I also got ni hires textures, as reported before - even with the latest version of D2X-XL and the bug with the immediate termination of D2X-XL (SDL parachute deployed) when trying to access the advanced render options persists - I don't know what to do
I also tried to create a new player profile, but the results stay the same - no hires textures and crash when accessing advanced render options
I'm not sure if it relates to what I posted in the Update notification Thread... but.
When I fire up D2X, and go into the Options menu, there are some choices that are just whited out. I would show ou a screen shot but, when I do it comes out all freaky like.
I can describe it best when I select, \"Use Joystick\" (somesuch) and there should be a couple chioces below, but all I get are blank ares where I can't read anything...
d3jake wrote:I would show ou a screen shot but, when I do it comes out all freaky like.
"prt scr" (print screen) button does nothing for you?
When you are ready. All you would have to do is hit "prt scr" and then paste it to paint. Save as a jpg file and upload it here when posting.
There is an "Add image to post" option when posting. should be easy enough.
I can't seem to get the mouse wheel to make the ship move up and down, I go to the customize mouse screen and it puts MW UP and MW DN in the spaces for slide up and slide down but then it doesn't work during the game. This is on a D1 mission btw.
I doubt this has ever worked. Sliding uses the button down time. The wheel has no down time, as the mouse wheel action is like a button click (down-up).
Diedel wrote:I doubt this has ever worked. Sliding uses the button down time. The wheel has no down time, as the mouse wheel action is like a button click (down-up).
You said, that you can not reproduce my keyramping problems, so I tried to install a new fresh installation of Descent 1 and 2 and Version 1.6.40.
So everything (including patches to 1.5 Descent 1 and 1.2 Descent2 is installed new).
So ramping problem is still there.
Changing ramping to 10% in startmenu than starting a Singleplayer-Mission (doesn't matter if it is Descent 1 or 2).
Than pop up ingame menu it show (and feels) 50% ramping. Puting slider back on 10% and quitting Singleplayer (so going back to mainmenu) it remains 10%.
So I hope it helps you to track down or reproduce bug.
Btw I only use keyboardramping for rotation keys, so this is the only of the 3 checkboxes which is on.
Edit: The key was that you set your ramping to a value below 50%. That kind of problem is really hard to reproduce. You see how important it is to give a description as detailled as possible how to provoke a bug.
I had been fixing the texture handling code for the '-gl_alttexmerge 0' setting. For this setting, D2X-XL creates a new texture consisting of the base and the overlay texture for each pair of base+overlay texture. In the course of the code update, I had changed a few lines determining whether to call the merge function, and messed up a little.
It probably stopped and then started to work again for the '-gl_alttexmerge 1' case because I had been fiddling around with the shader programs in an optimization attempt.
Diedel wrote:I had been fixing the texture handling code for the '-gl_alttexmerge 0' setting. For this setting, D2X-XL creates a new texture consisting of the base and the overlay texture for each pair of base+overlay texture. In the course of the code update, I had changed a few lines determining whether to call the merge function, and messed up a little.
It probably stopped and then started to work again for the '-gl_alttexmerge 1' case because I had been fiddling around with the shader programs in an optimization attempt.
Ok added the "0" to the switch line. That fixed it.
The ini switches I have are from the start of this project. I don't overwrite the ini files because I'ld have to change lines here and there each time an update is released.
Having said that. I do look at the NEW ini file each time. I over looked the "0" or "1" that was added to the switch.
Any "0"s or "1"s needed to be added to my switches?
If you enable the joystick and then try to disable the mouse, the cursor becomes stuck in the center of the screen and it is impossible to navigate your way out of the menu. In addition, the game locks up and you can't navigate out with the keyboard either. The only way out is to control-alt-delete it.
The robot animation movies used in the D2 briefings don't seem to work correctly. Depending on the particular movie, they either skip a lot of frames, show a single flashing frame, leave \"trails\" from previous frames or don't display at all. You can see all these things by just loading the first D2 level and looking at its briefing.
You may already know about this bug as it's been around for a while, but I thought I would bring it up anyway.
Okay, I beleve this is the right thread for this so here it goes:
Starting from a base 98SE install I installed D2, from the autorun screen, then I downloaded the newest version of D2X, and extracted it to the directory that D2 installed to. THen when I double click on the D2X-Xl I icon (yes the application, not the .ico file...) it will bring up a window for a brief second, then it shuts down.
Right afterward (since I normally have Explorer open) I see a text fle jump to the top of the list (sorted by date) so when I open it it reads \"SDL Parachute Deployed\" and afterward I can't get D2X running, it crashes at that same point.
I did search DBB for the SDL Parachute thingie but I didn't come up with anything useful...
Loading program arguments
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', '', 'data', 'descent2.hog')
GetAppFolder (data) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'data', 'd2demo.hog')
GetAppFolder (data) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2' (1)
expected game app folder = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2'
expected game data folder = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2'
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'models', '*.oof')
GetAppFolder (models) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'textures', '*.tga')
GetAppFolder (textures) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'profiles', '')
GetAppFolder (profiles) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'movies', '*.mvl')
GetAppFolder (movies) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'savegames', '')
GetAppFolder (savegames) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'screenshots', '')
GetAppFolder (screenshots) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'C:\\Games\\Descent2/demos', 'demos', '')
GetAppFolder (demos) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2/demos' (0)
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'config', '*.cfg')
GetAppFolder (config) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2' (1)
Creating default tracker list
Loading main hog file
found hog file 'd2x.hog'
found hog file 'd2x-xl.hog'
found hog file 'extra.hog'
found hog file 'descent.hog'
Loading text resources
File 'descent.tex' not found
Loading hires models
File 'pyrogl.oof' not found
Loading ban list
File 'banlist.txt' not found
Initializing i/o
Reading configuration file
File 'descentw.cfg' not found
Initializing control types
Initializing joystick
Initializing graphics
No shaders available
No rendering to texture available
building lightmap shader programs
Initializing render buffers
Loading default palette
Initializing game fonts
Initializing movies
found movie lib 'intro-h.mvl'
found movie lib 'other-h.mvl'
found movie lib 'robots-h.mvl'
File 'extra1-h.mvl' not found
File '.extra1-h.mvl' not found
File 'extra1-l.mvl' not found
File '.extra1-l.mvl' not found
File 'extra2-h.mvl' not found
File '.extra2-h.mvl' not found
File 'extra2-l.mvl' not found
File '.extra2-l.mvl' not found
File 'extra3-h.mvl' not found
File '.extra3-h.mvl' not found
File 'extra3-l.mvl' not found
File '.extra3-l.mvl' not found
File 'extra4-h.mvl' not found
File '.extra4-h.mvl' not found
File 'extra4-l.mvl' not found
File '.extra4-l.mvl' not found
File 'extra5-h.mvl' not found
File '.extra5-h.mvl' not found
File 'extra5-l.mvl' not found
File '.extra5-l.mvl' not found
Initializing game data
THere ya go, I haven't a clue what any of it means... except for the mvl files that can't be found apparently
Loading program arguments
-render_quality 3
-nomovies 1
-gl_reticle 0
-pps 10
-player default
-render2texture 1
-menustyle 0
-fastmenus 0
-sdl_mixer 1
-mathformat 2
-use_d1sounds 1
-altbg_brightness 0.75
-altbg_alpha -1.0
-altbg_grayscale 0
-hires_textures 1
-hires_models 1
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', '', 'data', 'descent2.hog')
GetAppFolder (data) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'data', 'd2demo.hog')
GetAppFolder (data) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2' (1)
expected game app folder = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2'
expected game data folder = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2'
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'models', '*.oof')
GetAppFolder (models) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'textures', '*.tga')
GetAppFolder (textures) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'profiles', '')
GetAppFolder (profiles) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'movies', '*.mvl')
GetAppFolder (movies) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'savegames', '')
GetAppFolder (savegames) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'screenshots', '')
GetAppFolder (screenshots) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2' (1)
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'C:\\Games\\Descent2/demos', 'demos', '')
GetAppFolder (demos) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2/demos' (0)
GetAppFolder ('C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'C:\\Games\\Descent2', 'config', '*.cfg')
GetAppFolder (config) = 'C:\\Games\\Descent2' (1)
Creating default tracker list
Loading main hog file
found hog file 'd2x.hog'
found hog file 'd2x-xl.hog'
found hog file 'extra.hog'
found hog file 'descent.hog'
Loading text resources
File 'descent.tex' not found
Loading hires models
File 'pyrogl.oof' not found
Loading ban list
File 'banlist.txt' not found
Initializing i/o
Reading configuration file
File 'descentw.cfg' not found
Initializing control types
Initializing joystick
Initializing graphics
No shaders available
No rendering to texture available
building lightmap shader programs
building texturing shader programs
Initializing render buffers
Loading default palette
Initializing game fonts
Initializing movies
found movie lib 'intro-h.mvl'
found movie lib 'other-h.mvl'
found movie lib 'robots-h.mvl'
File 'extra1-h.mvl' not found
File '.extra1-h.mvl' not found
File 'extra1-l.mvl' not found
File '.extra1-l.mvl' not found
File 'extra2-h.mvl' not found
File '.extra2-h.mvl' not found
File 'extra2-l.mvl' not found
File '.extra2-l.mvl' not found
File 'extra3-h.mvl' not found
File '.extra3-h.mvl' not found
File 'extra3-l.mvl' not found
File '.extra3-l.mvl' not found
File 'extra4-h.mvl' not found
File '.extra4-h.mvl' not found
File 'extra4-l.mvl' not found
File '.extra4-l.mvl' not found
File 'extra5-h.mvl' not found
File '.extra5-h.mvl' not found
File 'extra5-l.mvl' not found
File '.extra5-l.mvl' not found
Initializing game data
Initializing hash tables
Initializing sound data (254 sounds)
Initializing bitmap index (2620 indices)
Initializing placeholder bitmap
Loading game data
Loading main ham file
Loading 910 texture indices
Loading 254 sound indices
Loading 107 animation clips
Loading 105 animation descriptions
Loading 51 wall animations
Loading 66 robot descriptions
Loading 1145 robot joint descriptions
Loading 62 weapon descriptions
Loading 48 powerup descriptions
Loading 166 polymodel descriptions
Loading polymodel data
Loading 100 cockpit gauges
Loading 600 object bitmap indices
Loading player ship description
Loading 6 cockpit bitmaps
Loading 7 reactor descriptions
Loading bitmap index translation table
Looking for Descent 1 data files
File 'descent.pig' not found
Loading sound file
Loading sound data (183 sounds)
Loading sound data
Initializing endlevel data
Initializing sound
Loading hoard data
File 'intro.tex' not found
found hog file 'descent.hog'
File 'descent.sng' not found
Initializing texture merge buffer
Setting screen mode
File 'C:\\Games\\Descent2/sbenrgyb.tga' not found
File 'C:\\Games\\Descent2/gauge02b.tga' not found
Loading player profile
building lightmap shader programs
File 'orderd2.pcx' not found
When I double clicked, it popped up a window, I saw the D2 loadscreen, the window grew a little bit then shut right down.
Double clicked what? Do you manually select a player profile, or have you specified one in d2x.ini? Have you come so far to see the main menu and tried to start a game, or not? I cannot see that from the log file.
I was only wondering because on my Win98SE. I use a Voodoo5 5500 AGP card and D2x-xl doesn't like it one bit.
I know nothing about what the log means, but you are more then welcome to have a look at it. D2x.log