Problem with the forums

Dedicated to 6DoF MODs and or Game efforts. If you know of one please post them here.

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Problem with the forums

Post by d3jake »

Yes, I earched this entire section, and I did my best to find an e-mil addy on the CD website... but when I registered last week it did it's \"an acivation e-mail has been send to the e=mail address specified\" or the like, but I did recieve an e-mail, and i haven't since then.
Here's the wierd part, I can log in... however, when I try to visit the forums I get this:

Any guesses? Shoudl I try to reregister? Am I SOL if I want to put in my two cents on the CD project?
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Post by Ferno »

it seems to be a bug in the PHP script. I'll let the guys know about it.

Can you tell me what you were doing exactly when the error happened?
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Post by d3jake »

Okay, for the error in the pic, I was on this computer, and I went to the main CD page through the link on the forum index page. I checked the forums, by clicking \"forums\" on the main\\first page. Then I clicked on \"My Account\\Login\" I typed my username, but due toa brain fart, I typed teh wrong password. So when the page came up saying that it was a incorrect login (if I recall correctly...) I typed the correct password, and it accepted it, and brought my to my \"Main Page\" thingie. When I clicked on \"Forums\" on the left list of links, I got that page.
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