Is that a good idea? I can imagine wanting to flip from a question bank, to the text, to a formula page, and going crazy. However, my classes are becoming less math oriented and more concept oriented. So lots of reading.
Anyone else already using an ebook reader for school text books? Is there a special kind that works better for school than others? Thanks. (REPLY BEFORE CHRISTMAS!!!!!! )
I checked. They're for sale on amazon's store, for the kindle I think the small $79 MIGHT work. I'll need to see how it all looks. No one I know at school has one.
Personally, as a straight reader, I like the Nook. The E-ink is very easy on the eyes as is the display on the whole. However, you're a bit limited to certain publications if you want things like newspapers and such.
Kindle has a lot more "whiz-bang", but it's more of a web pad now than a reader. I prefer the matte finish display, but that's my preference.
It sounds like you're "wanting" an iPad. If you want a digi pad, check out the Asus Transformer This thing SMOKES the iPad when it comes to performance and compatibility and Capability ... Cheaper too. Android 3.2 Os. Been thinking of getting me one just to have a digital drawing pad. Load gimp and away you go.
We finally get that sketchpad we "See" when D3 is loading up! ^_^
The lower-end Kindle models still use an e-Ink display. It's just the high-end version (think it's called the "Fire") that's more of a full-fledged tablet. Personally, I'm fine sticking with good ol' paper myself.
First off, yes! I have a netbook. It's the best system I've ever owned. It will do anything I want. that's a big problem. I've become addicted to it. Even with just a terminal it's a blast. I know that sounds silly, but I take my laptop apart (battery, cable, and laptop) and put the pieces in separate places. When I do use it, it's for work. And if I have time, for some fun stuff, but only for a small amount of time. So I've stopped taking it anywhere. I don't take it to school either. All my notes are done by hand. All my calculations are done on paper and two calculators (jumbo size regular for fast typing and scientific). Secondly, I'm worried about my laptop. It's been about two years since I've gotten it. Netbooks aren't suppose to last long and, up until recently, my netbook has left the house with me everyday, being used all day for everything. That can't keep up for another year. I really love my netbook and would like to keep it for another 2 years, at least. Or at least until I graduate.
IPads are neat but they would yield the same problems that my netbook has, posted in my response to Jeff. I actually just want an alternative way of reading textbooks. Of course, for math heavy classes an ereader is not a good idea, with the constant page flipping and table referencing. But many of my courses are based on reading and understanding concepts, like Federal Tax and Business Law. When there's math it's mostly "add this then subtract that and compare the lesser of this against that". There's going to be so much more of it. The books are big and I figured it might be to my advantage to read it on something made to be comfortable. The $79 looks fantastic in comparison to even my smallest book. I have this fantasy of reading while lying down, perfectly flat, holding the kindle above my head, with only my finger and thumb.
I too am a big fan of paper! I am interested in that digtial ink. I like it.
I wont own a Kindle because they keep to much control over your machine. That doesn't matter to most people now, but it bugs ME. If I buy a copy of 1984, I don't want to be wondering when Big Brother is going to sneak in at night and take it back.
My wife uses a sony e-reader and likes it very much. She just upgraded to their newest version which has dropped drastically in price to compete with the Kindle. Sony ranks better on privacy issues than the Kindle: ... de-privacy
No apparent leaks into the device, the only Sony related privacy issues are with information stored when you search for or purchase books on their web store.
I'm taking a look at the bebook neo, it looks like it might be the most open format ereader.
We just bought a Asus eee pad Transformer for a Christmas present. Now I want one myself. Asus is the brand to look for. We have an Asus laptop that has had drinks poured on it, dropped a few times and involved in a few tug o' wars . Asus builds rugged products.
So I decided to try and test-drive the cheap $79 Kindle 4 from a local store, which has a 15 day return policy on electronics. 3 hours of use and I decided to keep it. The size and weight are perfect. The Kindle touch is suppose to nr bad at running PDFs, which I almost got instead. This one runs them very well. I have two textbooks, which I completely own, in PDF format and they work great. I do plan to get the remainder of my school books through Amazon's kindle store. I'm even demoing a textbook I already own and I'm considering buying the full version as a Kindle book.