Win XP Taskbar system monitor?

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Win XP Taskbar system monitor?

Post by snoopy »

So, at home I'm running XFCE, and I have these spiffy taskbar monitors set up, like this:


I've become hopelessly addicted to them, and have a problem. At work, I have XP. I'm aware that I can have the task manager thing open, and minimize it, and it will get me a graph of CPU usage, but I'd like something that monitors more than just CPU usage, and doesn't force me to have the tack manager open. Anyone know of anything of the sort?
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Post by Krom »

Anything that does it is going to add more processes, can't get around that. However there should be a ton of tray apps that show various bits of information. Personally for keeping track of CPU% and memory use I use a little windows sidebar app from here. But in order to use it in XP you have to grab one of the hacks that make the vista sidebar work in XP out there (it can be done). I'd say its better to stick with a tray app or two that just work in XP. One suggestion is that process explorer from technet, it can give you a bit more info in the tray than taskman.
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Post by roid »
i use this to graph onto the task manager my cpu & system temps, and my router's network bandwidth.

it also does what you want.
A quick overview of its features:

CPU utilization display for up to 8 cores
Memory utilization indicator
Network throughput monitoring via SNMP
Network performance & reliability monitoring by pinging remote hosts
Hardware monitoring
-CPU temperatures
-Chipset temperatures & fan speeds
-HDD temperature
-Gigabyte Odin PSU support (voltage, current, power, etc.)
Very lightweight: minimal CPU and memory utilization
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Post by snoopy »

perfect, Roid. Thanks!
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