Network Question

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Network Question

Post by FireFox »

Here is the setup.

My PC in the office is running as the "server" with all the files dumped on it (really slows the pc I know)
O/S: Win Xp Pro

2x Win98SE
1x Win XP Pro

I've rig the 3 clients so that they can see only the Shared folder on my XP rig and nothing else. Were as I can see the hole content of the 2 98 rigs from any of the Pc's with the correct password and only the shared folder on the other XP rig (with no password).

This I would like to change. Currently if I have files I want to be able to access away from my desktop I need to dump it in the shared folder so that everyone can see it.

I'd like to be able to put some sort of password on the folder so that only I can access it with the password and not be shared over the network to the other users without it.

The same goes with the XP client I only can access the shared folder of. I'd like to be able to access the hole HDD with the use of a password.

So is this possible and if so how do I do this.

An internet connection isn't a real factor in this setup because only the one 98 rig has a 56k modem and is only used when needed. So there is no perminent connection to the Internet.

Basicly it is comming down to the fact that I don't want others to be able to access the private files(these are work related files ok) on my PC that I sometimes need to access from another machine. As well the password must not be stored for the session like the password I currently use to share the 98 HDD's that only needs to entered once to access the machine.

Simply put:
I (Adminstrator :)) want to have full access to all the PC's content with a requiered password every time I access it and closes it again.
Clients access to be limited to only the files that they need to have (no full access)

Thanks in advance.
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Post by Krom »

Disable "simple file and folder sharing" on the XP pro 'server'. Set up the user accounts you want and make sure they have passwords and then use the folder sharing and permissions to set up the access restrictions you want. You will probably want to set all the new users as limited users and not administrators else they will be able to access everything just like you. Set your account as the administrator and you can simply connect to the c$ default share on the server.
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