I've gotten rather frustrated lately with Google's search results (Bing doesn't seem to be any better). I'm tired of wading through pages of irrelevant search results (all the Wiki clones and other SEO-crap). I do a lot of searching on military aviation-related terms. For example, right now I am researching WWII (and earlier) Japanese military aviation. I luck out in my searches and find an informative page like this:
http://zenibo-milimania.world.coocan.jp/epljn.htm. So I try to research and find some more detailed information. That page indicates that the IJA acquired one or more Northrop Gamma 2E's in 1933, and that they were designated \"BXN.\" Wanting to find out more, I go to Google and search for Northrop BXN and get
mostly garbage. The first link is to a Wikipedia article (which does give me some useful info, but I want more). I don't want links to ask.com, enotes.com, wapedia, onevisionvideo, instantfreetraffic
So, searching for ways to eliminate this spam from search results, I found this:
How to Block Wikipedia from Your Google Searches
Sounds like just what I want. I install the OptimizeGoogle Firefox plug-in, import the list of websites to filter out, but it doesn't seem to work at all. I've tried looking for other search (Google, Bing) results filters extensions/plug-ins/add-ons/etc. for IE/FireFox/Chrome, with no luck.
Anyone have a more successful experience with something like this?