Gunship Apocalypse demo avaliable

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Gunship Apocalypse demo avaliable

Post by Kirby »

Suprised no one mentioned anything about this game yet...

anyways, looks like a demo of another 6DoF game is avaliable. Will post some screenshots soon...
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Post by Duper »

Oh cool! Something to do over the weekend. :)

Try the music sample they have posted, some good stuff. Reminds me of D2 redbook.
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Post by Kirby »

A few balancing issues....the enemies thread you to pieces without any possibility of upgrading your own weapons.

I sent them a e-mail....hopefully they get back to me :/

....and no, I don't suck :P
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Can't assign left/right to hat, no banking.

Enemies tear you to pieces fast.

Would be great otherwise.
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Post by Duper »


I've never seen a cool game so completely suck before, take 10 points from Gryphindor for this one.

You're right. It takes forEVER to take down an enemy who is your equal or better and there are too many of them to start a game with. I would have expected this further on in the game but the weapons don't do squat. The bluring thing blows too. You get hit twice and it's impossible to see anything, ensuring that you're thoroughly screwed.

After finding the tank and not seeing on enemy on the way out and encountering 6 (I think) camped out in front of my air lock back I blitzed by them. I had only a little money to repair my hull. gah.
when I went back out for the second mission, I get jumped by the originals along with several more.

Long range firing doesn't work either. The shots jump all over. You would think that by the year 2421 that they would have developed weapons that shoot clean and straight over distance. Not to mention that Mars is less grav.

somethings that annoy me about the features.

No roll ability. you are stuck in first person mode in the air. (wonderful)

You have to change weapon groups if you want to shoot anything else. I'm used to being able to bind a secondary to something on my stick.

This game needs a zoom.

You can't look around in the cockpit. Any fly game these does can and mostly does do this.

The music and graphix were great... that's where the coolness ended. The in game info around the story was rather weak as well. It read like it was written by someone in high school.

Just the same, thanks for the heads up. one more game that was \"almost\" good.

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Post by Aggressor Prime »

In the first mission, I just flew right past the enemies to base. Then I attacked them at a distance. Once you get 3-4 weapons, you can kill them very quickly. The minigun is good at shredding them once you get it rolling. Since I'm lvl 16 now, I just use machine guns since they fire when I hit fire.
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Post by BUBBALOU »

to install and run the game you have to install 6 other software craplets... STRIKE 1

Control geared for a mouser with faster turn rate for the mouser than with a joystick user - STRIKE 2

NO roll to speak of, and no cutomization other than what axis and it's autopopulated, no invert based on axis only for entire engine

STRIKE 3 4 and 5, this game was uninstalled and my registry cleaned of Garbage from the other craplett's in 30 minutes

Not impressed, this is not even a 6DoF category game

Now the topic starter should be drawn and quatered. :evil:
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Post by Duper »

I got through it last night. Once you upgrade your gun and get a gatlin gun, it's much easier. But Bubba is right, the lam3 stix support is ghey. I did wind up using a mouse. >_< Also, the banking feature makes it difficult to turn rapidly. You wind up looking at the ground or the sky if you whip around too fast.


As most of us do NOT have a physics card installed, there is no sense installing all the other BS, they would like you to. I only installed the greyed out checkbox. The new Ghost Recon (GRAW) installs this stuff too, but as I don't have the card, it makes little difference. Get used to it, we are going to see this more frequently in the near future until it's an integrated part of the Vid Card.
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Post by stebot »

does anybody know if this game is available ? the demo is real nice - though not playable as hat switch on MS sidewinder preision pro 2 is not recognized (maybe fixed in full Game?.
would like to get the full game if anyone knows how/where , thanks
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Post by floppyfreak »

the game was available here in germany for just 5 euro. You have to repeat the same levels over and over to come to new surroundings, that means, the same scenario is reused for many levels. After a while you come along with the weapons and you can deal with the enemies. So far, good. but than it really becomes annoying, when my videocard doesn't handle the polycount in the surrounding 4 or so and the framerate goes down. And this happens, although the graphics are not this good.
It is a nice game to play for an afternoon, but then it becomes boring for a descent player: it is 6dof, but bad tricording, bad banking... graphics are poor. Many enemies are so little you harldy ever see them. Some nice ideas are in the game, though, some use of bumpmaps and stuff, some very basic use of physics. Must have been a very little development team.
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Post by stebot »

thanks for the heads up , so i missed it by 2 years
i thought the little bit i tried to play looked kinda nice (like a new D3). searched around a bit not on e bay , amazon ect.
seems to be unheard of . just wondering did the hat switch work on the full game?
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Thanks Kirby for mentioning this game

Post by stebot »

i found it on Amazon De , 5 euros , it is in German language but with the help of the English demo , figured out what was necessary , and have been enjoying it - it's not Descent - and there is no Pyro but at least i have not been reduced to \"driving an arm\" around
thanks again
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Thank you Kirby

Post by stebot »

Well i finished Gunship Apocalypse , not easy , kinda buggy, but i loved it.
just gotta say ..


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