Take back control of the government.

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Would you do what this plan proposes?

I can't spare the time to read the entire post.
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Take back control of the government.

Post by VonVulcan »

Here is a plan for action... A little extreme? Possibly. Do I have confidence it will work? No. Lets see what everyone here thinks...

The Pensacola News Journal, on Saturday, April 29, 2006, \"President Bush has approved the takeover by a Dubai-owned company of American plants that make parts for jets and tanks after a review that seems to have satisfied lawmakers who helped block an earlier Dubai deal.\" The AP report also said, \"Initial reaction from Capitol Hill was favorable.\"

Specifically, the Dubai company takes over control of at least nine factories, including military production facilities in Connecticut and Georgia. Dubai settled the deal for $1.2 billion.

Therefore, Dubai will now take over operations of factories that produce engine components and turbine blades for military platforms. Clients include Boeing, General Electric, Honeywell, and Pratt and Whitney. Please understand that when we talk about a Dubai company we are talking about a foreign government!

Unlike the private British companies that formerly held these contracts, the Dubai company is a state owned company. Yes, Martha, that means that a foreign government, a government that has direct ties to terrorists, is now in charge of several U.S. military facilities! And the reaction to this foreign takeover on Capitol Hill was \"favorable.\"

Not only was this Dubai deal received favorably in Washington, D.C., the mainstream media has virtually ignored the story. Be honest. How many of you even knew this happened? The story to which I alluded at the top of this column came from page 8C of my local newspaper. That's right. Page 8C. No front page or even second, third, or fourth page news for this one.

If the American people truly understood the depth and degree to which America's big business and political leaders are mired in international commercial activities, it would probably scare us half to death!

No wonder the Bush administration and members of Congress allow and even encourage illegal immigration. No wonder virtually everything we buy anymore is made outside the United States. No wonder America's factories are almost all closed down. No wonder it doesn't matter to a tinker's dam how many letters we write or phone calls we make to our lawmakers in Washington. No wonder our congressmen take frequent \"fact finding\" trips overseas (at taxpayer expense, no less). No wonder un-American trade deals such as NAFTA, GATT, and soon-to-come FTAA sail through the halls of Congress no matter how unpopular they are with the American people.

America's business and political leaders have sold America down the old proverbial river! In my opinion, they are no better than Benedict Arnold!

Now we have a Middle Eastern nation, which has direct ties to international terrorism, running several U.S. factories (on U.S. soil) responsible for producing sophisticated military hardware, and no one in Washington, D.C., gives it a thought! While the President and Congress put out the welcome mat for the UAE (and for illegal aliens of every stripe), they continue to pass legislation (or worse, don't even worry about legality) creating a Big Brother society for the American citizenry.

Pay no attention to illegal aliens, but, just try purchasing something over $5,000 with cash and see what happens. In the meantime, these same politicians, CEOs, CFOs, international bankers, and media moguls make billion dollar business deals with virtually every socialist dictator, Marxist government, and rogue regime on earth on a daily basis!

The American people must break open the two-party Good-Old-Boy system and holding elected and appointed representatives accountable to and for their U.S. Constitutional duties. Until then, illegal alien criminals and Big money interests control the parties; to the degree that nothing changes no matter who is elected.

Allowing the United Arab Emirates to takeover 9 critical U.S. military facilities.

Read the Washington Times report stating that there are so many foreign companies controlling American facilities that we cannot even count them all. The story is located at: http://www.washtimes.com/national/20060 ... -4050r.htm

As we read and write this Government is working to pass legislation that they believe will validate their own criminal negligence, as well as, self validate and pardon, under pretense of color of legislation, their willful and knowing use of public offices : property : wealth to aid and abet the illegal alien criminal hoards invading America.

B. <<<<<>>>>> do something that has meaningful impact and will work, for a change

Keep this in mind : you are 1 of a base of 10 million… first we must use our $$$ to get their undivided attention.

what else can you do with $100.00 that will get our issues into control of this Primary and this Election ?

what else can you spend $ 100.00 that will force the government to uphold the Law ?

set down and do the math…

100 X 1 million = 100,000,000.00 and 10 X 100,000,000.00 = 1,000,000,000.00 <>

think about this huge Dollar amount sent out and supported by 10 million people writing and mailing :

5 checks for just $ 15.00 x 10 million senders = 50 million checks and 750 million dollars in 50 million mailed envelopes;

2 checks for $ 5.00 x 10 million senders = 20 million checks and 100 million dollars in 20 million mailed envelopes;

and then,

4 notes = 1 for Bush, 1 each to each of your State Dem., Rep., and Ind. Parties at 4 x 10 million envelopes = 40 million MORE envelopes in the mail.

Which means 110 million pieces of mail in motion – this week – NOW !

At which point each of us is doing the only thing that you and I, as an individual, can do to produce Media events that force our views into Political control of election 06 :

You have dedicated and sent out your share of 750,000,000.00 dollars that will be spent on direct political action, 24/7, all over America, during the run up to the 06 primary;

You are holding your part of 150 million more dollars, and you have put 11 out of 110 million pieces of mail into motion…

You are talking and blogging our operation to everyone around you and the Media sources of the world.

The 5 candidates, 1 data center, and 1 aux Ca. candidate, selected are people who will work with and for us and our Country in this 06 primary. They will campaign on capturing and deporting ALL 25 million illegal alien criminals invading America and capturing and prosecuting the government employee criminals who aid and abet the invaders … we have to do thei because “we have to work, from where we are, with what we have, to make life so”… Mea’;

Each of your 5 checks, for $ 15.00, will be mailed to one of the following 5 election, 06, Candidates :

1. $ 15.00 : US rep. Tom Tancredo, 1130 Longworth House Building, WDC. 20515-0606

b. $ 15.00 : John Spencer [Spencer for Senate] POBx 864, Yonkers, New York, 10702-0864

c. $ 15.00 : Robert Vasquez, POBx 442, Caldwell, Idaho, 83606

d. $ 15.00 : Randy Graf [Graf for Congress] 1800 E. Ft. Lowell Rd., Tucson, Arizona, 85719

e. $ 15.00 : Bill Cobey, [Cobey for Governor] POBx 110327, Durham, North Carolina, 27709

Take the 4 copies of your note and send, 1 each to Bush, to your State Dem., Rep., and Ind. Parties saying…

“I just sent out my share of $ 750,000,000.00, election 06 $, and you government employee criminals got nothing from me !”

which is a Foreign and Domestic media event that I create - without you

“I did my part to deliver $ 150,000,000.00 to 5 individual candidates.”

again a Foreign and Domestic media event that I create - minus you

“I did my part to put 90,000,000 pieces of mail in motion.”

which is another Foreign and Domestic media event, I create – no $ for you.

“I am blogging and talking about what I did to the world around me = neighborhood, talk radio, web, world.”

A third Foreign and Domestic media event, I create = nothing for you.

And, because it is so late in the primary election cycle, each sendee will mail $5.00, to :

[i.] J. C. Watts, 600 13th Street, NW, Suite 790, Washington DC 200005, to create a for profit LLC that will provide we the purchasers with a yearly up-date and, periodically, suggested optional courses of action; while contracting the advertising of this proposal across America; and,

[ii.] ELECT MICHAEL WILLIAMSON, 26861 Trabuco Road, Suite E-215, Mission Viejo, CA 92691-3593 http://www.michaelwilliamson.net/ Mike is running in the 42nd District, Ca., and it would be impact full to include a CA. campaigner. [ I found him late in the day.]

“I hold the final $ 15.00 at the ready” = $ 150,000,000.00 we can deliver, where ever we want, when ever we want, to who ever we choose.

‘What can you possibly do that gives you, and us, more bang for the buck’ ???? and, the answer is… NOTHING !!!!

Get your money into motion, start talking and blogging, lets buy this election and our Country back NOW !

Force the programs, the politics, and the Pravda’s in America to let you talk about what you are doing and why you are doing it; if they refuse… ridicule them to the people you know listen to them and on every blog – chat room – political forum.

MAKE The political process WORK ! as you know, Life works = when You Do...

Candidates who support ours will be lifted by thrusting with our issue specific target candidates into control of the public political debate through the 06 primary millions we spend today… A rising sea floats all boats.

D. <<<<<>>>>>> Note for Congress ‘We want better lives, give us your stuff.”

Fax – email copies of [4.] to all 535 Congressmen and Tony Snow – he can read it to Bush.

It would be handy if there were a US Senator and US Representative who would read the following into the Congressional record sometime this week while the Congress is present – even if it isn’t; however that works out, hereafter is my illegal alien criminal settlement proposal.

If you help me out you should count yourself as one of a posse of general friends… see ‘posse’ below

The justification for not deporting the illegal alien criminals is that they just want a better life… and, we should aid and abet and fund them in stealing better lives from us… and, they should not even have to mug us on the street, with or with out a knife and gun.

America is supposed to be a government of Law established to secure the uniform application and operation of the Law…

So, tell Sorros, Kennedy, Kerry, Clinton, McCain, the Bushes, Mexico’s Vicente Fox, Fox’s cabinet, Oregon’s Komrade Gotsky and Susan Castile, their henchmen, their toadies operating America’s Pravda, their : Political organizations, Religions, Associations, families, friends, and immediate supporters, that I = Myself and My friends just = want better lives… so, give us all your stuff, now.

The posse wants everything else that the rest of your foreign and domestic confederates and supporters have… which includes all the stuff the illegal alien criminals may have.

Since the illegal alien criminals get everything for free and without a tax obligation… see to it that we don’t have obligations or charges either… and, any necessary, appropriate, or enabling legislation that is required you can pass whenever it is most convenient for us …however, we want our better lives now; so, give us all you stuff today !

Thanks, we need to live our better lives, using your stuff, as soon as possible. mea@bctonline.com

You have permission to deliver, post, print, reprint the following - above texts :

Please read this to your listeners…

Please read this to the US Senate.

Please post this for your friends and associates.

Please send copies to the entire congress in your state and WDC.

Please send a copy to Bush.

Please copy to your friends and enemies.

A. <<<<<<>>>>>> Europeans, Japanese, Koreans, and Indians contact the ACLU and Sue for your citizenship.

E-mail and/or call every one of the 1.7 billion persons – organizations – political institutions – media outlets in Europe, Japan, Korea, and India. Fax or e-mail or snail mail copies of [A. and D.] to all 535 congressmen and Tony Snow, he can read and explain it to Bush.

[remember to send follow-up letters to the ACLU]

Every one of the 1.7 billion European, Japanese, Korean, and Indians who has, is, or may contemplate US Residence or Citizenship must call = contact the ACLU asking the ACLU to sue for, civil and criminal relief, the Several American Governments and, in their own person, all government employees who occupy administrative class elective and appointive offices in the several governments.

If the ACLU refuses to take your case; then, sue the ACLU, the ACLU’s individual members, and the original targets in the world court for civil compensations and criminal relief.

The suits revolve around :

1. Refusing to Timely and/or properly notify those people around the world who are Lawfully Immigrating, and/or contemplating Lawful immigration, that the actual American immigration policy is to grant immediate, in country, legal status, citizenship, and Tax-breaks ONLY to those people who are illegal alien criminals invading America;

[Failure to notice, means you did not receive equal opportunity as required by American Law.]

2. Discrimination against yourself as an individual, and as a member of an identifiable group, simply because the employees of the American government refused to tell you that you could choose to be an illegal alien criminal invading America, and that choice, would operate for your personal unjust enrichment = being the one act that would give you immediate legal status, citizenship, and tax-breaks;

3. Intentionally discriminating against you for your Cultural, Ethnicity, work ethic, choosing to live as a Lawful man = Responsible citizen ethic;

4. Selective application of the Law and Statute to aid and abet only invading illegal alien criminals;

5. Government employees who use public funds, resources, and man hours, to aid and abet illegal alien criminals in perfecting their crimes while purposefully refusing to give the same considerations to, and for, lawful immigrants and/or those who would commonly choose to be Lawful immigrants;

6. By design of, and proposed operation of, statute, blatant Racism and ethnicism.

And you will need to develop and have a few sets of restraining orders issued :

7. RO : to bar the people occupying the legislature – executive – judicial offices from ADVANCING the racially and ethnically discriminatory immigration policies being proposed today [includes similar styles in operation or outcome] pending final disposition of this suit for relief and equal rights under the Law.

8. RO : to bar the people occupying the legislature – executive – judicial offices from ENFORCING the racially and ethnically discriminatory immigration policies being proposed today [includes similar styles in operation or outcome] pending final disposition of this suit for relief and equal rights under the Law.

9. RO : to bar the government, every political subdivision and EVERY employee [includes prime : secondary contractor, alien Individual, agency, authority], from USING public offices and/or public properties and/or public wealth and/or public processes to aid and abet any in country illegal alien criminals; except, like value – consideration – aid is timely, usably, and locally delivered to each of the 1.7 billion who are the victims of the discriminatory immigration policies in operation and proposed and referred to above.

Finally, 10. a Restraining Order directing the legislative and executive officers to enact legislation making 1 through 6 above [being styles and forms of personal racial, ethnic, and cultural attack] the stipulated Hate Crimes that they actually, and operationally, are.

C. <<<<<>>>>> Money to mass advertise the way to do something that works would be good.

Please Read the above proposal with this in mind…

You must know someone who has the political inclination and funds to put my proposal into motion ‘in time, Before this Primary”, independent of yourself.

Not only do the target candidates have the opportunity to receive millions in donations; but, success shifts the entire political debate into the territory of REAL American issues while trapping the Collectivists in their Obsolete Agendas.

Seizing the initiative, here, should deliver the election topics, the election, and the District Seat to some one more on our side.

My proposal is designed to operate as a third party action which will be acceptable to concerned citizens across the political spectrum.

When you locate the people who will fund my proposal, please notify me the method by which I will determine that they are legitimate.

There are 4 things we can do, NOW !, to stop this and we must start with :

$$$$$$ have political impact and Voter mailed $$$$$ have more impact – just beating our gums is not working, we have to start doing $$$ things and then Tell everyone what we are doing.

DO THIS and mail everything today !

After you get your mail completed and sent, e-mail copies of A – C – D to all of your State and Federal Senators and Representatives.

Mail everything as soon as possible and TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW HOW and WHY TO DO THIS!

Mean while, keep doing = belonging to and supporting your present political activities.

In support of your current political activities, following this run-on sentence, I list 4 things that every individual [YOU] can do to force the government to pay attention, stop the illegal criminal alien invasion, hunt down – capture – deport all illegal alien criminals, and begin the capture and prosecution of those government employees using public offices and wealth to aid and abet illegal alien criminals = immediately.

Thank you for your time, mea@bctonline.com

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Post by Testiculese »

As soon as it started talking letters and sending money to something or other, it got very fragmented, and I couldn't quite follow what was trying to be said.
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Post by Jeff250 »

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Post by Will Robinson »

I admire the effort to work with the system to change the system. He's right, only that kind of massive dollar amount would get the attention..but four or five guys wont change squat even if one is the president unless the press follows his platform and gives him plenty of airtime.
And that's where this letter falls way short. It doesn't sound very well thought out. It communicates about as well as G.W. Bush does at a press conference!
It reminds me of that Nigerian banking scam / spamletter everyone gets once or twice a year.
Maybe it's translated from a second language or something or was transcribed by a Kennedy driving at two in the morning.

Anyway, not trying to put down the premise of the idea but the delivery vehicle has four flat tires and the transmission is siezing up!
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Post by VonVulcan »

I know this guy, hes my cousin. Lives in Or.
I think he is very smart but has trouble communicating his ideas clearly.
I usually have a hard time following what he is telling me.

Of course, 4-5 guys won't change anything but you have to start somewhere.
America was not built on one election. You get 4-5 guys like these and a
mailing scheme going like this, people will take notice wheather the press
supports it or not. Continue the process for several election cycles... well,
on into the indeterminent future... the reason we are in this mess is mainly we,
the American people have spent way to much time enjoying the freedom
we have and little time paying attention to what is going on in politics.
I know I'm guilty.

The parties over folks, It's time to pay the fiddler.
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Post by VonVulcan »

Jeff250 wrote:Tl;dr.
(20:12) STRESSTEST: Im actually innocent this time
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Post by Lothar »

tl;dr means \"too long; didn't read.\"
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Post by Duper »


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Post by VonVulcan »

Lothar wrote:tl;dr means "too long; didn't read."
Thanks Lothar.

And there you have it.
(20:12) STRESSTEST: Im actually innocent this time
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Post by Will Robinson »

VonVulcan wrote:......And there you have it.
Sad but true, we're a 30 second soundbite driven society. If you can't capsulize it within a soundbite then we wont think about it and if it's not presented by a pretty face we won't buy it.
How else could Hooters be a famous resturaunt?
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Post by Jeff250 »

There is virtue in conciseness. Besides, the post lacks any recognizable thesis statement, which would at least allow me to decide whether or not it was really worth reading before having to read the entire thing.
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Post by Dakatsu »

Basically this guy wants 10 million people to:

-Give $15 to some candiadates.
-Send a letter to Bush, your congressman, and political parties.
-Send faxes to the members of congress.
-And more.

It is to take control of our country and force the illegal immigrants out.

If it wasn't so fragmented, I could organise it better.
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