Bet51987 wrote:Don't fall apart or bend to the conservative way of life TC. (Just think of conservapedia, Sarah Palin, Texas school books, etc.) There is still a big difference in each party. For example, it was the GOP part of the SCOTUS that gave corporations the power to own you and your vote...not the Dems. It was the Get Obama Party that tried to block financial reform of wall st so they can no longer steal your money... not the dems. And you know what? When the dems tried to raise the price tag for what oil companies must pay for cleanup of oil spills, guess who put up a road block... Yep, the Party of Nay, the real oil party.
Definitely not thinking of that Bee, just frustrated with the hypocrisy and slow fall from grace of our once great country, all due to the machinations of BOTH parties (and unfortunately Obama) and their corporate influence. And now here we have the
Tea Party and Newt Gingrich decrying Obama Secular Socialism, when it's really both party's Corporatism and greed that's really destroying our country. I will give a few of them some intellect whenever they hold up a Fascism sign however. Corporatism, Fascism, similar stripe, close enough.
The Republican way of thinking that allows the few to profit off the many is not good for a stable society or a clean, safe environment for everyone IMHO. Before the modern
massive global corporate takeover of the American government, the usual Republican philosophy dictated that the marketplace should be free to determine all it's rules,
if any, and apply those to all of society and private business, allowing them to self-regulate essentially. Democratic philosophy
used to dictate that government rules were necessary to protect the commons and ensure equal opportunity for anyone that worked hard enough could succeed in America in a fair manner, but using taxation to attain that goal was always their Achilles Heel. Mind you, these are just quick, basic descriptions of each party's philosophies. What's happened since Reagan and more recently, Gingrich, is that the Republicans have been consistent and kept their philosophy, but with some cold calculation, a Frankenstein-like merge with religion of all things, to take power. But the spineless Democrats seem to have forgotten what they used to stand for, PEOPLE, and have begun to embrace Corporatism just like the Republicans. In fact, in a twisted turn, Republicans embraced big government spending like good Democrats under the Bush Administration.
Here's what I see with Republican dictum. In the case of BP and offshore drilling, instead of
government mandated rules and regulations, they would allow marketplace economic factors to determine what the rules for offshore drilling would be, in other words, cost and customer driven rules and needs would control company practice and policy. If customer didn't want to buy offshore oil because of the environmental risks, they would choose to not buy from BP or other companies that drill offshore, simple as that. Now the problem with a marketplace solution is it often results in a few winners and a lot of losers, namely everyone else that either makes a living fishing or promoting tourism in the Gulf of Mexico, creating a huge disproportionate inequity, especially with a product that has essentially inelastic demand, oil. Rand Paul's thinking comes to mind conveniently just today: ... y_id=64146 ... ppens-man/
Oh poor little BP, suffering under the boot heel of Obama. What tripe! The Gulf of Mexico IS the commons of the U.S. for ALL of us to enjoy, not BP's private money pot that's now a sewer. THEY get the profits, WE get the polluted ocean and beaches in return. We certainly didn't get usable oil out of this fiasco.
But I digress. On the flip side, a Communist or Socialist system tries to make things equal for all, but it's unfair in a different way. People make money for the state to redistribute equally to the people to pay for basic living. But this system has drawbacks, the person that works harder gets paid the same as the person that's slacking off and not pulling his or her fair share. That creates resentment, economic stagnation, little productivity or innovation or desire to work hard. Corporations and private business wouldn't exist in much capacity, if at all, so no wonderful, infinite products to buy whenever you want. Not a system I would want to live in.
The magic of the American system is that we have been in a sweet spot between both ideological extremes, at least for most of the twentieth century, albeit oscillating between the polar opposites. America used to be a place where EVERY individual had an equal opportunity to succeed if they worked hard enough. That was the American Dream. I think that we are losing or have lost that now.
The magic we've had for nearly a century just is not possible in either a pure market-driven system or a pure socialist system because not everyone gets an equal opportunity. In the socialist system, the government doesn't allow people to have differential success because that would create inequity. In a pure market-driven system, equal opportunity doesn't exist because of the winner-take-all effect and human greed. I know that Spidey will argue this point, but winner-take-all is what's happening now. Desire for money begets taking even MORE money. If the system allows that, there are no stops.
My question is, where's that balance we've kept between the two systems and why can't we maintain that? This balance is what allowed our country to flourish and grow.