Thx for the post Duper. I agree, there's more BS around HL3 than I care to wade through. I'm guessing that Valve will do the same as they did with HL2 - announce and launch it out of the blue once they're confident it's stable.
Well, the biggest reason I like Valve as a game company is that they're not afraid to actually take the time to make sure their games are good, and that they work. Too many companies are too afraid of skipping a release date -- Sega is probably most infamous for this problem with Sonic 2006, but the initial release of Sonic Generations on steam was also unplayable until it got a patch about a week after release (it crashed when it tried to save). A week isn't a long time, but instead of releasing a broken game that needed a patch, Sega could have delayed the release by a week and sorted out the bug so that they had a playable release rather than just a release -- it wouldn't really have made a difference, people would just be complaining for a different reason.
And Nadeo (maybe Ubisoft's influence?) seems to be heading down this road with the release of the Trackmania 2 Canyon environment -- it feels more like a beta than the polished product that was Trackmania United.
And this isn't even mentioning D3, where even the patches seem rushed out -- I remember in version 1.3.1, you couldn't even complete the main campaign because of an unavoidable crash on level 10. And even in 1.4, minimizing the game causes a crash if Console IME is running in the background.
yeah, well. D3 had its own drama, considering they wasted half their Dev cycle. That's why Tantrum is in the credits,they built more than half the doors for them. ... and a sloppy job at that. (if you've ever used D3 editor, you'd know what I meant. )