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Squash the bug

Post by woodchip »

The following points out how extreme the politically correct asinitity has become. While we have heard how firearms kill and thus should be banned, now it is bulldozers. Yes dear friends, bulldozers as in Caterpillar. Somehow we have reached the point where no matter the product, use it in a percieved improper manner...censure the manufacturer:

Social responsibility activists and shareholders have recently been urging the company to change its ways -- but they're not talking about pollution, labor conditions or animal testing. No, nothing like that. They're concerned because the company's bulldozers are being used by the Israeli army to raze Palestinian homes. (It was also a Caterpillar bulldozer that crushed 23-year-old American protester Rachel Corrie in Gaza in 2003.)

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Post by Top Gun »

They cannot be serious.

"Oh no! Drivers over 16 years old cause accidents! The Big Three should stop selling cars to anyone over 16!" :P This country will fall apart unless "personal responsibility" finally has some meaning again. Gun manufacturers, cigarette companies...it's all the same. Products don't create harm, people do.

P.S. I'm not saying that the Israeli army is unjustified in their actions with these "weapons of war" :P. Maybe some of these people should spend a week living in the Gaza Strip; then we'll see what their opinions are.
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Post by Testiculese »

Of course they're serious. You underestimate the stupidity of these people. (omg, we need to ban ball-point pens because you might get ink poisoning!!).

Please let Darwin grace these people's non-lives. Or at least St. Sterility.
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Post by Avder »

Guns/Cars/Buldosers/Spatulas Dont Kill people, Idiots do.
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Post by Dedman »

Ban the idiots I say. We should leagalize everything and let darwinism do it's thing.
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Post by TrueLightGuild »

I agree that the world is full of stupid people, but I do agree that certain things should be banned.
The reason you have to ban things, is because THE WORLD IS FULL OF STUPID PEOPLE!!!

You would probably not shoot your fellow student or neighbor, but there are those that will.

They go overboard on banning some things, and the problem sometimes isn't the product, but I sure wouldn't want a 15 year old kid to be able to buy dynamite, or a sniper rifle etc etc.

Oh! by the way, they should ban property taxes that are higher than the national average. Here in Long Island, the property taxes are 67% higher than the rest of the country and they want to raise them again.
I used to live in Texas, and my property taxes there were about 1/2 of what they are here.

They should also ban those that scream discrimination, when they are getting more rights than I have. :P
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Post by woodchip »

TrueLightGuild wrote:
but I sure wouldn't want a 15 year old kid to be able to buy dynamite, or a sniper rifle etc etc.
15 year olds can't buy those items.
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