LG Phone Power Adaptor

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LG Phone Power Adaptor

Post by []V[]essenjah »

Recently some of the pins were broken in the power socket of my LG phone (AX490). This isn't a regular USB adaptor, it is some other strange cell phone adaptor that has pins inside of it. Apparently at some point, I must have bent one of the pins when I decided to charge the phone and over time, bent some of the others. I actually fixed the pins for a while but they eventually became bent up again until one of them fell off.

Anyway, I'm in a bit of a bind. I'm trying to move so that I can go to college and I still need to buy furniture, find a place to live, and find a new job.

I talked to my provider and they allowed me to take home a broken cell phone to open up. They said that repairs would at least run up $75. When I opened the phone, I could see that the power socket was fused directly to the circuit board so I can't scrap it for parts and splice wires together as a simple quick fix solution.

Anyone know if you can find cell phone battery chargers by chance?

I apparently can't buy a new cell phone without paying full price. I intend to change services this next Spring so that I can start under a new contract and pick up a higher quality phone. Until then, I'm going to try and keep semi-charging my current phone.

My other alternative is to drop my contract (I will have to pay $200) and look into a different service with a new contract.

Should have paid for insurance. :\\
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Post by Krom »

See if the broken cell phone they gave you works enough to charge the battery in the good one...
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