Ronald Regan dead at 93

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Ronald Regan dead at 93

Post by fliptw »

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Post by Kyouryuu »

I am glad he has peacefully passed on, simply because his Alzheimers had become so bad, it seems life would not be worth living. He reached a point where he didn't remember ever being President and forgot who his wife was. What kind of life is that? To not have any memories. One would be better off dead. :(

He had lived a long and fascinating life. From a teenager with dreams of stardom and making it in radio, eventually becoming the President, faced with an attempted assassination, and finally Alzheimers. Wow, what a life.

Damn this infernal Alzheimer's disease.
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Post by Top Gun »

A great man, and a great President. At least he can finally find peace from his illness :(.
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:cry: :(
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Post by MD-2389 »

I'm glad he finally passed away. He couldn't remember squat, and I don't think he'd want to live on with nothing to live for other than becoming a vegetable...

May he rest in peace, where no illness can touch him.
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Post by whuppinboy »

pfft, anyone remember trickle down economics? gee who allowed that to happen? sorry he's dead but he was a buffoon of a president
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Post by TCO-Truth »

its sad... :cry:
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Post by index_html »

pfft, anyone remember trickle down economics? gee who allowed that to happen?
Whoever invented money? The idea that wealth builds industry, which provides public funds and job opportunity which benefits everyone when fostered is hardly an invention of Ronald Reagan. "Trickle down economics" is basically little more than brand name for a concept as old as profit statements. I think you're being a bit lazy with the baffoon routine (not to insult your proletarian sensibilities or anything, comrade).

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Post by Avder »

whuppinboy wrote:pfft, anyone remember trickle down economics? gee who allowed that to happen? sorry he's dead but he was a buffoon of a president
Here here.

Good riddence I say.
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Post by Lothar »

Some people... *sigh*
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Post by Vertigo 99 »

he had some good ideas about economics (privatizing enterprise helped the US economy greatly, despite what anyone may say), however, other aspects were far-from-good.

Anyway, ultimately, I think his economics did more harm than good - but honestly, no matter what you think about his economics, saying "good riddance" is a bit strong, ain't it?

And as an aside, I would be quite happy if i lived as long as he did, RIP.
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Post by Avder »

A bit strong? You realize that the national debt will soon be approching ten trillion right?
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Post by [DWL]Punk »

didn't RR also provide massive amounts of weapons and training (in wich they now use againts us!)to the very people we are trying to rid of today?

it's about time these dinosaurs are dying off.
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Post by Dedman »

Please try to seperate the man from his politics. I couldn't stand his political agenda, but I can still recognize that he was a great American.
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Post by Beowulf »

How disrespectful and ignorant of you. Your name seems to fit your description well.
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Post by Kyouryuu »

To the naysayers, I'd like to see you run the most powerful country on Earth flawlessly. It's easy to sit on your butt and criticize those who have in collective hindsight, calling them "buffoons," but it's another thing entirely to work in politics for change. You don't like it? Get out of your armchair and fix it. The world won't change because you say so on an Internet bulletin board.

- Reagan did triple the national debt. But, a result of this was the Soviet Union's inability to match our Star Wars program, which led to the demise of the Soviet Union and the destruction of the Berlin Wall under Gorbachev, thereby ending the Cold War. What might have been the cost have been if the Cold War persisted to this day? Would Germany have risen to become a world superpower as it is today? Would the Russians still have an itchy trigger finger? Would the schoolchildren still be conducting nuclear bomb drills?

- Reagan privatized corporations in industries that were regulated. In some instances, I see this as a bad thing. It has resulted in either corporate struggling in many cases, or corporate racketeering in others. But at the same time, this was closer to the capitalistic ideal than before and was probably lauded by economists. Reagan was staunchly anti-communist, which probably implied he was also a great believer in capitalism. In letting the invisible hand of the market work, we see now what can result when no one is paying attention, and in what industries we may have been wrong or right about privatizing.

- In Iran-Contra and other dealings in the Middle East, Reagan did finance the programs that would create the Bin Ladens of today. However, it was done under the premise that these so-called freedom fighters would work to topple the existing totalitarian governments in the region. In the case of Iran, it was also to release American hostages. This was an alternate solution to the problems in the Middle East that did not involve sending ungodly numbers of our own soldiers there (which the liberals also whine about, go figure). Unfortunately, when you give people arms, you're bound to have a few bad apples. Bin Laden happened to be a particularly rotten apple.

I'm not a Republican or a major supporter of Reagan, but come on folks. The guy died from Alzheimer's, died without knowing who his wife or that he was ever President, and led a pretty amazing life from esteemed radio DJ to movie veteran to President of the United States at the ripe old age of 69, being incredibly optimistic the entire way, and bringing attention to an incredibly destructive disease that plagues our elderly population. Despite all of the crazed paranoia in the world today, here's a President that didn't see fit to rub it constantly in our face, and instead aroused optimism and hope for the future. He deserves a little respect. The fact that you'd rather kick dirt on his gravestone and say "Good riddance!" is very telling of your quality of character.
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Post by AceCombat »

he was a good man, minus reagannomics.

sad day,........SELF EDITED.
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Post by Top Gun »

Way to pollute a thread honoring a former President :roll:.

Kyouryuu, you're right on. Thanks to Reagan, we don't have to live with that fear of nuclear armageddon. Reagan did more than any world leader to free the world from the grip of totalitarianism. For that, alone, he should be counted as one of the greatest presidents in history.
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Post by Flabby Chick »

Crappy way to go for anyone. What a life he had though. I remember him when i was younger living in the UK, him and Maggie we're both loved and ridiculed at the same time (typical english trait). Spitting Image did great sketches on him.
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Post by bash »

History will be much kinder to Ronald Reagan than his critics were/are.
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Post by Avder »

The guy entered the white house with an agenda. He completely gutted a shitload of environmental programs meant to curb our dependence on foreign oil so his rich friends could make a few more bucks, started us on the dark path down Reganomics that Bush I and Bush II have continued so said friends could make more bucks, and he gave Saddam his weapons of mass destruction because it was convenient at the time to our war with Iran.

That doesnt sound much like a great american. A great american would enter the white houre with one agenda in mind: Help The Nation.
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Post by Lothar »

That doesnt sound much like a great american. A great american would enter the white houre with one agenda in mind: Help The Nation.

The saddest thing about politics is that people on both sides think the other side is intentionally not helping the nation. Listen up, jacka$$: both sides are trying to do what they personally think is best. Reagan happened to make some decisions to help the economy supply-side. Whether or not he was correct in thinking it would help the economy is not the point; the point is that he did it with the *intent* of helping. If you want to say the man's policies didn't do what he intended them to do, go right ahead -- but don't insult the man's character because his policies might not have all worked out.

Reagan entered office with the intent of helping out the nation. Sometimes he succeeded, and sometimes he failed, and sometimes he got sidetracked and ended up helping only a small subset. But each one of us goes in to everything we do with a particular intent, and sometimes we succeed, sometimes we fail, and sometimes we get sidetracked. That's the way life works. Character is not made by success, but by the continual effort to succeed -- and that's something Reagan displayed over and over again. Don't insult a person's character because he sometimes failed -- only insult his character if he didn't try, or intentionally messed up (and if you think either of those things of Reagan, well, you are teh dumbness.)
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Post by Kyouryuu »

Vader wrote:The guy entered the white house with an agenda. He completely gutted a **** of environmental programs meant to curb our dependence on foreign oil so his rich friends could make a few more bucks
Sometimes the market shifts due to government regulation and some sectors of the economy are helped by it. Liberals whine that foreign oil is a huge reason why we are in Iraq. Yet, when we try to tap our own oil reserves, there is outcry. What do you expect the government to do to curb the oil dependence? Fuel cells will help a great deal, as well hybrids once we apply them to guzzling SUVs and pickup trucks. But the government cannot just say "Alright, we all switch to another fuel source now." These transitions take time to occur. In the interim, you need to satisfy the current need for oil.

We and the rest of the world need oil. And oil is very prolific in the Middle East. Sure we'd like to divorce ourselves from the Middle East's greatest export, but whenever we try, someone cries foul. So we go into the Middle East to foster peace so we may have allies there, but again liberals cry foul.

What's your solution, oh wizened one?
Vader wrote:tarted us on the dark path down Reganomics that Bush I and Bush II have continued so said friends could make more bucks
"Reganomics" (sic) is a buzzword. Not entirely sure what aspect of Reagan's economic policy you refer to with this broad term.
Vader wrote:and he gave Saddam his weapons of mass destruction because it was convenient at the time to our war with Iran.
Darn right it was convenient. What was the alternative? I suppose we could have ignored Iran and let violence and bloodshed increase the Middle East while we plugged our ears and pretended nothing was happening. Right. The other alternative is sending 150,000 Americans into Iran. And you would have whined about that too.
Vader wrote:That doesnt sound much like a great american. A great american would enter the white houre with one agenda in mind: Help The Nation.
And Reagan went in with the agenda of "Screw the Nation"? I'm confused.
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Post by whuppinboy »

after arnie dies y'all will be saying he was the greatest governor of california that ever lived :P

pfft, #1, you youngin's are paying for what Ronnie did to the USA in his political agenda to stay in office for 8 years and yet you still call him a great president. blow me. you and your great grandchildren will be paying for what he did.

at least Clinton tried to alleviate the debt instead of increasing it regardless if he was getting a blowjob from Lewinsky at the time or not.

actors should be restricted from running for political office because they can't be objective, they've too many strings tied to their nads to make a decision on their own.
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Post by Will Robinson »

Reagan was the right man at the right time and we're better off for it.

He was an idealistic cowboy with a romantic notion of how a President should behave and perform and also of how americans should aspire to greater things and have pride in their country and accomplishments.

He lived up to his own high standards and America soared with him instead of wallowing in the gutter accepting the lowest common denominator as a standard.

He promised three things and delivered all three, shrink government, lower taxes and defeat communism.

The source of every penny of profit I've ever made, either as an employee or as a self employed businessman, can be traced to a 'trickle down' affect alot easier than anything even resembling government spending or 'trickling up' from someone in poverty who got government assistance.

Ronald Reagan was there when we needed him, and his motives were much more pure than all those that have come after him.
God bless Ronald Reagan, if there is a heaven I bet he's there now.
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Post by Ferno »

heh. ;)
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Post by fliptw »

I think alot of people are projecting.
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Post by Top Wop »

This is a thread to commemorate the life of a great American and a President. To those changing the topic into a vicious debate about what bad this man has done dispite the much more good he has brought to this world, and being a total @**hole about it, then I hope and wish upon you bad things, because we dont need vermin like you polluting our air and taking advantage of our resources.


There are people who have differences of opinions. Then there are people who have absolutely no respect whatsoever. You people have definately showcased your true character. I honestly wonder if you say bad things about your own relatives. Shame on you people.
Getting back on topic now, RIP. He suffered for a long time and now he finally has his peace.
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Post by Gooberman »

What a dangerous time we would live in, if we all found joy in the death of those who disagreed with us.

Reagan was a bit before my time. From what I know of him he was a hardline Republican (former democrat), huge on supply side economics.

I disagree with his views, but I think America would be worse off without any like him.
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Post by whuppinboy »

Top Wop wrote:This is a thread to commemorate the life of a great American and a President. To those changing the topic into a vicious debate about what bad this man has done dispite the much more good he has brought to this world, and being a total @**hole about it, then I hope and wish upon you bad things, because we dont need vermin like you polluting our air and taking advantage of our resources.


There are people who have differences of opinions. Then there are people who have absolutely no respect whatsoever. You people have definately showcased your true character. I honestly wonder if you say bad things about your own relatives. Shame on you people.
Getting back on topic now, RIP. He suffered for a long time and now he finally has his peace.
hey top wop, ★■◆● you buddy, suck my stick so to speak, i commented on the part where people were praising his presidency not the man, those are two different things ya farkin idiot, so again, bite me blowhard.
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Post by Lothar »

Goobie wrote:What a dangerous time we would live in, if we all found joy in the death of those who disagreed with us.
*standing ovation*
zorkmidden Um feh! from littlegreenfootballs wrote:to anyone that is happy to be throwing cheap shots during this time, do the words, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall!" mean anything to you? Because they changed the course of history.
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Post by Vertigo 99 »

Vader wrote:A bit strong? You realize that the national debt will soon be approching ten trillion right?
He hasn't been ★■◆●ing president for years; why say something like "good riddance?" as if just his very presence on the planet is making the united state's economy suck more?

Yes, his economics blew pretty hard ultimately - but does that mean you should be cheering for his death, YEARS after the damage has been done? that's like saying bad politicians deserve the death penalty, and if that were the case, there wouldnt be any politicians alive today.
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Post by Avder »

Wouldnt that be a better world tho? With no politicians?
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Post by fliptw »

Vader wrote:Wouldnt that be a better world tho? With no politicians?
A question for another thread.

the mans' dead: its time to put the knives away.
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Post by Diti »

A 93y.o. man is dead. Well, he has lived a long life.
R.I.P. Mr.Reagan.

He was a "man for the folks" - simplified politics for the mass (so everyone could understand him) but we Europeans had the fear that this man could not even "let Gorbi tear down the wall" but also unleash the 3rd world war (hey..remember Genesis' "land of confusion") because he drove a very "hard line". But he was the one who initialized the end of the cold war.
So, R.I.P. Mr.Reagan.

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Post by Vertigo 99 »

Diti wrote: But he was the one who initialized the end of the cold war.
Many would argue that Gorbi was actually the one who initiated it; actually, we had quite the debate in my history class about who was responsible.

But I digress; even if Gorbi was the one who initiated it, it's not like Reagan didn't contribute heavily.
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Post by MD-2389 »

Vader wrote:
whuppinboy wrote:pfft, anyone remember trickle down economics? gee who allowed that to happen? sorry he's dead but he was a buffoon of a president
Here here.

Good riddence I say.
Didn't your momma ever teach you respect? FFS, the man is dead already. He may have not exactly done the best things while he was president, but that doesn't excuse this ★■◆●. I'm sure you think you're all big and bad sniping away at someone that can't reply back. ★■◆●ing cowards. If you're not going to show some respect, SHUT THE ★■◆● UP! Nobody's perfect ya know. He may have had a shitty presidency, but he was a decent man.

Tell you raise millions of dollars so you can run for the presidency and then lets see YOU do a better job.
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