Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

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Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by thewolfe »

I can't get my webpage to show full left border to right border and centered on computers with different resolution. Is that possible?

I'm running four computers, two look good and two don't. Again, all have different resolutions and same results on computers using FF or IE, two look good and two don't.

I can get the repeating border on the right side to go away and is replaced by a white column instead of second border.

I'm using FrontPage to edit script cause that's all I know and should be good as anything just to edit.

The site I'm working on is
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by Krom »

This isn't going to sound very helpful, but there is only one effective solution to your problem: Stop Using FrontPage

I believe Microsoft sent a pretty strong suggestion to that effect when they killed FrontPage 6 years ago...

As for centering the page, its relatively simple to accomplish with a rudimentary amount of html and CSS knowledge: ... -with-css/
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by thewolfe »

Hey Krom, did you notice the color scheme.

I understand about FrontPage but don't think that's my problem although I don't have the time or the money to learn a new program like Dreamweaver, WordPress......
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by fliptw »

all you really need to learn is CSS and html, and they are simple things, w3schools is a good place to start.
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by vision »

I have to agree with Krom and fliptw. Eventually you'll need to break free and learn to do a little coding by hand if you want the results you seek. That's just the way it is. You don't need to buy new software, you just need notepad (but there are better, free, text editors like notepad++). And I guess you'll have to find the time, but really, it really won't be that hard even if you're spoiled by web-design programs.
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by Ferno »

thewolfe wrote:Hey Krom, did you notice the color scheme.

I understand about FrontPage but don't think that's my problem although I don't have the time or the money to learn a new program like Dreamweaver, WordPress......
as krom said, you're using a six year old program which has no support for the newer browsers whatsoever. if you want your stuff to work, learn a program that can crate pages for the newer browsers.
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by BUBBALOU »

<table width="100%" blah blah blah blah >


<page width="100%" blah blah blah blah >

I seem to have a better workout dodging your stupidity than attempting to grasp the weight of your intelligence.
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by Thenior »

BUBBALOU wrote:<body>
<table width="100%" blah blah blah blah >


<page width="100%" blah blah blah blah >
What is this, the 90's? Try:

Code: Select all

<!-- Center align text -->
<body style="text-align:center;">

Code: Select all

<!-- center align element on page -->
<div style="width:75%; margin: 0 auto;">
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by thewolfe »

What line do I past the code in and does it all get pasted together. As you can tell, I know nothing about code but centering this on different monitors would allow me to use my site for now until I can invest the time and or $ into switching to a "modern" language/editor.

My test site is

If I could get past this major bump in the road I'd be a happy camper.

Thanks for the posts.
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by sdfgeoff »

Post some of it at the top, and the rest at the bottom.
Put the rest of the code for your site in between the <div style=.....> </div> tags
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by Thenior »

Yeah wrap your table in a <div> </div> and I can help. The table is screwing with the center alignment.
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by thewolfe »

Yeah wrap your table in a <div> </div> and I can help. The table is screwing with the center alignment.
I add the above.
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by Thenior »

For some strange reason, when I apply the centering to the wrapper, it appears to work, but the contents inside align to the left again.

I see you have a lot of absolute positioning. That's kind of a no-no. But anyway, I did a quick chop job, making it more along the lines of modern web conventions. Still a couple things in there I wouldn't prefer, but since I copied your original design nearly exactly, that's the way it turned out.
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by thewolfe »

Thenior, It looks great on my main computer and on the other monitor the page is centered with a small 1/2" border on each side that I can live with. But I may be stuck with my old flaws at this point because when I view your script in FrontPage to work on it, I get what looks like everything in one column. See pic (Must be a capital "T")
The above link has been corrected.

In FP to get everything in two columns and separated properly I used "layers" ( ... Page/12207) that are just text boxes that I can add/delete and move around on top of the "notepad" background.

And for now I think I'm stuck with FrontPage until I have time and $ to learn something else.

A side note: I do have Kompozer I could try. Don't know how it works and if it functions like FrontPage as in a wysiwyg.
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by thewolfe »

And further more.....I tried Kompozer and the page shows up well but I haven't figured out how to add in new text in a two column format, although using text boxes was very easy and handy. Any other free or inexpensive WYSIWYG editors that would take the place of FrontPage?

The website from the previous post to view FrontPage picture after Thenior's patch is (Must be a capital "T")

Thenior's fix looks so if I could make changes to it in some kind of wysiwyg. So close and yet so far away.
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by fliptw »

My advice: start simple. FrontPage can let you do fancy, and it worked well until Microsoft forgot about IE in 2001. The world has moved on from what FrontPage was capable of, and FrontPage never was that capable.

HTML and WYSIWYG don't really match very well. Its technically impossible, as its more what others see.

scrap your page, and start from scratch. No backgrounds, a single column. Concentrate on what you want to say and how your content is organized. Once you got that, then you can make it look fancy.
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by thewolfe »

My content will be changing probably weekly and the "notepad" is what I want as a background. And....since I don't no code, for now I'm stuck with the few options I have.

Thenior's fix looks great as far as centering on monitors if I can figure how to edit it which I may be stuck on.

Believe me I'd love to dump FP but w/o code I need a visual. Well, no sense going over my dilemma again. Soooo close yet soooo far away.

Does anyone know if I can use my full "notebook" background in WordPress. All I every see are 1 column, 2 column, ...with a pic at the top of the page?
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by Krom »

If you are planning on updating the page "weekly" then manual editing is a big no-no, I'd give up on that layout and go for a straight up wordpress blog instead. Once you pick a decent theme and fit your stuff into it, the whole site and process of updating it will probably be way more organized and easier to manage.
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by thewolfe »

I hear ya Krom, my prob is I'm not willing to give up my notepad "theme" at this point and go to a generic looking page.
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by fliptw »

thewolfe wrote:I hear ya Krom, my prob is I'm not willing to give up my notepad "theme" at this point and go to a generic looking page.
Krom is right. updates by hand will be come cumbersome.

As I said before, its not about what you see, its about how others view it. It looks ok on in a 4:3 monitor, but you are wasting a lot of space on the right side on wide screen monitors.

you are also stuck in a fixed size: the amount of content you can comfortably use is limited, to add more you are forcing people to load another page, that breaks flow, making it less worth it to read longer articles.

The Web has no physical analogy.
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by thewolfe »

OK, here 's my final 2 questions and I'm done and I thank you for all posts.

1. Is there any program that acts like, does the same thing as FrontPage besides FrontPage that uses the newer type script?
2. I posted this on the WordPress form a couple of weeks ago and haven't got any hits so does anyone know if I can use a full background (cover the page) and then use Wordpress on top of the background?

Thanks again for the script and advice.

Over & out.....I promise.
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by Thenior »

1) The best free alternative is a combination of Chrome or Firefox, with something like Notepad++. You're not going to quite get WYSIWYG, but it's close. Type you're code in Notepad++, and it formats it for you. Then use the Element Inspector in Chrome and Firefox to browse the code you create, and make live changes. You can't save the changes, but it shows you in realtime how it looks. Most WYSIWYG editors, even Dreamweaver, fail when you start getting more complex coding. Though using this method, you don't get tools that generate the code for you.

2) Yes, you can do that with WordPress, though it's not built into the WordPress dashboard. Pretty much any visual customization (other than blog posts) have to be done in the code itself. I know this is volunteer work for you, so you probably don't have a budget. I usually charge $300-$1000 for something like this.
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Re: Trying to get my webpage centered and full for all res

Post by Heretic »

Have you tried Evrsoft First Page 2006 it includes full support for HTML, XHTML, PHP, ASP, Cold Fusion, Javascript, CSS, SSI and Perl. It's also free.
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