Your Call Is Important To Us: The truth About bull★■◆●

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Your Call Is Important To Us: The truth About bull★■◆●

Post by Mobius »

Sadly, the legitimate title of this thread will be censored. Yet another example of the bull★■◆● up with which we all put, hour after hour, day after day, year after year...

The purpose of this thread is to promote the new book by Laura Penny, titled, unsurprisingly: \"Your Call Is Important To Us: The truth About bull★■◆●\".


The ***** you are reading is a word beginning with BULL and ending with the slang term for FECES.

But of course, you can't even READ the title of the book, because of the bull★■◆● policy here at the DBB. *sigh*

Anyway, this book is pure gold, and it deals with mostly American bull★■◆●, and things American, but this is mostly due to the fact that America generates the vast majority of bull★■◆● in the world, and they are also responsible for the best bull★■◆● in the world. New Zealand does get an honourable mention though, because along with the United States of bull★■◆●, New Zealand is the only other country in the world to allow \"Big Pharma\" top advertise drugs DTC (Direct To Consumer) which of course - is a total load of bull★■◆● too. No way should Big Pharma be allowed to do that.

Apart from Big Pharma, Laura attacks US Politics, and in particular Dubya's administration and the Reps. Dems don't escape her attention, and neither do previous presidents either.

She also hauls corporate greed over the coals, and finds fault with the system which has allowed the megacorps to develop, enslave, and then bankrupt (Enron, Worldcom etc) an entire generation of wage earners.

It is a fascinating read if you are a North American, or if you follow US history, and US news as well as the culture, with any diligence at all.

Thoroughly recommended reading.

I give it 9 out of ten, and the only reason I don't give it a solid \"10\" is that she repeats the word \"bull★■◆●\" far too many times in the first two chapters.

This is perhaps understandable though, because when you are faced with bull★■◆●, and lots of bull★■◆●, the only thing you can call it is bull★■◆●.

Stupid DBB censorship. I mean, if Amazon doesn't censor it - why should the DBB? Do I get any voting rights with my annual donation? :P
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Post by DCrazy »

Too bad Clinton's FDA allowed pharmaceutical companies to engage in DTC marketing.
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Post by Grendel »

D. C. Carrad wrote:Worst book of the decade

...and there's a lot of competition! Ill-informed, whining, poorly-written, poorly edited (if at all), politically biased. I'd call it sophomoric, but that would insult sophomores. Utterly lacking in wisdom, taste, discretion or readable prose. How this misshapen thing every found a publisher is a mystery. I want my money back!!
S. Phillips wrote: I know Lewis Black and your no Lewis Black

As an obvious fan of Tomas Pain, the author is no Tomas Pain either. She rants on a scholarly level then recedes back to teenage speak: like, you know, totally. This is a book with a thinly veiled premise of Dr. Harry Frankfurt "ON BS" but it turns out to be a political rant on the United States by a Canadian. It is painfully evident that the author has no business or political training other than from The Daily Show.
She does, however, briefly mention that the Canadian government does some BS things but it is apparently more fun to drone on about the US. She would have benefited from a facts checker. Maybe this book was supposed to be in the spirit of Lewis Black but it fails from the start. It was neither funny nor very entertaining and riddled with half truths and far reaching facts. She comes across as just being bitc**y. But then this was a book about Bull****. What you see is what you get, BS.
Thanks, but no thanks.
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Post by Top Gun »

Sounds awfully familiar, doesn't it? :P
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Post by Duper »

Thanks Gren. that's kinda what I was expecting. ... unfortunately. :\\
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Post by Kilarin »

Why do you NEED vulgarity in order to communicate? I think you can get your points across just fine here without it.
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Post by roid »

sounds like light reading ya?
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Post by TIGERassault »

Mobius, you can keep blabbering on about how things are unfair and other stuff like that. Or you can just admit that the average person is both selfish and stupid, and admit that there's nothing you can do to change that.
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