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Post by Alter-Fox »

Yesterday I had a very interesting conversation with someone who is taking a course on dreams. According to my dreams, I am spiritually a dolphin.

I've also had dreams that were somewhat prophetic, like a dream about the Secret2 demo in D3 which I think I had just after I first played D1 in 1995 or 1996, I can't remember exactly which year.

So, I'm curious if anyone on here knows something about dreams and maybe could help me understand mine a little better.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

I've had many prophetic dreams. Sad part is I don't remember them until that exact moment in time passes.

It's reffered to as Deja-vu. It's a split second image that happens in real life for me and I'm like, I have seen this before.

I've had this since I was a teen.
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Post by Duper »

I've had dreams that come true since I was about 11. It's not often, but it happens. And this isn't Deja Vu. That is completely different and I've had that before too. Just more evidence that we are more than neurons and goo.


nothing special hidden in your dreams. You're just playing Descent TOO MUCH! .. i didn't think that was possible. :P
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Post by Alter-Fox »

CDN_Merlin wrote:I've had many prophetic dreams. Sad part is I don't remember them until that exact moment in time passes.

It's reffered to as Deja-vu. It's a split second image that happens in real life for me and I'm like, I have seen this before.

I've had this since I was a teen.
I don't remember them until they happen either... but sometimes, I get a feeling that something is (or isn't) going to happen, and I'm almost always proven right. It's uncanny, but I enjoy it.
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Post by Dedman »

I typically don't remember my dreams so I really couldn't say.
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Post by Spidey »

My favorite dreams are the lucid ones. (where you know you’re dreaming, and can take control)

But sorry no, I can’t help you analyze yours.
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Post by Bet51987 »

I dream every night. I can't remember when I haven't had some sort of dream.

In some dreams, I find myself running away from something but I can't run fast enough. Every single dream like that always has me running in slow motion. :? The dreams that really frightem me are the one's that have me falling off some cliff or building. Those will actually wake me up.

Sometimes, I will get a very vivid sexual dream that seems very real and although they don't last long, I find myself trying my best to stretch it for all it's worth. Unlike the others, I can remember it when I wake and even try to start it again the next night. I like those a lot. :)

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Post by Alter-Fox »

I often have dreams where I know I'm dreaming, although they're not lucid dreams. In these dreams I know I have to do something to wake up, usually jumping off a cliff or something like that. (My brother just commented that it seems like I have to kill myself to wake up, which is probably the most likely implication.) The dream always tries to prolong itself as much as possible, because even in dreams I'm terrified of heights. (In real life too!!!)
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Post by Kiran »

In the later parts of my 8th grade year, I started having nightmares of pain, suffering, and death. Came out of nowhere too...
I even had a dream that George Bush became President (fall 2000-spring 2001 was my 8th grade yr), our home came under attacked, and then we were at war. I can go into details if anyone want it... I still remember that dream quite clearly. In the summer of 2001 I started having prophetic and astronomical nightmares. Since then, I could remember every single dream I've had. Whether they be good or bad, I can wake up and have reminders of that dream throughout the day until I can remember the whole experience.
There is this one particular nightmare that has actually occured from night to night that I have come to rather fear ever seeing it again. fortunately, I haven't had that awful dream in a few years now.

My input would be to not ignore your dreams. Whether they be prophetic, just a peaceful dream, or your subconsciousness speaking to you, there usualy are some sort of hints that goes on with your life or even hints that suggest something to you about the coming future.

I have to be honest, of all the studies I have done to find answers to the dreamworld, I never heard of one using dreams to interpret what your spiritual being is. :P Interesting!
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Post by Duper »

Kiran, I recommend you keep a journal of your dreams. It might prove very interesting over the course of a year or so.
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Post by Kiran »

I actually had a journal of my dreams.

It's lost now. All I have now are memories.
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Post by Capm »

Dreams are a foul thing. They are desperate attempts of a mind trying to cope with a world designed to crush all your dreams.
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Post by roid »

When i'm on SSRI or SNRI meds i dream a lot.
I'm currently trialing (been a week so far) a natural suppliment (Brahmi) that that is supposed to make you recall your dreams really well, as a sideeffect. But it's not doing what it's ment to :evil:
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Post by woodchip »

For the prophetic dream, one has to wonder at the physics involved.
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Post by roid »

yeah, like some kindof latent psychic/supernatural powers in humans. Always a lovable theory :)

From what i can gather - Carl Jung seemed to theorise on it that it was part of the Collective Unconsciousness: what he called \"a reservoir of the experiences of our species.\"
It was an alternate explanation for things that would otherwise be easily be explained by psychic or supernatural phenomenon.

Or perhaps a better word would be Synchronicity
\"Jung believed that many experiences perceived as coincidence were not merely due to chance but, instead, suggested the manifestation of parallel events or circumstances reflecting this governing dynamic.\"

basically Confirmation Bias. But Jung didn't see it so negatively, he believed such a bias was an integral part of our psyches and needed to help us find meaning in the world.

TL;DR: Aspects we refer to as Spirituality (such as religion), although scientifically wrong, are psychologically necessary for healthy operation of our pattern-finding human minds.
I agree and i'm an Atheist.
This seemed to be something that Satanism melded into itself too.

Anyway from what i recall - this is prettymuch the key to why Freud and Jung fell out with one another. Freud would have none of this 'nonsense' - the proud bitter ★■◆● that he was.

Anyway - this is why i like Astrology, Tarot and such things. They are a good way of exercising intuition - the subconscious has powers (not supernatural) beyond conscious thought. Does anyone else get what i'm saying?
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Post by Kiran »

Yep. I get ya, roid. :P

I have one comment to say about tarot cards. They are not something to mess with.

I've had only one tarot reading done and that was enough!
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Post by DigiJo »

i think, dreams are something like defrag the data on a harddisk, the brain trying to sort and categorize stored information while we are asleep.

actually, our body, muscels organs etc. dont need real restphases, only our brain needs this hourlong sleep-periods. if we dont get them we get confused and disorientated.

sounds like blasphemy somewhat, but that reminds me of complex computer operation systems. if they dont get regular service like defrags, stopping unneeded processes, reorganizing memory and so on, they become slower and slower over time until they fail.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Digi, your body needs to sleep so it can repair itself. Which in a sense is what you are saying but I have to add that your entire body needs to be at rest.
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Post by Dedman »

From an athletes perspective Merlin is correct. After periods of extreme physical stress (working out) you body needs the recovery time to rebuild muscles and replenish glycogen stores. Elite athletes know that when it come to long term improvement, sleep is every bit as important as the workout itself.
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Post by Kiran »

I heard that if you're dreaming while you're sleep, then you are not getting the sleep your body needs. Is this true?

I tried to search for this claim on-line, but I am not getting any answers.
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Post by Tunnelcat »

You need to have a period of DEEP sleep, no REM, for muscle repair to occur. That is the period that the body produces the growth hormone needed for repairing the body. It's called 'Delta Sleep'.

REM sleep is when dreaming occurs. There are a lot of theories on why we have it in our sleep. My favorite is that it's the brain's attempt to do garbage collection (memory management so to speak) and clear out all extraneous memories so that it can form permanent neural connections.

I don't think that works very well in my case. I always seem to have the same type of anxiety or chase dreams, or worse, falling and waking before you hit the ground dreams. Very rarely do I have those really GOOD dreams that I enjoy. At least that I can remember! :lol:
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Dedman, I don't think it matters if you are an athlete for the repairs. You have to regenerate your skin cells, blood, fingernails, hair etc.
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Post by Spidey »

I had a dream last night, where this guy came up to me and said “Your spirituality is scientifically wrong” so I laughed, and said “That’s funny, seeing how you only exist in my spirit“…what’s up with that? :D
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Post by Dedman »

CDN_Merlin wrote:Dedman, I don't think it matters if you are an athlete for the repairs. You have to regenerate your skin cells, blood, fingernails, hair etc.
You are correct of course. I was just using that as an example.
Spidey wrote:I had a dream last night, where this guy came up to me and said “Your spirituality is scientifically wrong” so I laughed, and said “That’s funny, seeing how you only exist in my spirit“…what’s up with that? :D
Clearly you were being told to join Scientology :D
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Post by roid »

roid wrote:Aspects we refer to as Spirituality (such as religion), although scientifically wrong, are psychologically necessary for healthy operation of our pattern-finding human minds.
Spidey wrote:I had a dream last night, where this guy came up to me and said “Your spirituality is scientifically wrong” so I laughed, and said “That’s funny, seeing how you only exist in my spirit“…what’s up with that? :D
haha you might be dreaming about this thread :D

If you read this before you goto bed tonight, i will try to get you to dream about a MOUNTAIN OF COOKIES


i wish you good dreams :)
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Post by TIGERassault »

My dreams are fairly linear. At night, they're always about my girlfriend, and at day, they're always about me killing some strangers.

Is it a bad thing when I always feel happiest during those daydreams?
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Post by Alter-Fox »

I think I've had dreams where I was perversly happy in the dream, but then I came to my senses when I woke up. There have also been times when I woke up, didn't remember HAVING any dreams, but I remembered what was in the dreams. And I've also had dreams about a trilogy of novels I'm writing, one that I've made into a short story, and another that I'm going to. My dreams often have interesting storylines.
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Post by Sedwick »

Some dreams can mess you up. I once dreamed I was in love with Lisa Simpson. She was live-action, older, and riding a bicycle while wearing a lab coat and glasses. The crush effect lasted several hours after I'd woken up...
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Post by Wings »

I read this in a few places somewhere -
Dreams are a consequence of neurons in the brain firing off randomly, and then some other part tries to make sense of them creating the stories that you get from them.
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Post by Kiran »

Huh. Daydreams are interesting. You never know what your dreams will turn out to be!
One day at my one of my old jobs, I was by myself and bored, so my mind wandered. Next thing I knew, I was having a bad dream and it resulted in me getting hit by a car in the highway across the parking lot.

Later that I day I explained the dream I had to my co-worker and he stared at me in shock. When I asked him why he is so affected by this, he brought me to the back of the room where there's a uniform shirt being hung on the wall. Above it said \"In memory of (name)\". He told me that the dream I just had was exactly what happened to this woman. She was working when she got hit by a car at the highway and was killed.

Weird thing about this is I only knew of a woman being killed on the highway, but I never knew who she was or why she was there. It occured years before I had that weird daydream.
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Post by Admiral Thrawn »

I had a dream before D3 was released that showed me owning thousands upon thousands of you noobs in the mines!

And it came true

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Post by Kiran »


Yah. I had dreams of owning people in d1.

Of course, that only occured in dreams :P
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Post by ccb056 »

I can't remember the last dream I had.....
I haven't lost my mind, it's backed up on disk somewhere.
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Post by FireFox »

Yea well I see a couple of people mentioned that dream were you suddenly fall causing you to wake, have those a lot and when I wake it actually feels like I was falling/sliding down in my bed. But the weirdest one I had was when I \"fell\" but didn't wake and actually made it to the \"bottom\"!!
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Post by Sedwick »

Wow, and you didn't go into a coma or die? :P
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Post by Admiral Thrawn »

FireFox wrote: But the weirdest one I had was when I "fell" but didn't wake and actually made it to the "bottom"!!
Yea, I had that happen to me in a dream just recently. In an elevator at that.

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Post by Tunnelcat »

Don't you know that you might have a heart attack if you hit the ground and die before you wake up! At least that's the urban myth I've heard of. If your still around, I guess it's a myth. Unless it happens when your OLD with a bad ticker????????

I had a dream the other night that for the first time that I can remember, was set within a video game world. It had a Half Life 2 theme! Weird! I must be playing it too much.

How many of you guys dream in color (mine are in vivid color)? Most people do dream in color, but there is a small percentage of the population that dreams in black and white! Boring!
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Post by Firewheel »

I rarely have dreams, for some reason. But I do distinctly recall having a dream about D3 not long before its release. :P
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Post by Kiran »

My dreams has always been in color. I guess the small percentage that dream in black and white could be mostly the older generation that still remembers black and white televisions. :P
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Post by Money! »

Bet talking about sex dreams? I must be dreaming right now... I had one last night Bet, and I totally agree with you

I'll have dreams where I wake up thinking they happened and am super excited until I realize it was just a dream. Like I'll kiss a pretty girl or find a bunch of money, and then I'll wake up and be like oh ★■◆●. Fairly though the reverse happens too where I'll crash my car or something and then wake up scared and slowly realize it was just a dream.

I also have lucid dreams, but that's very rare. Those are fun. I love dreaming, I almost never have nightmares (knock on wood)
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