I have been anyway, until just yesterday when all my work got blown out of the water. Upon reopening dle-xp, I found that even though I had saved last time, I lost all my work except the first unfinished entry room. Yet, after deleting all instances of the level on my hard drive, d2x-xl still manages to find the most current version of the level and I can play it! Its able to find this 'ghost' level even though my computer searched everywhere and cannot. So I guess I'm just gonna have to have this ghost level sitting on my computer somewhere that I cannot find and start over on the level. So here is a screenshot of what the entry room should have looked like. But I've decided I want to take the level in a different direction. Oh well, 3 days wasted. No use crying over it, just have to be even more careful of how I save and back up my level.
I will post updates here on the new variant of the level as I get time.
By golly, I figured it out! For some strange reason, the current version of azaran zodiark had overwritten the entire apocalyptic factor hog file. (there's nothing left in that af-xl.hog file except for the azaran files. Which is weird since all I ever did to save my level was: File > Save. Other than the initial 'save as' to create a azaran.hog file, I just merely saved it 'as is' every time. So its weird that it somehow jumped ships to the af-xl.hog file. Regardless, progress on the level has resumed again. I just have to redownload apocalyptic factor from the descent mission database again to recover that mission. All is well, the screenshot in the previous post is still current now!
Major update, this level is still alive and kicking. These should give a brief glimpse into how detailed and how massive this level is going to be.
Click on images for larger view.