Women in the Military

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Women in the Military

Post by woodchip »

Maybe it is time women realise the a career in the military is not the best choice. 126 rapes of women soldiers stationed in Iraq and the militaries seemingly injustice towards it point out that females are perhaps too much of a distraction for their male counterparts to handle.
Perhaps if no women troops were around, the hormone raging males could turn their attention to someplace like...Fallujah.

http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&c ... &printer=1
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Post by TheCops »

are you blaming the women?
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Post by woodchip »

No. The military justice system should either cut the offenders wang off or keep women seperate from the men... well in certain areas of MOS (military occupational specialty)anyway.
Either that or issue all females a side arm.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Maybe if us men would not always think with our smaller head there wouldn't be as many rapes?

Men are pigs, every single one of them. Put in a situation with buddies and they will do the unthinkable.

I see this sort of behaviour at school all the time. Males in groups do really stupid things. Act like they are the shitz when they are nothing more then immature morons.
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Post by Will Robinson »

In a civilian job back here in the states these same guys wouldn't dare gather a few co-workers around the water cooler and rape the girl in the mail room.
Because their co-workers wouldn't go along with it.

The leadership is lacking in the military if they can't keep their soldiers as 'lean, mean fighting machines' without creating a brotherhood that would protect rapists.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

I didn't mean men here would rape women in the mail room. I meant that men in groups will do stupid things, no matter where they are.
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Post by Topher »

cdn_merlin wrote:I didn't mean men here would rape women in the mail room. I meant that men in groups will do stupid things, no matter where they are.
Uh huh. Kind of like men talking about men in a thread making sexist remarks about all other men? :(
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Post by Ferno »

cdn_merlin wrote:Maybe if us men would not always think with our smaller head there wouldn't be as many rapes?

Men are pigs, every single one of them. Put in a situation with buddies and they will do the unthinkable.

I see this sort of behaviour at school all the time. Males in groups do really stupid things. Act like they are the **** when they are nothing more then immature morons.
and how many years has it been since you last saw your balls?
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Post by Dedman »

Does anyone know if Israel has a similar problem? As I understand it, they have done a very good job of integrating men and women in their armed forces.
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Post by Beowulf »

Merlin you are the biggest pussy whipped ★■◆● I've ever seen in my life. If your vagina hurts stop posting here and go circle jerk with Dr. Phil. Fag.

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Post by WarAdvocat »


First of all Rape usually isn't perpetrated for sexual reasons. It's more about power for the rapist, or so I understand.

Secondly, this is a self-esteem issue, as much as anything else.

Thirdly, jerk-offs like Merlin add to the general lack of male self-esteem by bringing down their own sex.

Conclusion: Merlin causes rape and must be punished.
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Post by Testiculese »

He is right, though. Most males in groups lose an average of 50% of their IQ in contrast to when they're alone.

I don't think women should be in the military for the sole reason of the distraction they cause. There's nothing that draws a man's eyes away from the battlefield like a woman nearby, and that gets people killed.

Maybe more homosexuals should join. Only problem is then the situation is that the gay guys won't be looking for enemies, they'll be looking at the other guys...
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Post by Gooberman »

Women shouldn't be on the front lines.
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Post by bash »

Women should be anywhere they want to be, if they can demonstrate the ability to handle the job. Case in point was there was once a debate about firefighters and their need sometimes to carry heavy victims out of a burning building. Some said that ruled out women. But once a strong woman demonstrated that ability, discussion over. Same goes in war. If carrying a wounded comrade is a predictable part of the job, prove you can do it and you're in. Chances are if a woman is that strong, she can defend herself. Also, let's not forget these women are armed. Their physcial strength coupled with being armed should be enough to deter any would-be foxhole rapists. The problem arises when they let little wimpy women AND MEN into situations where they cannot carry out the rigors of the job or are not prepared to defend against every eventuality. The Jessica Lynch episode proved there is no such thing as a frontline. Even driving supply trucks in the rear might require every bit of combat readiness as the frontline troops are required to possess.
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Post by Krom »

Anyone care to point out where exactly the front lines are in Iraq?
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Post by bash »

On the border with Iran. ;)
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Post by Flabby Chick »

Dedman wrote:Does anyone know if Israel has a similar problem?
I was going to answer this earlier on when woody posted it, but i thought it'd be nice to have at least one thread without mentioning Israel ;)

Unfortunatly men are men. The IDF has a problem with sexual harassment just as much as anywhere else. Every girl at eighteen is enlisted into the army, and they serve in all aspects of the service at a higher percentage than regular western armies so maybe that's what you mean by intergrating men and women in the army. The fact is men are twats,

On a couple of personal notes. My first Israeli girlfreind was the victim of gang rape by 3 of her subordinates before i met her, she suffers still from relationship commitments because of this.

Secondly, on a lighter note i met my wife when she was in uniform, heh!!!!!!!!

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Post by Gooberman »

My stance isnâ??t fair.

But this is war. A lot of men tend to be sexist. Not sexist in viewing them as unequal, but sexist in trying to be a â??gentlemen.â?
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

BeoWolf & WarAdvocate, both of you can go you know where cause I'm sure you go there often. Not my fault I'm able to speak my mind and be honest to myself.

What I said still stands. I think women don't have a place in the army for the reasons posted here.
Thirdly, jerk-offs like Merlin add to the general lack of male self-esteem by bringing down their own sex.

Conclusion: Merlin causes rape and must be punished.
Well, it's not my fault you have a sexual inferiority problem. Maybe you should call Dr. Ruth and stop trying to push your problems on others here.
Merlin you are the biggest ***** whipped ***** I've ever seen in my life. If your vagina hurts stop posting here and go circle jerk with Dr. Phil. Fag.
Maybe you should get a girlfriend/wife and learn how fast they will dump your sorry (_O_) for being the jerk you are and saying what you just said.
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Post by kurupt »

i agree with bash. if they can do the job they should be allowed to do it. if they (man or woman) cause a distraction that could potentially lead to lost lives, they should be kept in non combat jobs.
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Post by Santrix »

If Women are allowed in the military then why aren't gays allowed in the military? I mean, seems to me the only reason gays aren't allowed is because of like sexual tension, but if women are allowed...
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Post by bash »

They are allowed. Not openly, true, no gay soldiers in heels and skirts, but they are allowed. Don't ask, don't tell is the policy put into place by the Clinton administration.
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Post by TheCops »

theoretically "america" is going for some perfect society. one where we all equally have a chance at a piece of the pizza. this is not reality in 2004. but doesn't it mean something that we are willing to let ALL of our demographic be on the front lines?

in the ideal it says a hell of a lot.

if a lesbian black republican can fight and die for "our" ideals isn't that the point?

the military is hardcore... they have different laws... they should crackdown on rapists. you guys want reactionary then be reactionary... kill the criminals that have to "take" a sex life. it’s dumb-jock hood that should be stopped.
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Post by Beowulf »

First off, I've been dating my current girlfriend for about 11 months, and I know the difference between being sensitive and being a total puss. There is a difference, I don't go around spouting this regurgitated Dr. Phil pussy nonsense about how men are stupid and all this other crap. Women don't want you to be pussies, your wife just happens to have your testicles in a jar somewhere hidden in the house along with your self-esteem, pride, and confidence.
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Post by Dedman »

Beowulf wrote:... your wife just happens to have your testicles in a jar somewhere hidden in the house along with your self-esteem, pride, and confidence.
Ah yes, I see the tried and true "young non-married guy" perspective is alive and well. It never ceases to amuse me when I hear this argument. You know, it is possible to be respectful of your wife's or girlfriend's feelings and still maintain your manhood, testicles, and self esteem. But I don't have to tell you this because I know you were kidding. :)
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Post by Tyranny »

Rape occurs in society as both men and women coexist in society. So rape will occur in the military regardless of what everybody else thinks. What needs to be done is obvious but our government and military is a good old boys club as it stands right now.

There will come a time, as women become more integrated into the high ranking official structure (slow process) of the government and military where incidents of this nature will be handled justly. However, being predominantly run by males, and allowing women to be a part of these systems, the men need to step up and provide better avenues of support for sexual assault charges. Instead of discharging the women and keeping the men because of possible perceived superiority on the battle field or inherent gender bias to the opposite sex.

Any idiot can point a gun and shoot it regardless of gender. It's the other gun that we as men need to learn to keep the safety on when situations call for us to be professional. This is not something tolerated in society, the armed forces shouldn't be allowed a seperate set of standards. Our courage and heart is not measured by our sex. Rapists, military or not, should be held responsible for their actions.

Women don't need to be segragated or removed from the battlefield though. I admit they probably do add more emotion and sexual tension in an environment where that probably isn't to conducive to the overall productivity of the military. However, that sexual tension and emotion can be controlled and women have earned their right to be included in our fighting forces.
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Post by Avder »

Maybe we should send all of our armed forces to fuggin Vulcan to undergo a purging of all emotions then. That would be fun if that planet really existed. Oh well. There is something to be said for having a very strong grip on emotions rather than letting them grip you.

Or, mass lobotomies? Ha!
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Beo, I can't wait till you finally grow up and mature and realize you don't know everything.
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Post by KaTaNa »

Quote by Oscar Wilde:

"I am not young enough to know everything."

Sorry, Beo...I still lubs ya... 8)
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Post by kurupt »

just becuase you're older than someone doesn't mean you know more than them.
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Post by bash »

I think you're missing it, kur, Wilde's wit (and I'll back it up) is the older you grow the less confident you become in your own certainty.
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Post by TheCops »

since we are rollin' with the age thing... (youth is wonderful by the way.)
you 'youngsters' should read "the picture of dorian gray" by oscar wilde.
it is brilliant... and it does a classic job of putting vainity into perspective.
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Post by Dedman »

bash wrote:I think you're missing it, kur, Wilde's wit (and I'll back it up) is the older you grow the less confident you become in your own certainty.
Isn't that the damn truth?
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Post by Tyranny »

Get back on topic please...
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Post by Dedman »

There was one?
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Post by Tyranny »

um yes....should / shouldn't women be in the military based on the risks posed by fellow officers that are male.
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Post by kurupt »

i wasn't commenting on wilde's wit ;)

i happen to find that humorous as well as true, but i was commenting on a previous post.
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Post by Suncho »

WarAdvocat wrote:Hmm.

First of all Rape usually isn't perpetrated for sexual reasons. It's more about power for the rapist, or so I understand.
Yeah... I've heard that too but I just don't buy it. If I were to rape someone, it'd probably be for sexual reasons.
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Post by Hostile »

Make them register for selective service.
Allow them to be drafted in time of war.

I've served with women who abuse the system.

I've served with women I would count on to save my life.

Men are the same. There are just more of them. Only difference is, they can be drafted and they HAVE to register for selective service.

Who wants to talk about fair?
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