I haven't posted this image before, as it looked too much like vegetation but with no clear indication
of life on Mars, I thought maybe vegetation was just too implausible. Until now. Methane has just been identified as being in the martian atmosphere and there are only two ways for methane to be produced...vulcanism (of which no active volcanoes heve yet been found) or microbial life. I will let
you all draw your own conclusions
If that's an orbital image how big are those things? Like trees? o_O
Also, there's hundreds of (not active) volcanoes on Mars, that were active in the past. Just because the volcanoes go away doesn't mean the methane dissappears.
But I do hope they find something... twould be very cool indeed.
Sorry I did not described it origin. This image was taken my Opportunity microscopic imager in Sol 68 (latest images).
In turn, these potatoes like objects on soil are probably not stones but appears be evelopped in their places, because they are found also top of the sand depositions.
Meanwhile, Opportunity takes its vengence from the rock named "Bounce" by drilling it because Lander had hit this rock while bouncing, and caused airbags be folded. Indeed a piece of string like material appeared left on the rock in other microscopic photos.
Nitro, methane only lasts at most a couple of hundred years before dissipating. It (methane)needs to be constantly replenished to remain detectable. Since the volcanoes have been inactive way longer than that, the only other alternative is at least microbial life maintaining any sort of detectable levels of methane.