yard here, and some of you don't give a damn about littering, and as you drive by, you're throwing trash out on my lawn. I don't want trash on my lawn. I don't think the DBB should be filled with trash talk.

I'm not the only voice in this community, and some of you don't care what other people say. But I do. And other do. And we've all been here long enough, that a little courtesy and respect will go a long way. I'm not asking you to wash your mouth out with soap. I'm not asking you to convert to christianity. I'm not asking you to bend over and recieve an enema. I'm asking you to be courtious and respectful of the rest of the people in the community, and keep the adult themed stuff where it belongs - in the NHB. Nobody will respect you if all you do is swear every other word.
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Post by Diedel »


what an amazing pile of nonsense you posted there.

#1 KB hasn't pressed his moral standards on everybody here. His editing of TC's post was done in a very polite way, and nothing to get so upset about. Exaggerated or not, you are not showing the slightest mercy here.

#2 KB didn't press money out of anybody here. The first forum move was due to the old server costing USD 80/month, which is insane. That first new server proved to be a mess, so KB asked whether BB users (who profit from this BB, don't they?) would financially support a move to a colocated server costing USD 28/month. Again, why should he alone pay all that? Obviously you haven't donated anyway, so why don't you STFU?!!!

#3 Can it be that you are one of the persons who already feel suppressed in their freedom and personal view on morale, ethics, human rights, and, ummm, world peace if they just hear the words 'Christian', 'Christianity' or the like? TC seems to be same. Yah, you didn't mention these words, but I can smell this here. Funny enough its people like you going on a crusade in such a case these days.

You should definitely think your attitude over. Your whole post is way below the belt.

Next time, sleep a night over a post like that above before publishing it, or you will get in grave danger of making a fool of yourself.

You're not the only one tending to frank words, what do you think? ;)
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Post by Bet51987 »

One more thing...I'm not a total prude. I had no problem with \"intense sex\", but I can see the new dbb going bad very quickly.

I know how teachers act in front of students. They act like...well...adults.

What I want to know is..are adult \"words\" like the new dbb is allowing also used in the business environment? or do people censor themselves. Do they swear at meetings?... I'm just asking cuz I dont know.

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Post by Diedel »

It wouldn't make a good impression at all to swear at business meetings.

But this whole issue is a storm in a waterglass. It's like if ppl are getting too well, they get bored and start to find something they can pick on. The best cure is to give them a few really bad days so that they will appreciate what they have again (speaking from experience ;)).

I doubt this board will go away, btw. Ppl like Stress usually gather a few more frustrated ppl around them who get bored pretty quick at their new meeting point because it is and will stay a rather isolated place not attracting many more ppl because nobody else from their source community thinks and feels like them.
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Post by fyrephlie »

swearing in business meetings does happen, but it depends on the meeting, and the business. teachers swear... one of mine swore in class all the time, nothing over the top, but just things like 'what the hell' and 'dammit'.

intense sex isn't really a big deal, but kb didn't like it in the context, and the context i think is what made it important to him.

for all intents and purposes, the .com uses a language filter, they are trying to remove it for the NHB forum. I don't think they are concerned as much with 'swear words', but the 'oppression of free (well semi-free) speech', I was already yelled at for referring to them as '.com jackasses' in their E & C... time will tell.
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Post by Lothar »

We don't need the level of anger, flaming, or hatred I'm seeing in this thread.

Stress and all the other guys who started up the new DBB didn't do it out of anger or spite. They did it because they want a forum that feels like home to them... and they want it to be populated by this community. How can you respond to that with anything but respect?

And KoolBear isn't running this board the way he is out of anger or spite. He does it because he wants the home he left years ago to return. How can you respond to that with anything but respect?

Both sides have good hearts... just bad implementation, and a total breakdown of communication between the two sides. People have been talking past each other for 2 or 3 months now. But I think now it's finally reaching a point where we'll be able to work it out.
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Post by Diedel »

Lothar wrote:Stress and all the other guys who started up the new DBB didn't do it out of anger or spite.
Keep dreaming. Or read the first post of this thread.
punisher wrote:
fyrephlie wrote: (i wonder if i'm welcome in your fort... hmm).
Of course! I think Stress made that pretty clear in his post. This is about inclusion more than anything.
I think Stress remark about everybody being welcome is a "marketing trick" to draw as many ppl as possible to his BB by kindly smiling at everybody making them believe his place is so wonderful. It's the usual behaviour of someone who got mad at some "leadership" (or whatever you may call it) somewhere and creating a new place for all schizmatics. I have seen this before.
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Post by Couver_ »

fyrephlie wrote: I was already yelled at for referring to them as '.com jackasses' in their E & C... time will tell.

Yelled at riiiight.

Bun just asked that you not call anyone names. Thats not a "free speach" thing

I think its respecting people and not flaming thing.
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Post by Couver_ »

*edit nice words Capm funny I am a sailor and have a bit of a buzz right now :P

I do try and keep the cussing at work though. Things tend to get done it the right combo of words are used. :twisted: :P
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Post by woodchip »

About swearing. What was pointed out to me before many of you \"chittlins\" were born:

\"One swears because they lack the intellectual capacity to use a better, more appropriate word\".

So next time you have the urge to use a three or four letter word, see if you can find one with more letters and a couple of syllables
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Post by Diedel »

Funny enough, I had accidentally stumbled over a few days ago because I had manually entered and mistyped the DBB url in my web browser ... it didn't look quite right, so I noticed my mistake at once.

Just took another look - no place for D2X-XL or DLE-XP even ... \"the way it should be\", alright. :P
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Post by fyrephlie »

woodchip wrote:About swearing. What was pointed out to me before many of you "chittlins" were born:

"One swears because they lack the intellectual capacity to use a better, more appropriate word".

So next time you have the urge to use a three or four letter word, see if you can find one with more letters and a couple of syllables
people complain about that too, lol.

"STFU with your wordy double talk, and big words like yer smarter... blah blah blah."


I wrote:bah... 2 extremes... .net=tightasses vs .com=jackasses :P
i was responding to the one sidedness of the discussion taking place, and commenting on the view as it was being laid out.

his response was actually very amusing to me.
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Post by Pun »

Capm wrote:PTMC Saloon
I love it! Thanks!
Lothar wrote:We don't need the level of anger, flaming, or hatred I'm seeing in this thread.
Thanks for all the level-headed dialogue, Tom. You obviously understand what we were all trying to do. We love the DBB. That's why we wanted to make it look similar to this BB, because it would make us feel like we were home. Nobody is doing this out of spite. We just want to be ourselves, mature and have the board mature with us.

Thanks for all the input, folks, good and bad. But could we please try to keep the flames down? Enough personal attacks. They will no longer be tolerated in this thread.
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Post by Diedel »


I didn't care about what TC wrote in that other thread. Actually I thought "who gives the f* about your oh-so great sex life you have to brag about here, and who knows or cares whether you just lied about it or not".
STRESSTEST wrote:Over the years, many of us have made offers to host or take care of this bulletin board, myself included. Now, with Koolbear's encouragement, we have decided to hit the door and continue the DescentBB elsewhere. You as an individual will never be shamed into paying a dime for something that has always been free for you to enjoy. No grand standing of those that have by putting them on a pedestal. Quite benevolently, it’s a continuation of where we were as a community.
Obviously it didn't dawn on Stress that their 'benevolence' wasn't desired by anybody, and that that was why their 'generous offers' were declined.

I wonder if Stresstest ever reads this: The quoted part of his post is an amazing display of arrogance. He tries to put down KB really bad. What a disgusting way to treat KB ("shaming ppl into paying" - what the heck?). Who is putting himself on a pedestal with that post? Oh Stresstest, great and wonderful benefactor, stuff your forum and your benevolent shelling out of money for it so that I can enjoy your generous, benevolent patronage for free.

No thanks. :lol:

The more I think about this, the more I feel an urge to laugh. It just doesn't sound like he's kidding. Everybody with two eyes and a brain should see through this pathetic attempt of Stresstest to finally be the wonderful, 'benevolent' (HEH!) "father" of a "better" DBB.

I prefer to donate a little money for this forum and pay back a little of what it has given to me, and support those who are running it that way.
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Post by TigerRaptor »

Unix wrote:It's just retarded in my opinion to copy the DBB so you can say naughty words.
Because they want to say naughty little things to each other. ;)
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Post by Couver_ »

Diedel wrote: The more I think about this, the more I feel an urge to laugh. It just doesn't sound like he's kidding. Everybody with two eyes and a brain should see through this pathetic attempt of Stresstest to finally be the wonderful, 'benevolent' (HEH!) "father" of a "better" DBB.
ZOMG Inspector Diedel has uncovered Stresstests nefarious plot to sieze control of teh internet!! :P

Stress is well into the WOW realm he does not even post here much more. Heck he is just providing bandwidth the other guys are the mods and such.

I plan to post here and there and have fun at each. Also abide by the rules set forth by each board. It is an alternitive. Not some plan to shut this place down. I think each board is run according to how each set of people want and by "signing" the agreement when you register you concede to play by their rules.

It should not be a war of the boards just looked on as something fresh. I think the crew here does a bang up job running this place.
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Post by *JBOMB* »

You guys keep talking about how stress did this..and stress is doing that...

Read his post again..he didnt build the board..he was approached by the unhappy members here and asked if his domain was available to use...

So if you guys are looking for the gears in this motor..look no further than all the peeps youve alienated over the last however many months...

Again it wasnt Adams post..or the donations...or the fight between KB and stress..

Its just your friends wanting to chat without anyone telling them how to chat...

<--- Gear :)
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Post by Pun »

Enough with the personal attacks. Last warning.
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Post by fyrephlie »

punisher wrote:Enough with the personal attacks. Last warning.
or he'll ban you from BOTH forums!
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Post by Ferno »

I share the same sentiments as Lothar does on this.
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Post by Diedel »

Couver_ wrote:ZOMG Inspector Diedel has uncovered Stresstests nefarious plot to sieze control of teh internet!! :P
Just ponder a while on what I quoted, dude. "Only offering bandwidth" or not, that's his true thoughts, and they're not hard to find.
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Post by Pugwash »

The language will not be bad in all forums at the Bettina. you will however be able to say \"sex\" in the cafe without getting attacked. you will even be able to use the word intense.

also Stress does NOT run the, he is a contributor, as are many of the descent community.

I believe the intent of the new BB is to return it to how it was 6 months ago here at the if you could come here then you will be fine on the new