Using Gaming Mouse on Older Games?

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Using Gaming Mouse on Older Games?

Post by Dakatsu »

I recently got a new gaming mouse, one with three normal buttons, plus two on the side. The two new buttons work for some games, but old games, particuarly UT99 InfMod, don't know I have them. Is there a way to have old games see these new buttons?
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Post by Krom »

I know with logitech mice you can use setpoint and uberoptions to assign a keystroke to the mouse button to get around any 3 button limitations in older games. If it is a logitech, then use that, otherwise check and see if your mouse's driver software has a similar feature.
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Post by Dakatsu »

Krom wrote:I know with logitech mice you can use setpoint and uberoptions to assign a keystroke to the mouse button to get around any 3 button limitations in older games. If it is a logitech, then use that, otherwise check and see if your mouse's driver software has a similar feature.
Luckily the disc that came with this mouse wasn't useless (like most I have encountered)...

Thanks! :)
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Post by Duper »

Krom wrote:I know with logitech mice you can use setpoint and uberoptions to assign a keystroke to the mouse button to get around any 3 button limitations in older games. If it is a logitech, then use that, otherwise check and see if your mouse's driver software has a similar feature.

This feature has saved my tail in a number of games; even new ones. It's strange, it seems once you go beyond 3 buttons, many games stop looking for input point (other buttons)
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Post by BUBBALOU »

I set mine for KBPGUP/KBPGDN/KBHOME/KBEND/KBDEL and just go back to uberoptions and enable the game exe in Setpoint

I seem to have a better workout dodging your stupidity than attempting to grasp the weight of your intelligence.
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