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Something to make you go hmmmmm.

Post by VonVulcan »

My cousin brought this to my attention... Thought you might be interested.

To : the public at large concerning Jail

C/O :

I have no dog in this fight; I suggest that you preserve the narrow reach of JAIL because Jail can be sold on the basis of the facts :

“Regardless of form, there are no current systems that EVER ACTUALLY operate to hold a Judge accountable for the crimes he commits from and through the Color of the Judicial Mantel.”

“Therefore, as a matter of public safety, to secure the equal and uniform application of Law to all Citizens there needs to be a system in place that actually and meaningfully operates to make and hold each judge who commits \"any deliberate violation of law, fraud or conspiracy, intentional violation of due process of law, deliberate disregard of material facts, judicial acts without jurisdiction, blocking of a lawful conclusion of a case or any deliberate violation of the Constitution\" accountable for their criminal acts in an immediate and timely manner.”

“If you government employees and officers of the court [quasi and virtual government employees] say that we, the people, do not need to have laws specifically making and holding ‘each judge who commits any deliberate violation of law, fraud or conspiracy, intentional violation of due process of law, deliberate disregard of material facts, judicial acts without jurisdiction, blocking of a lawful conclusion of a case or any deliberate violation of the Constitution accountable for their criminal acts in a timely manner’; then, passing this act does no harm” and,

1] “If there are such existing procedures and remedies available to the people that actually work; then show them to us by stipulating the exact statutes, codes, rules, processes that are used to achieve the objective of holding each judge who commits \"any deliberate violation of law, fraud or conspiracy, intentional violation of due process of law, deliberate disregard of material facts, judicial acts without jurisdiction, blocking of a lawful conclusion of a case or any deliberate violation of the Constitution\" accountable for their criminal acts in a timely manner.

2] “If there are remedies available to the people that have ever been used; then, cite and show us the case law, the procedures, the briefs, the final verdicts, and the appellate resolutions that have actually operated to hold a Judge to answer for the EACH of The Judicial Crimes hereafter ‘committing deliberate violations of law, fraud or conspiracy, intentional violation of due process of law, deliberate disregard of material facts, judicial acts without jurisdiction, blocking of a lawful conclusion of a case or any deliberate violation of the Constitution !

“Since no such remedies exist and there are no records of any such proceedings, ‘it is a self-evident truth that we the people, have no meaningful capability of, or processes for, holding judges to answer for committing \"deliberate violations of law, fraud or conspiracy, intentional violations of due process of law, deliberate disregard of material facts, judicial acts without jurisdiction, blocking of a lawful conclusion of a case or deliberate violations of the Constitution\" accountable; therefore, JAIL offers us the sole means to timely provide and deliver ourselves Lawful remedies.

It was the corrupt, unreachable, and unaccountable Judiciary that forced the Barons to compel King John to sign the Magna Charta; and, it was the corrupt, prostitute, and unaccountable Judiciary that forced the Founding Fathers to engage and execute the Revolution.

Throughout Western History, from Greece until today, every political crisis exploded as a direct action against judges who committed \"deliberate violations of law, fraud or conspiracy, intentional violations of due process of law, deliberate disregard of material facts, judicial acts without jurisdiction, blocking of lawful conclusions of a case and deliberate violations of the” Common Law [Constitution] ‘with virtual immunity’… exactly as and where the situation stands today.

JAIL addresses, rights, and resolves the Historical Crisis that is caused by the unaccountable Rouge Judiciary - forever.

The people needed JAIL 3,000 years ago and in every political crisis between… today, we can correct this glaring historical fault by passing Jail into Law… by creating a Judiciary that is meaningfully accountable for committing \"deliberate violations of law, fraud or conspiracy, intentional violations of due process of law, deliberate disregard of material facts, judicial acts without jurisdiction, blocking of a lawful conclusion of a case or deliberate violations of the Constitution\".

J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California February 26, 2006 ______________________________________________________

The Inherent Right of ALL People to Alter or Reform Abusive Government.

The Right Upon Which All Other Rights Depend

Leading the Country for J.A.I.L. Nationally - Support Them!

P.O. Box 412, Tea, S.D. 57064 - (605) 231-1418

Nevada Now Weighs In

\"It's really saying for doing your job you're potentially a criminal.\"

William Dressel, president of the National Judicial College in Reno.

Las Vegas Sun ... 53297.html

February 24, 2006

J.A.I.L. group goes after judges

South Dakota organization will target Nevada

if November initiative is successful

By Matt Pordum <>
Las Vegas Sun

A group pushing an initiative to strip judges of their immunity in South Dakota has Nevada on its radar.
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Post by Will Robinson »

Isn't the appeals process the mechanism they claim is missing?
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Post by VonVulcan »

No, this whole topic has to do with holding judges accountable. Nothing to do with your average everyday criminal.
(20:12) STRESSTEST: Im actually innocent this time
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Post by Will Robinson »

OK, I was kind of reading between the lines. The text refered to the judges ability to get away with a lot of things and I was just immediately thinking what recourse the defendant has but it sounds like you're talking about punishing the judges for the things they get wrong.

I could see that but there is no immunity for judges that I know of so if they actually break the law aren't they already open for criminal prosecution?

It sounds like they could be in jeopordy for poor job performance, say a judge refused the introduction of evidence that you think should have been admitted to a case.
Would you like to charge him criminally for that?
Woa!! Be a judge and go to jail if your interpretation of the law differs with an appeals court judge who overturns your decision!

Maybe if the appeals process finds the judge was woefully negligent I guess charges could be brought, maybe they should be, but I can also see this leading to judges letting criminals go whenever their rulings might be questioned so they won't go to jail themselves.

Could anyone who wins an appeal charge the judge for anything they think a jury will buy as negligence?

Or try the otherside of the coin, take the O.J. Simpson case. I think O.J. was guilty as sin. Can I get Alito brought up on charges for mismanaging that trial so badly that O.J walked away?

Things were so much simpler when the towns folk could just grab a rope, find a tree and string up the bad guys if the posse brought them back alive ;)
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Post by VonVulcan »

In America, individuals should not be able to write laws; however, judges decide all issues in their courtrooms and their decisions become cited as \"case law.\" The result is that laws become what judges interpret them to be -- regardless of the state or federal Constitution. This is known as \"Judicial Activism.\"
This is, as I see it, what this topic addresses.

This is a major problem of our present judicial system and is why the libs are making such complete fools of themselves over the presidents judicial nominations. If the present incarnation of libs lose the judiciary, thier power to \"make laws\" outside of the legislative process is gone. What remains is to create some process to make those \"activist judges\" that are already entrenched accountable for thier actions.
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Post by VonVulcan »

We are not talking about blanket imunity of judges, we all know if a judge
were to steal a car, commit murder or some crimnal act, and the evidence supported it,
they would be tried and most likely convicted. What is judicial immunity? Check this...
http://www.southdakotajudicialaccountab ... munity.htm
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Post by Will Robinson »

The examples of blatent abuse in that last link should have been dealt with by the legislature. In the more recent example of Kelo vs. City of New Lodon, the linked article states that: \"Reform will not come from the government. It must come from the People.\"
but in the wake of that case, quite quickly (relative to the speed at which government usually moves), state governments moved to create laws that would make that kind of land grab illegal.
So I think that source needs to be updated, also it would help their cause if they would remove the opinion and hyperbole and just state the facts of the cases. Reading their descriptions of the events laced with heated rhetoric and the ommission of the positive reaction from the state level to the Kelo case leaves me to wonder if they acurately portrayed the events.

In one of the examples you linked if a judge actually did get away with having a young girl sterilized after having told her she was going to recieve an appendectomy I can't believe there is no law that could be used to put that judge on trial and if it's as they described, and other judges basically protected him from prosecution, then hell yes something needs to be done.
In that case I wonder where were the state legislators and/or the governor, certainly there is some mechanism in the state constitution that empowers them to yank that judge and his protectors from the bench and make them vulnerable to the law once again.
I'd love to know more details about the event. Something seems fishy to me.
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Post by Zuruck »

Just the libs are doing this activism huh Vulcan? If it's the only way we can try to keep Bush's radical plan away from everyone I'll all for it. I think you'd have to be quite the piece of garbage to follow Bush now, hasn't he lost all of you yet?
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Post by VonVulcan »

Zuruck, it goes both ways, there are bad apples in every basket as you well know.
However the libs have had much more time and control of Government then
conservatives so there is a lot of catching up to do. IMHO
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Post by Zuruck »

Hmmm...Clinton wasn't given the luxury of owning both houses in Congress. Hell, the Dems had control of the Senate for about a year...if that. They're all the same, libs and neocons, haven't you figured that out yet? When you get off your ass and vote third party, maybe then this country will change, but you won't change it by voting red or blue. try green, it's not a bad color.
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Post by VonVulcan »

This goes far beyond the presidency, if my earlier post led you to believe that,
I am sorry. This is a national issue. Yes, I can see how it could be a missused.
However the problem remains and So. Dak. is doing something about it, what about
the rest of us? We ARE losing our rights and it is not to just a political party.
We have our selves to blame for letting it get this far out of hand.
The sad things is, it may already be to late...
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Post by Mobius »

The original quote is bloody funny: nothing but drivel; emotive claptrap; poorly spelled; contains lies (Well, inaccuracies of this magnitude must be lies, it's inconceivable the author does not know the truth), attempts to cover the entire world, and its history.

What a complete and utter load of bull★■◆●!
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Post by Jeff250 »

Fun fact: Every one of the paragraphs in that manifesto-thing is one or fewer sentences. I'll try to read it again when the statements are concise and broken down into digestable bits using periods and/or other sentence-enders.
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