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A mouse in the house.

Post by Nightshade »

It's funny how some people have expressed fear and loathing for the imagined christian fundamentalist threat while ignoring the very real islamic fundamentalist invasion.

\"Foolish is the one cowering at the sight of a mouse while ignoring the snake coiling round his leg.\"
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Post by Ferno »

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Will Robinson
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Post by Will Robinson »

Christian fundamentalism isn't an imagined phenomena, just ask anyone injured in an abortion clinic bombing or the family of murdered doctors and nurses who were killed by either a bombing of the clinic or a fundie sniper's bullet!
Although if you compare the kill ratio between the two groups it's no contest as to which fundie group is more deadly and only one group is waging their war on a global scale. There is also no comparison as to which of the two groups is supported by the general populations of their respective countries of origin or operation.

There is a political component behind the disparity of displayed disaproval in america that fuels the perception that you point at with your analogy.
In america the christians are a supporter of the republican party so the democrats will go to great lengths to demonize the fundamentalist christians and so will the pop culture icons on television and in movies etc. and yet they try to downplay the islamic fundies threat because to recognize that is to affirm the Bush administrations policies.

A perfect example is in California schools if a teacher read from the bible in class and instructed the students to dress as christians and role play as christians to understand how they live all hell would break loose! The leftwing would be outraged and the seperation of church and state would be the mantra on the media stations for days on end. The ACLU would be demanding the firing of the teacher and talking heads would be going on ad nauseam about how wrong it is etc. etc.
Yet in the same California school system they did that very same thing, only instead of the bible they were using the Koran and the kids were told to dress in traditional islamic attire.

The ACLU and the media talking heads complaining about seperation of church and state was predictably absent....
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Post by Grendel »

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Post by Will Robinson »

Grendel wrote:click
Jon Stewart for President and Steve Colbert for Press Secretary.....that ought to fix that whole Media/Congress problem for at least 4 years!
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