Gaming Industry gets a \"breather\"?

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Gaming Industry gets a \"breather\"?

Post by Duper »

Looks like Jack Thompson go himself into hot water with The Man.


What's really interesting is the allegation as the end of the article. I'd like to look into that, but don't have time. :P
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Post by []V[]essenjah »

lol :D About time!

His take on Halo 3 was retarded. Trying to claim that a sniper was trained by Halo and was trained that way because the guy who trained him was trained using Halo in the army. ROFL! Dude, there are so many things wrong with that statement!

1. People in the army don't train using Halo 3. They might buy it if they have the luck to own a copy while in the army and they use it for the same reason anyone else does.

2. If you want to learn how to snipe people, Halo 3 is probably the worst game to train on. You rarely see any blood, there is no wind, no bullet drop, your arm doesn't shake... no compensation at all involved. You can in-fact get hip-shots off on opponents clear on the other side of the level without even sniping and it is almost just as effective.

Anyway, he was always good for a laugh. Goodbye Jack-o... don't let the door hit ya on the arss on the way out. >:)
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Post by woodchip »

If anyone seems to think you can learn to be a sniper by playing a video game has to have their marbles repacked.
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Post by Sirius »

Honestly, I can think of two things that are far better for training a sniper than video games.

1) Real-life target practice with a real rifle. This way you get to deal with all the issues with a gun that you don't find in video games.
2) Hunting. See above, also the targets may move!

Incidentally, both are perfectly legal and extremely unlikely to be banned or heavily regulated.
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

He was suggesting a desensitizing type training, not training in sniping skills.
Jack Thompson in the above video clip wrote:... the army was using Halo at a sniper base to do one thing: to get the snipers prepared psychologically to be willing to kill as snipers.
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

Jack Thompson on Hardball

Some interesting comments in there in relation to that.
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Post by flip »

I think Descent would be a good training aid in tactics, maneuvers and just how precarious and easy it is to get killed.
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

I don't know of many other people that operate in 6 degrees of freedom. ;)

Myself, Descent improved my ability to track and lead (hitting a basketball thrown in mid-air with a smaller ball from a distance, on a whim, for instance), as well as my ability to engage and respond with appropriate quickness to multiple things in rapid succession (in one case an interesting spin on the game of Tennis that involved more than one ball in play at once).

There's definitely some real life applicability, but I think it would be a stretch to draw a connection between Descent and any real-life physical violence. It would have to be violence that is projected onto the game, in this case, rather than anything inherent. That was a big reason for my initial foray into Descent as opposed to any other game--it doesn't have the graphic violence that other first-person shooters do.
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Post by flip »

No it wouldn't cover many aspects for sure, but the 1v1's definitely teach you to be more aware, move slowly and quietly, and try to get in the other guys head. That's why I love the game. No other game presents the same challenge. It's like chess on steroids >:). 6 degrees of freedom is just icing on the top. Descent taught me one thing.

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Post by Kyouryuu »

By Jack Thompson's theory, I ought to be as fantastic as Jimi Hendrix on the guitar. :P
GamePolitics wrote:For example, will Fox News want a disbarred attorney as their resident game-bashing expert? Not likely, not even for Fox.
I don't think that has changed. The next time a school shooting occurs, and it's unfortunate that I speak as though it is inevitable, Thompson will be back on the media circuit peddling his boneheaded claims again. You just watch. The only difference is that they won't put "Attorney" on the graphic, but "Video Game Expert" or "School Violence Expert" instead.

The difference is that in the professional circuit, we've been able to axe this modern day incarnation of Fredric Wertham. He will never been taken seriously as a lawyer and he may have devastated by his own precedent, ironically enough, the "game made my do it" defense.

Still, I wouldn't put it past him to start some kind of court show. Judge Thompson, where he can pretend to be a judge. After all, if Larry Elder could do it, what stops old Jacko? :P
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Post by []V[]essenjah »

LOL, they should make @$$hole his new title :D

Yeah, he did say that it was a desensitizing type training but even at that... Halo 3 doesn't come anywhere close to actually shooting someone in the head. The real thing would be closer to Soldier of Fortune. I would rather he went after something like that, where it somewhat makes sense.
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Post by Ferno »

Thompson is a bona fide idiot and those who even listen to him feed his fragile ego.
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Post by Dakatsu »

This just in, Jack Thompson blames Descent 3 for World Trade Center Attacks!

\"The terrorists played Descent 3, in which the player can fly jet aircraft into things!\"
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