Server Appears on PD Tracker; Not CX tracker

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Server Appears on PD Tracker; Not CX tracker

Post by Dakatsu »

Can anyone help me set up a server that shows up on I am using Hunters Descent server, the latest version. Currently it shows up on PlanetDescent after setting the connection to PXO. I have the Game Trackers box checked. Any help would be appreciated.
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Post by Richard Cranium »

Did you make sure you have the game tracker ports opened up in your firewall as well?
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Post by Dakatsu »

I did, even disabled the windows firewall and opened the ports. Still doesn't show up on!
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Post by Richard Cranium »

What is the IP address of one of your servers including the game port number and the tracker port number?
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Post by Dakatsu »

Planet Descent says this:

I think it could also be this:

I dont know what the \"tracker port\" is, unless its 27900 (as specified under advanced for the game trackers box.
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Post by Nosferatu »

Dakatsu wrote:Planet Descent says this:

I think it could also be this:

I dont know what the "tracker port" is, unless its 27900 (as specified under advanced for the game trackers box.
Anything that starts with "192.168." is defined to be a non-netwide address. Those addresses are always used by routers to define which computers are which, within your LAN. Probably whatever modem you are using cable/DSL/whatever, is giving your computer that address to use.

To get the address that everyone else on the net actually sees you by, you need to do a tracert.

Go to start then click run. Type in cmd and hit return. In the DOS box that comes up type: "tracert" This will start displaying the route the net takes to get there.

Start walking down from the top and the first address that does not begin with "192.168." is most likely your external IP address.

One possibility is your ISP or any of the service providers along the way, may be blocking anything ".cx" (ooo. ooo. China. Evil Empire. We dont want their traffic, even though the server in question might not actually be there.) You'll know this is happening if the tracert doesnt actually get to and dies part way there. If you only get like one line in the tracert then the problem is most likely at your end.
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Post by Richard Cranium »

The address from Planet Descent is defiantly the wrong one but the address 192.168.x.x is a common address range used by home firewalls like Linksys or Netgear that do NAT. You will need to login to it and forward several ports to your internal address from the Internet. In order to do that it’s a good idea to statically assign an IP address to the machine you will be serving games from so it won’t change causing you to have to update these forwarded ports from time to time. Someone may correct me on some of these ports since I server more than D3 from my servers so I have other ports open as well. The port you will need to forward are:

2092-2095 TCP/UDP
5632 TCP/UDP
20142-20145 UDP
26900 UDP
27900 TCP
27900-27901 UDP
28900 TCP
29900 TCP/UDP

In order for me to test your connection I’ll also need to know what your Internet IP address is. You can find it by going to this web site. . Once you have your firewall configured you need to check the settings in the D3 server tool to make sure you have the correct port numbers for each game selected. Make sure the ‘allow game trackers’ box is checked and the ‘Descent3 Games Tracker port (UDP)’ number is 20142 for the first game, 20143 for the second, and so on…
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Post by Foil »

I had the exact same issue when I first started hosting a couple of years ago.

Since your local ips are showing as 192.168.whatever, I'm assuming the machine is behind a router. Thus, the problem is port forwarding. You have to get the game and tracker ports routed to the correct machine, or it won't work.
Nosferatu wrote:To get the address that everyone else on the net actually sees you by, you need to do a tracert.
Oh, heck, no. The simplest way to get your external IP:

Okay, here are the basics:

From what I can tell, your server machine's local IP is, and you're running the game on port 2092. Since you didn't specify, I'm assuming you're just using the default tracker config in Hunter's tool, which uses ports 20143, 27900, and 22999.

So... the above means that ports 2092 (TCP/UDP), 20143 (UDP), 27900 (UDP), and 22999 (UDP) all need to be forwarded to Set those in the router, and you'll be good to go.

[Edit: RC included more ports above, in case you host more than one game, that's a good suggestion.]

(P.S. If you're going to be hosting on that machine for any length of time, I'd recommend making the static, so it doesn't pull a different local IP the next time you reboot it. Let us know if you want any help with this.)
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Post by Foil »

(Heh, looks like RC beat me to it.) :P
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Post by Richard Cranium »

Foil wrote:(Heh, looks like RC beat me to it.) :P
Sorry ;)
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Post by BUBBALOU »

Now remember - quality before quantity

better to see 2 - 4 player servers running top with 12 pps, team huds on, bright ships off -framecap 999

than 4 - 8 player servers running full huds, bright ships on, and 9pps -framecap 0

oh and due to a bug in 1.4 if you plan on disabling HUDS - set it to Team Huds only to disable it for Anarchy - thanks

I would recommend when forwarding ports take your gaming pc into consideration

- 2092-2092 to PC (A) your gaming machine
- 2093 - + to PC (B) your server box

Also do not use DHCP for internal IP addresses - some routers have issues with this for servers.

I seem to have a better workout dodging your stupidity than attempting to grasp the weight of your intelligence.
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Post by Dakatsu »

Currently I have this in my router, I'll see if adding the ones I missed helps, and edit the post if it does:

MAIN.exe 2092-2097 UDP
MAIN.exe 27900-27900 UDP
MAIN.exe 3445-3445 UDP

Also, my IP for the computer I am hosting on is
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Post by Dakatsu »

I fixed it, it was either by adding all the ports RC posted, or setting my alternative IP to nothing instead of the default \"\"

The server name is TEST-Dakatsu. If possible, if anyone wants to test out any connectivity or other problems, then please do so.
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Post by Do_Checkor »

If I may correct this:

The only ports that need to be forwarded behind a \"home use router\" aka NAT firewall are:

- gameserver ports which are by default 2092-?
- and the gamespy ports which are by default 20142

other ports are old / for PXO usage only / obsolete.

Remote Console ports should not be forwarded at all as this is a high security risk and the 27900 port are OUTgoing (not incoming) and should not be forwarded and IF, then ONLY as REMOTE ports (not local ports).

So or so: for a single dedicated server (using the default settings) it is enough to forward the UDP ports 2092 and 20142 to the local server IP.
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Post by Dakatsu »

EDIT: Nevermind
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Post by Dakatsu »

Err... okay I am trying to host a second server. The thing is only one server gets out. I have two servers, a co-op called \"Dakatsu's Co-op\", and a four team anarchy called \"Dakatsu's Team Anarchy\". The Co-op uses 2092/20142, and the Team Anarchy uses 2093/20143. If I start the Co-op and then the TEam Anarchy, the Co-op will show up, but not the Team Anarchy. If I stop the Co-op, then the Team Anarchy will show up.

This will be my last question (unless anyone knows how to put more than 3/4 people on a co-op server like what Delia has now). Thanks alot guys.
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Post by Richard Cranium »

Do_Checkor wrote:If I may correct this:

The only ports that need to be forwarded behind a "home use router" aka NAT firewall are:

- gameserver ports which are by default 2092-?
- and the gamespy ports which are by default 20142

other ports are old / for PXO usage only / obsolete.

Remote Console ports should not be forwarded at all as this is a high security risk and the 27900 port are OUTgoing (not incoming) and should not be forwarded and IF, then ONLY as REMOTE ports (not local ports).

So or so: for a single dedicated server (using the default settings) it is enough to forward the UDP ports 2092 and 20142 to the local server IP.
Thanks DC. I didn't keep great notes on what each port was for in my book other than they were related to gaming. I think i opened up 27900 inbound because I was working on setting up a 'mirror' to the Descent.CX board but never finished the work on it.
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Post by Foil »

Definitely, thanks, Checkor. I was going from memory earlier, I had forgotten some of that.
Dakatsu wrote:Err... okay I am trying to host a second server. The thing is only one server gets out. I have two servers, a co-op called "Dakatsu's Co-op", and a four team anarchy called "Dakatsu's Team Anarchy". The Co-op uses 2092/20142, and the Team Anarchy uses 2093/20143. If I start the Co-op and then the TEam Anarchy, the Co-op will show up, but not the Team Anarchy. If I stop the Co-op, then the Team Anarchy will show up.

This will be my last question (unless anyone knows how to put more than 3/4 people on a co-op server like what Delia has now). Thanks alot guys.
As far as the issue with only one server showing up, double-check that the 20142 & 20143 ports are being forwarded to the correct machine, and that the games actually are using different ports.

As to hosting more than 3 players in a co-op, I'm not sure how to do that. You can probably ask Delia, though... she managed to get it to work. Just be aware that co-op is much more prone to crashes than other modes.
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Post by Foil »

Good to see you now have two servers showing! :D

Note: Do some testing with your bandwidth to see how many players you can host. At 768K 'up', I can host roughly 10-12 maximum before the players start experiencing loss. Generally, if you're hosting on a residential connect (less than 2Mb 'up'), it's not going to be stable at 24 players (as yours is set to at the moment).
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Post by Dakatsu »

Yeah, I think I got it to work. It appears I have to start them all at once, and if I close one, it never shows up again until I close all of the other servers, D3Hunters server, and then start it up again. (At least I think, it seems iffy, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt)
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Post by Foil »

Give the .cx tracker some time (at least a few minutes) to pick up on your games after you start them, especially if it's a game name you haven't used before. It's not immediate, and the .cx tracker has been having trouble the last day or so. If your port forwarding is correct, it will be fine.
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