it's the end of the world as we know it!

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Post by snoopy »

Duper wrote:phoenix, a "Day" is represenative of a "Time of completion". It's a type of metiphor.
Yep- there is acutally quite a bit of disagreement between everyone (Christians and non-Christians alike) about how long each "day" of creation was in our scale of time. (some say it was literally a day, some say each was a period of several thousand years, and I think some even think it was an instant) We do know, however- that a "day" for God isn't necissarily a "day" for us: in fact we don't know exactly what it is.
2 Peter 3:8 "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day."
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Post by kurupt »

did anyone notice that when aussie bloke revealed himself, he spelled his own name wrong?
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Post by Top Gun »

Hehe :P

Something rather weird: I was channel-surfing today, and I happened to catch the end of a snippet on MSNBC about what I think was a meteorite sighting. I've been thinking about this topic lately, so my stomach did a sort of flip-flop. Maybe the guy is right.../me cues Twilight Zone theme :P.
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Post by roid »

Top Gun wrote:Hehe :P

Something rather weird: I was channel-surfing today, and I happened to catch the end of a snippet on MSNBC about what I think was a meteorite sighting. I've been thinking about this topic lately, so my stomach did a sort of flip-flop.
oh hell yeah, THAT would be cool. i have apocalypse dreams like that all the time, meteors etc, they are SO real. in fact i remember having one recently, it was a dream within a dream within a dream.

the inner-most dream, i dreamt that little blackhole singularity thingys were gonna start appearing in earth's atmosphere, and we'd be lucky to survive the radiation they give out (we'd have to take cover).
it was on the news, and it was the apocalypse.

then blam... i woke up, it was all a dream... then sitting up in bed for a while, i looked outof my window and noticed something weird in the sky. it got bigger... and i noticed it was this metallic sphere looking like thing... A SINGULARITY!!!

then blam... i woke up AGAIN, got outof bed and did my normal morning stuff.
then things got dark outside, i figured it was just a storm. but then there was this this weird noise outside too, with the wind, and a faint kindof X-files glow amongst the darkness, then the whole house started to shake violently.

i looked out a house window and yelled out to my best friend who strangely was living across the road from me to lock down his house and stay away from the windows, coz of the radiation. then i started to lock down my own house and was careful not to look outside.

then blam.. i woke up.

for real.

pretty cool hey.
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Post by XeonJr »

Roid, you have some serious issues :P
Go seek help!
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Post by Krom »

Whatever he is smoking, I want some. (not!)
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Post by Dedman »

There was a meteorite sighting in Washington State yesterday morning. Maybe Lothar can shed some light on this.
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Post by kurupt »

its looking more and more like a hoax to me too. check this out. ... venus.html

that would explain some stuff about the sky looking different in mid-june. unless nasa is just trying to pull a misdirection, who knows eh?

also about the meteorite in washington, try here:

and more specifically here: ... index.html

and on an unrelated note (or is it?! :P) ... index.html
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Post by Nexus_One »

Kurupt, those dates do corrospond very well with the dates that Aussie Bloke tried to mention. Even the date of 2012. And it still reminds me vaguely of teh guy a few years back who said he was from the future. Aussie mentioned September in his first long post, and said something about fighting. Same month and year the other guy mentioned for a US civil war.

I haven't been able to find any info in Gartrell that dates anymore recently that 1969 either. Maybe thats just me though.
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Post by Neo »

snoopy wrote:
Duper wrote:phoenix, a "Day" is represenative of a "Time of completion". It's a type of metiphor.
Yep- there is acutally quite a bit of disagreement between everyone (Christians and non-Christians alike) about how long each "day" of creation was in our scale of time. (some say it was literally a day, some say each was a period of several thousand years, and I think some even think it was an instant) We do know, however- that a "day" for God isn't necissarily a "day" for us: in fact we don't know exactly what it is.
2 Peter 3:8 "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day."
Once again, this verse is being taken completely out of context.

I find it funny how people quote Bible verses and just chop it out without quoting the whole paragraph or reading two paragraphs before.

The whole point of that verse is that the Lord has patience toward you, not wishing for anyone to perish, but for all to come to repentance.

In other words, when the Lord waits 1000 years for something, it's like us waiting for something for a day.

And as far as the end of the world "as we know it (party line :P)" The Lord did say that before the day of the Lord, before the first resurrection, the stars will fall from the sky. However, Wormwood does not fall until after the first resurrection. The reference to Wormwood in Revelation is just another verse that was cut up and isolated from the context of the passage that it is from. =P

And as far as space debris falling to the earth is concerned, I don't care. :)
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Post by Nitrofox125 »

meteorite sighting
Meteorite==Something that's already hit the ground.
Meteor==Something that's entered Earth's atmosphere
Asteroid, Debris, Comets, etcetc. == Stuff in space

But this is a really interesting topic. but...
a) There have been hoaxes like this for a thousand years
b) If it really is true, what are we going to do about it? There's really nothing we can do except for be like "Whoa, cool rock!"
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Post by WCHeyerdahl »

Posted By: Theresa <Send E-Mail>
Date: Thursday, 3 June 2004, 2:36 p.m.
(EDITOR) No way to verify whether this or any of the Aussie Bloke postings are real - passing this along for your own discernment.
Posted By: Shiffee
posted on 2-6-2004 at 05:53 PM Post Number: 568940 (post id: 589634)
You are all to be commended for your exemplary performance these past several weeks. Your unwitting participation in BLIND SKIES has proven most informative, and quite frankly entertaining to many project members. To say that it got out of hand would be an exercise in understatement. We picked GLP precisely because it was out of the way, off the beaten path of usual internet surfers. It suited our needs perfectly. Unmoderated. Anonymous posting. We couldn´t have asked for a better testbed unless we had built it ourselves.
Rest assured, Elaine is in no way part of this. She is/was as unaware of the true nature of our experiment as the rest of you.
Our initial hypothesis was straightforward enough: Given the barest minimum of verifiable evidence, ordinary citizens of average to above-average intelligence could be duped into wholesale belief in a catastrophe scenario, provided there was ample corroboration from equally ambiguous, non-credible sources.
We never anticipated the myth spreading beyond the confines of GLP. When the conservative website, Bushcountry, picked up the story, we realized that our initial models had failed miserably to account for the ´word-of-mouth´ potential inherent in the internet. At most, we thought perhaps a few other fringe sites might get on board, but it´s obvious to us now that it´s only a matter of time before a mainstream media outlet syndicates this content, at which point the story will explode into something far beyond our ability to control.
In fact, it may already be there.
We should have spoken up sooner. This all moved so quickly, we just weren´t prepared to adapt to the monster we had unleashed.
For our own protection, because it´s becoming abundantly clear that civil/criminal litigation may result from this experiment, we cannot and will not identify ourselves, nor will we reveal any details that might readily be traced to us. We´re confident that using IP logs will prove frustrating for you, at best.
Because of the overwhelming success of this project, we will not be apologizing. You all behaved exactly as we had predicted, falling into 2 camps on either side of the issue. The believers held fast to every scrap of datum, whether it was credible or not. The non-believers grew frustrated and angry as their attempts to apply logic and reason were ignored. Anger and dissent grew and grew, and ultimately the entire story devolved into an unintelligible mass of contradictory assertions and accusations. We are acutely aware that even our own admission in this forum will be viewed as yet more hoax material, albeit more cleverly crafted and well-thought out than standard fare for these pages.
BLIND SKIES began with an idea. The now-legendary SNOWBALL INTERCEPT provided the impetus we had been looking for, the final piece of a puzzle that had been confounding us for the past 14 months. It was the perfect backstory for a disaster scenario that would be easily accepted. Few people have any real knowledge of astronomy. Fewer still know much about the socio-political environment that modern astronomers operate within, and when one of our members suggested using an invented Australian astronomer to further muddy the waters, we knew it was time to release.
To be honest, we have no knowledge of the validity and/or credibility of the so-called SNOWBALL INTERCEPT. We have no affiliation with it whatsoever. We only used its existence to further our agenda. That current world events have proceeded in such a way as to lend perceived credibility to our fiction is by no means our fault. Many of you fail to appreciate the power of coincidence. While we had anticipated that at least some activity in current events would affect the outcome of the project, we never expected nor modelled the possibility of so many "dots", as some of you have called them, coming together around our story.
We planted the seeds with NOTED & WARNED. Just enough credibility to whet your appetites. We did hire an astronomer to assist us with the final stages of BLIND SKIES, so that we could craft messages containing sufficient truth to warrant further investigation. Following up with AUSSIE BLOKE, we added fuel to the fire in the form of a fictional, curmudgeonly astronomer whose conscience had finally moved him to reveal the details of an impending catastrophe to a select group of forum visitors on an obscure website.
Some of you saw through the veil. Some of you, even after reading this, will continue to insist upon the reality of ´AB´. While we predicted that some people would continue to believe even beyond the scope of the project, we did not anticipate the enormous numbers involved. Because so many people remain convinced (and will continue to remain convinced, even after reading this), we elected to release this message as a means of covering our collective behinds from whatever legal fallout remains ahead of us.
We´ve told you it´s not real. We´ve provided you a credible, logical explanation as to why it isn´t real and given you some insight as to what its true purpose was. In our eyes, we have absolved ourselves of at least some of the guilt that is surely to be laid at our feet in the coming days and weeks.
AUSSIE BLOKE has taken on a life of his own here. Our last use of him was the ´vacation´ message. Similarly, NOTED & WARNED has not been used by us for several weeks, and yet forum messages continue to appear, ostensibly implying that they are from these purely fictional characters.
Many of you picked up on the PLANET X elements in our story, and that was intended, as well. There are already many believers in this (we are not among them), and they provided a reliable base group that we could reasonably expect to buy into our story relatively early on.
BLIND SKIES is not, as many have claimed, a ´PSY OP´. Although we have an affiliation with the government, our mandate was not intended to be any sort of disinformation campaign, mass brainwashing, or subliminal manipulation. We conducted a serious experiment to study the panic reflexes of a virtual community, and quite frankly the experiment ran away from us. AUSSIE BLOKE has now become our Frankenstein´s Monster.
We applaud the efforts of so many of you to find the ´facts´ behind the fiction. We were impressed by the fact that many people realized their lack of astronomical knowledge, and sought to follow AB´s advice and LOOK TO THE SKIES, and INVESTIGATE FOR YOURSELVES! We cannot say that we aren´t pleased with our role in inspiring a new renaissance in the field of astronomy.
Near Earth Objects are a threat to our planet, and someday perhaps there will be a scenario that closely matches what we created for BLIND SKIES. However, that day is not today.
We will continue to monitor these forums, along with many others, and we will continue to collect the data regarding your responses. Even the release of this message was factored into the experiment, however as we have already stated, we never anticipated releasing it to such a broad audience.
One interesting result that we had not considered was the various religous and prophetic threads that have spawned as a result of our experiment. One project member commented that it was encouraging to see that faith is not dead in the world.
And so, to you believers, I say be careful in what, and in whom, you place your faith and your trust. And, to you non-believers I say, continue to keep up the fight for truth and reason, because you are logic´s last line of defense.
With regards,
The Monitors
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Post by Top Gun »

Nitrofox, I was actually aware of that distinction before posting. However, I just caught the end of the news article on MSNBC, and I could have sworn that they had put "meteorite." I wasn't sure if they made a mistake, or if someone had actually found a real meteorite that made it down to Earth.

WCHeyerdahl, that's actually pretty cool. It was amusing how the BushCountry poster seemed convinced that these people were telling the truth. I hope they don't get nailed for what they were doing; it's a great way to prove the gullibility of the average Joe, particularly in regards to scientific concepts.
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Post by Grendel »

Hehe -- now at least we know why they put up the scam :)
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Post by Fusion pimp »

Damage control.
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Post by roid »

yay, i win :)

yet i note the irony of desputing a plausable yet unprovable senario with a plausable yet unprovable "this was all a joke and we are covering our asses" statement. ;)

that being said, i can also see how this could have been a psych research project. they say they have an affiliation with the government, so this could mean they are from any university, or just some political or private party doing research into political media psychologys (ie: psych knowledge = better propeganda / advertising). anyway props to them for it, i enjoyed it.

and i still watch the skys, haha.
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Post by Sage »

★■◆●... I'm still taking a dump on my neighbors lawn...
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