Capm wrote:Descent has a steep learning curve, and as an obvious groundpounder fanboy, you probably couldn't master it anyway. You would probably b.itch and whine the entire time and just make it miserable for everyone else... when they aren't killing you, that is. Then you'd just get mad and leave after about an hour of getting your ass kicked.
Obviously your attitude sucks too. You step into a gaming community that has been here for what 14 years and right off the bat you insult the people trying to help you. I hope that someday you grow out of this idiot comlex you've developed but I suppose when you stop sucking your mom's tit and get out in the real world you'll probably be in for just as big of a surprise there too. Good luck, a.sshat.
well done sir. clearly you have terrible reading comprehension, because if you didn't you would have seen that he offered no source of "help" what-so-ever, so my comments are entirely justified. Would you like me to go on some typical internet rant about how big of a geek you must be and how your wife must be a fat sow ectectect? save your generic internet insults for amateurs fatty.
As far as the learning curve, that's to be expected in any older game. Come try and play me in rtcw and try and get out of spawn. same concept.
Gekko71 wrote:
x4 on the joystick. And get used to the absense of mouselook - There's a reason the server admins remove it, it makes for a better game. Their equipment, their rules...
obviously a joystick is a better option, but i'm not planning on buying one unless i happen to see something sick for cheap. I'm comfortable with the x,y,z axis's with the way i have them bound, i just dont understand what the computer adds without mouselook. the crosshair floats in some wierd directions, BUT THAT COULD ALSO BE BECAUSE MY SENS FEELS LIKE IT'S AT 1000. There's is seriously no personal cfg anywhere or developer console in the engine at all?