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Looking for

Post by AlphaDoG »

The Descent II true type fonts. Does anyone have them or know where to get them?
It's never good to wake up in the shrubs naked, you either got way too drunk, or your azz is a werewolf.

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Post by CDN_Merlin »

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Post by Duper »

Readme wrote: ******************************************************************************
| The Descent Fonts V1.3 | Homepage: www.wild-style.com/descent |
| Made by Harald Koenigsperger | Mirror: www.delphie.de/descentnet/ |
|Provided by 'Otha Playaz Problemz'| eMail: wild_1@wild-style.com |
| The Descent Fonts V1.3 for all | Harald Koenigsperger a.k.a. wild_1 from |
| Windows-Versions... | the "Otha Playaz Problemz Clan" |

Hi Descent folks,

Here are the 'True Type' versions of the original Descent ][ Fonts:

"Descent ][ Score" (DescScor.TTF) is the font,
that appears at the scoring table.
"Descent ][ Menu Bold" (DescMenu.TTF) is the font,
that appears at the main menus.
"Descent ][ Logo Bold" (DescLogo.TTF) is the font,
which the Descent logo is made of.

Creation time: Software:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Descent ][ Score : 10h CorelDRAW V6.0!
Descent ][ Menu : 17h CorelDRAW V6.0!
Descent ][ Logo : 8h CorelDRAW V7.0!

04/05/97 V1.0 Initial release

04/10/97 V1.1 Reduced the space between words to 50 %.

07/01/97 V1.2 Seperated the fonts from Descent ][ font family to
"Descent ][ Score" and "Descent ][ Menu Bold".

07/05/97 V1.3 Added the "Descent ][ Logo Bold" font.

How to install the fonts in Windows:

- Windows 3.x and Windows NT 3.x:
Go to the control panel, then select "Fonts", "Add".
Now go to the path where you have the fonts extracted to, select the fonts
and press OK.

- Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.x:
Go to the control panel, select "Fonts", menu "File", "Install new font".
Now go to the path where you have the fonts extracted to, select the fonts
and press OK.


- The original fonts were designed by Parallax Software!

- Hit the '§' or 'ß' key to see the authors logo.

- Hit the '²' or '³' key to get a Pyro-GX Symbol.

- With some printer drivers you may have to disable the 'Postscript' option to
print out a text with the Descent Fonts !!!

- The " and ' key may not work in CorelDRAW V7.0 !!!

- Non-commercial distribution in any form is welcome, provided that this
.txt file is included.

Special Thanx:

To Heiko Herrmann a.k.a HH-Soft for editing the Credit Roll of Descent 2
(In this way i had access to every single letter of the Descent Logo Font).

Information of the author:

The author of these fonts is Harald Koenigsperger (Wild Style GraphX) a.k.a.
wild_1! You can contact me at wild_1@wild-style.com!

Visit the two leading Descent-related homepages in Germany (both are held in
English language) for updates of these fonts and any other Descent-need:

- Otha Playaz Problemz at http://www.wild-style.com/descent/
- Descent Network at http://www.delphie.de/descentnet/

Ceeya in a mine someday...
Harald Koenigsperger
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Post by AlphaDoG »

PlanetDescent fonts page isn't loading for me and the other page is gone long ago.

Nevermind, it seems firefox didn't like the PD fonts page. Maxthon opened it right up. Thanks again.
It's never good to wake up in the shrubs naked, you either got way too drunk, or your azz is a werewolf.

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