I want to play!

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I want to play!

Post by Eulogy »

So it's been years. I just installed d1 and d2 rebirth.

Where can I find multiplayer games? Where to people go to organize them? Are there trackers? Do they still use Kali (or whatever is was called)?
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Re: I want to play!

Post by Krom »

For D1 and D2, Kali is probably still the best route. There are also some sticky threads in the Descent Multiplayer forum that might help you.
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Re: I want to play!

Post by Sirius »

Not many people do use Kali, though there are some that do, including some that may not be reachable any other way.
There are trackers: both major source ports have them built-in. I don't think the D2X-XL tracker is visible to the web at the moment - but it's had one for quite a long time. Rebirth gained one within the last couple years as well which can be seen here: http://dxxtracker.reenigne.net/

Outside of Kali, there are a couple places I can think of to find people for games (may be more out there though) - both hosted Mumble servers.
Rebirth server: dxxr.mine.nu:64738
Descent Rangers server (seems more active lately in my experience): vx39.commandchannel.com:31393
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