I got a new Saitek Cyborg X joystick for Christmas. I love how adjustable it is.
So now I'm trying to get used to the new stick and work my skills back up to their previous level. (Hey, don't laugh, even STINK can take some work!!!!)
BUT, I'm having an issue with the cyborg. It seems to have a very large dead zone. Changing the sensitivity in Descent doesn't seem to change the dead zone.
I'm running Descent 3 under Wine using Ubuntu 9.10. Anyone got a clue how to calibrate a joystick in Ubuntu?
Take a look at the *.ctl files in the D3 directory and create one w/ 0 DZ for that stick. Eg. the one I created for the 3DPro + USB converter looks like:
[controller settings]
@ Note: the 'name' parameter should be identical to the name seen on
@ the control panel for the joystick
@ 'deadzone' is a value from 0.0 to 0.9 (0% to 90% of joystick range)
name=Microsoft SideWinder 3D Pro (USB)
This looks like exactly what I need. BUT, I'm an idiot and I'm having a bit of trouble determining exactly what the \"name\" of the stick should be.
When I boot into windows and go to the Game Controlers under the Control panel, The stick shows as \"Cyborg X\"
SO, I created a ctl file named Cyborg X.ctl that says:
[controller settings]
@ Note: the 'name' parameter should be identical to the name seen on
@ the control panel for the joystick
@ 'deadzone' is a value from 0.0 to 0.9 (0% to 90% of joystick range)
name=Cyborg X
And, no change in my deadzone. Where should I be looking to determine the stick name?
Cyborg X should be correct. Also add the D3 command line switches \"-deadzone0 0.0\" and \"-deadzone1 0.0\" (no quotes). If that doesn't change anything the stick itself may have that bad a dead zone. Or the Ubuntu HID joystick driver applies a dead zone before passing of the values to W(h)ine.. There may be some innfo here.
Edit: ah, default deadzone unter Ubuntu seems to be 16%.. click