Thanks Duper. Yes, the family is well. Christopher (who was born slightly after D3 came out) is now 10, and Nic is 5. No more kids for us though.
My little project is some changes to the D2X-XL net code to support a tracker system that behaves just like old Kahn/Kali games. So inside D2 you will select an option and you will be presented with a list of trackers. Once you choose a tracker you will see the regular game list. You can start a game and play for a while, then leave and come back, etc. Basically it's a built-in capability of what used to happen with Kali and IPX.
With this system you will be able to play seamlessly behind a NAT server with some local players and some on the other side of the NAT.
I've got the server side stuff done, I just have to finish the changes to the game client code.
Regarding D3, I love D3 still and like to play it. I'd love to be able to work on it more and make improvements to it, but I haven't been able to get permission to do so yet.