The full video is here:
If you're short on time, skip to 3 minutes in, which is where the bulk of the roast starts.
Will wrote:But at the same time he makes it clear with the qualifier that his interest in the issue is that Obama has an obligation or responsibility to divulge the proof and he 'hopes producing the certificate will make the issue go away'. so he scolds Obama for not fixing the problem.
The primary two categories of birthers are the group that Trump caused to believe that Obama wasn't born here and the group that would accept no amount of evidence that Obama was born here. The former group is Trump's responsibility, not Obama's, and the latter group could never be convinced. Recall that we've already had proof for a while now that Obama was born on U.S. soil. The story that we need "just one more piece of evidence" to finally have "proof" is a fictional narrative. And it's a story that can be told over and over again. I doubt we've heard the last of it.
Will wrote:Like a parent telling a kid to pick up his damn dirty socks from the living room floor or something.
It puts Obama in a corner, either Obama does as Trump demands which means Trump forced Obama to oblige him or Obama suffers the consequences of the growing doubt among voters. Trump can't be wrong either way. He's playing a game with Obama.
I think there are two ways you can try to defend Trump on this issue.
The first is that Trump was doing this somehow for our, i.e., America's, good and that this somehow improved America's political discourse. But for this to be true, Trump's narrative would at least have to have been correct. But it's not, so he can't be doing this for America's good.
The second is to say, "Well, he's a politician, so while we can't expect him to do right by America, we should at least expect him to do right by himself," i.e., this was somehow a political victory for him against Obama that will garner him political support. But increased political support can be empirically tested. If recent poll numbers are sufficient indication, then this issue has damaged his campaign.
Will wrote:The biggest attraction i see is Trump is causing headaches for almost everyone in the status quo and that is an improvement over letting them focus on their own script.
I think Trump will pull out just in time for some republican to look absolutely cool, calm and collected by comparison. everyone will breath a sigh of relief and then we can prepare for 4 more years of the same old ★■◆● matter which team wins.
I would love to see a strong independent candidate, but it's not because I hate the word "Republican" or the letter "D." It's because they're so full of ★■◆●. So if the independent candidate is an even a larger pile of ★■◆● than the R's and D's we've had to deal with, then this defeats the purpose of having an independent candidate to begin with!
Will wrote:So when did Trump say Obama wasn't born here?
He said that he "heard" that Obama wasn't born here, that he "heard" that Obama's birth certificate doesn't exist, and so on, with the intention that people would believe his fictional narrative.
Now he's "heard" that Obama's grades aren't up to par. Ugkh.
As bad as America's political discourse is, there's no way that this is an improvement. As George Carlin would say, "It's all bull★■◆●, and it's bad for you."