CPU-Z reading the code on the CPU

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CPU-Z reading the code on the CPU

Post by AceCombat »

how do you read the code on the CPU Model # so i can tell what a laptop has installed in it? the code im referring to is an example like this: SL7CH
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Re: CPU-Z reading the code on the CPU

Post by Krom »

The processor doesn't know, and by the nature of how they are manufactured can't know its own sSpec. The reason is because it is something that is given to the processor after manufacturing and two chips even from the same wafer can end up with different sSpecs because of speed binning.

You can sometimes pull a guess by comparing the processor IDs/revision/stepping to the lists on the Intel site, but the only way to really be sure is the old fashioned way: remove the heatsink and read it off the top of the processor. With home built desktops you can at least be lazy and read it off the box the processor came in (assuming you kept it), but with laptops and pre-built OEM machines you are pretty much SOL without pulling the system apart and reading the sSpec directly.
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Re: CPU-Z reading the code on the CPU

Post by akula65 »

Krom, I think he is asking for a general way to take the info stamped on the top of the chip that you are referring to and do a lookup.

AceCombat, you can google it the same way you can any part no./type, etc. There are sites that provide specs based on that info such as the following (using your SL7CH example):

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Re: CPU-Z reading the code on the CPU

Post by AceCombat »

yeah i figured that, the lappy is under warranty still and i dont want to void it
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Re: CPU-Z reading the code on the CPU

Post by Ferno »

CPU-Z will tell you what the name of the CPU right there on the top. It'll also give you the codename and package aswell.
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